HyperDic: esperar

Català > 13 sentits de la paraula esperar:
VERBcommunicationesperar, anticipar, demanar, requerirconsider obligatory
cognitionesperar, aguardar, anticiparlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
emotionesperar, aspirarexpect and wish
stativeesperar, romandrestay in one place and anticipate or expect something
cognitionesperar, anticipar, expectar, preveureregard something as probable or likely
emotionesperar, aspirarbe optimistic
emotionesperar, anhelar, aspirar, delejar, desitjar, sospirar perhope for
stativeesperarwait before acting
bodyesperarbe pregnant with
emotionesperarbe excited or anxious about
bodyesperarlook forward to the birth of a child
motionesperar, agafar, aspirar, saltartravel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.
cognitionesperar, aspirarintend with some possibility of fulfilment
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 1, communication
SentitConsider obligatory; request and expect.
Sinònimsanticipar, demanar, requerir
Generaldemanar, exigir, reclamarrequest urgently and forcefully
Anglèsask, require, expect
Espanyolanticipar, esperar, pedir, requerir
Nomsexigència, requisitrequired activity
expectativa, perspectivabelief about (or mental picture of) the future
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 2, cognition
Sentitlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of.
Sinònimsaguardar, anticipar
Específicesperarlook forward to the birth of a child
esperarBe excited or anxious about
Similaranticipar, esperar, expectar, preveureregard something as probable or likely
Anglèsexpect, look, await, wait
Espanyolaguardar, anticipar, contar, esperar con expectación, esperar
NomsexpectacióSomething expected (as on the basis of a norm)
expectativaAnticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 3, emotion
SentitExpect and wish.
Generalanhelar, aspirar, delejar, desitjar, esperar, sospirar perhope for
Anglèshope, trust, desire
Espanyolaspirar, confiar, esperar
NomsdesigAn inclination to want things
desigSomething that is desired
esperançagrounds for feeling hopeful about the future
esperançaThe general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
esperançaA specific instance of feeling hopeful
esperançasomeone (or something) on which expectations are centered
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 4, stative
SentitStay in one place and anticipate or expect something.
Implicat perfer cuaform a queue, form a line, stand in line
Específicamagar-se, estar amagatwait in hiding to attack
Espanyolaguardar, esperar, permanecer
NomsesperaThe act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something)
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 5, cognition
Sentitregard something as probable or likely.
Sinònimsanticipar, expectar, preveure
Específicadquirir, assumir, presumirtake to be the case or to be true
conjecturar, especular, fer hipòtesis, imaginar, suposar, teoritzarTo believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
considerar, pensarBe confident about something
creure, imaginar, opinar, pensar, suposarExpect, believe, or suppose
Generalavaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Similaraguardar, anticipar, esperarlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
Anglèsexpect, anticipate
Espanyolanticipar, esperar, prever
NomsexpectacióThe feeling that something is about to happen / happen / happen
expectativa, perspectivabelief about (or mental picture of) the future
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 6, emotion
SentitBe optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes.
Causat peralenar, animar, incentivarinspire with confidence
Generaldesitjar, volerFeel or have a desire for
Contraridesesperançar-se, desesperarabandon hope
Espanyolaspirar, esperanzar, esperar
Nomsesperançagrounds for feeling hopeful about the future
esperançaThe general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
esperançaA specific instance of feeling hopeful
esperançasomeone (or something) on which expectations are centered
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 7, emotion
Sentithope for; have a wish.
Sinònimsanhelar, aspirar, delejar, desitjar, sospirar per
Específicaspirar, esperarExpect and wish
Generaldesitjar, volerFeel or have a desire for
Espanyolanhelar, ansiar, aspirar, desear, querer
Nomsdesig, petició, voluntatAn expression of some desire or inclination
desigA specific feeling of desire
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 8, stative
Sentitwait before acting.
Específicdemorar, endarrerir, retardarAct later than planned, scheduled, or required
Generalactuar, ferPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Anglèswait, hold off, hold back
Espanyolaguardar, esperar
Nomsdemora, espera, retardamentTime during which some action is awaited
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 9, body
SentitBe pregnant with.
ImplicaconcebirBecome pregnant
Implicat pertenircarry out a pregnancy
Generaldonar a llum, entregar, parirCause to be born
Similardonar a llum, entregar, parirCause to be born
esperarlook forward to the birth of a child
Anglèshave a bun in the oven, bear, carry, gestate, expect
Espanyolaguardar, esperar
Adjectiusembarassada, gestant, prenyadaIn an advanced stage of pregnancy
Nomsembaràs, gestació, prenyatThe state of being pregnant
expectacióThe feeling that something is about to happen / happen / happen
gestació, període de gestacióThe period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans)
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 10, emotion
SentitBe excited or anxious about.
Generalaguardar, anticipar, esperarlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
Anglèsanticipate, look for, look to
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 11, body
Sentitlook forward to the birth of a child.
Generalaguardar, anticipar, esperarlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
SimilaresperarBe pregnant with
Espanyolaguardar, esperar
Adjectiusembarassada, gestant, prenyadaIn an advanced stage of pregnancy
NomsexpectativaAnticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 12, motion
Sentittravel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc..
Sinònimsagafar, aspirar, saltar
GeneralviatjarUndergo transportation as in a vehicle
Similarbotar, coixejar, saltarMove quickly from one place to another
Espanyolaspirar, esperar, pillar, saltar, subirse, tomar
Català > esperar: 13 sentits > verb 13, cognition
SentitIntend with some possibility of fulfilment.
Generalplanejar, planificarHave the will and intention to carry out some action
Anglèshope, go for
Espanyolaspirar, esperar

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