HyperDic: fer

Català > 23 sentits de la paraula fer:
VERBcreationfer, causar, confeccionar, crear, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
creationfer, compondre, confeccionar, crear, formar, preparar, produircreate or manufacture a man-made product
creationfer, compondre, confeccionar, crear, prepararmake by shaping or bringing together constituents
creationfer, articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formarmake by combining materials and parts
creationfer, crear, formar, produirbring into existence
communicationfer, causar, estimular, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocarcause to do
socialfer, actuarperform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
creationfer, crear, formarcreate by artistic means
creationfer, dur a terme, executar, interpretar, practicarcarry out or perform an action
bodyfer, actuar, comportar-se, comportar, obrar, portarbehave in a certain manner
creationfer, retallar, tallarform or shape by cutting or incising
creationfer, ocasionar, provocargive rise to
socialfer, anomenar, designar, dir, nominar, posar, proposarcharge with a function
socialferengage in
socialfer, acomplir, dur a terme, realitzarget (something) done
socialfer, dur a terme, efectuar, realitzaract so as to bring into existence
socialfer, compondre, confeccionar, crear, prepararform by assembling individuals or constituents
stativefer, confeccionar, crear, formarundergo fabrication or creation
changefer, endreçarput in order or neaten
cognitionfer, obtenirreach by calculation
bodyferbehave in a certain way
socialferemit or utter
changefer, convertir, tornarcause to become
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 1, creation
Sentitmake or cause to be or to become.
Sinònimscausar, confeccionar, crear, formar, realitzar
Específicabreujar, atallar, fer dreceracreate a short circuit in
acoblar, ajuntar, armar, collar, concentrar, congregar, muntarCreate by putting components or members together
adonar-se, advertirmake real or concrete
articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, fer, formarmake by combining materials and parts
articular, constituir, coordinar, formar, organitzarcreate (as an entity)
causar, crear, ocasionar, produir, provocarCause to happen, occur or exist
causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
començar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originarBring into being
compondre, integrar, redactarWrite music
construir, instaurarbuild or establish something abstract
copiar, recrearmake a replica of
crear, parirbring forth or yield
crear, fer, formarcreate by artistic means
derivar, eduir, provenirDevelop or evolve from a latent or potential state
destil·lar, extreureextract by the process of distillation
dirigir, encaminarGuide the actors in (plays and films)
donar estil, estilitzarmake consistent with a certain fashion or style
elaborar, fabricarmake from scratch
engendrar, generarmake children
engendrar, generarBring into existence
fer, retallar, tallarform or shape by cutting or incising
fer, ocasionar, provocargive rise to
fer la coreografiaCompose a sequence of dance steps, often to music
filmar, rodarrecord in film
implantar, instaurar, instituirAdvance or set forth in court
incorporarform a corporation
multiplicar, procrear, reproduir-se, reproduirhave offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant
prepararTo prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery
recrear, regenerarform or produce anew
recrearcreate anew
recrearcreate anew
Tambéfabricar, inventarmake up something artificial or untrue
refermake new
Anglèsmake, create
Espanyolcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizar
Nomsanimal, bèstia, criatura, faunaA living organism characterized by voluntary movement
confecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
criaturaA human being
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 2, creation
Sentitcreate or manufacture a man-made product.
Sinònimscompondre, confeccionar, crear, formar, preparar, produir
EspecíficcriarCause to procreate (animals)
editar, imprimir, publicarput into print
elaborarproduce from basic elements or sources
expulsar, treureform or shape by forcing through an opening
fondreextract (metals) by heating
generarproduce (energy)
generar, produirGive or supply
laminarcreate laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material
prefabricarproduce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally
produir, sortir, treureTo create or manufacture a specific amount
refermake new
reproduir-se, reproduirmake a copy or equivalent of
Similarcrear, fer, formarcreate by artistic means
Anglèsproduce, make, create
Espanyolconfeccionar, crear, formar, hacer, producir
Nomscasa, fabricant, firmaA business engaged in manufacturing some product
confecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
creacióThe human act of creating
creacióAn artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
creador, fabricantA person who makes things
fabricant, industrial, manufacturersomeone who manufactures something
gènere, mercaderia, mercaderies, productecommodities offered for sale
marcaA recognizable kind
producció, producteAn artifact that has been created by someone or some process
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 3, creation
Sentitmake by shaping or bringing together constituents.
Sinònimscompondre, confeccionar, crear, preparar
Específiccompilar, compondre, integrar, recopilarPut together out of existing material
compilarUse a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
construir, edificar, fabricar, manufacturarPut together out of artificial or natural components or parts
fargar, forjar, formarmake out of components (often in an improvising manner)
Generalelaborar, fabricarmake from scratch
Espanyolcomponer, confeccionar, hacer, preparar
Nomsconfecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 4, creation
Sentitmake by combining materials and parts.
Sinònimsarticular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar
Específicaixecar, alçar, construir, erigirConstruct, build, or erect
reconstruirbuild again
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Anglèsconstruct, build, make
Espanyolarticular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar, hacer, producir
Nomsconfecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
construccióThe act of constructing something
constructorsomeone who contracts for and supervises construction (as of a building)
creador, fabricantA person who makes things
marcaA recognizable kind
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 5, creation
SentitBring into existence.
Sinònimscrear, formar, produir
Específicdesenrotllar, desenvolupar, elaborarmake something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation
Espanyolcrear, formar, generar, hacer, producir
AdjectiuscreatiuPromoting construction or creation
NomsCreació(theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
concepcióThe event that occurred at the beginning of something
creacióThe human act of creating
creació, fundació, instauració, institució, introduccióThe act of starting something for the first time
creacióAn artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 6, communication
SentitCause to do; cause to act in a specified manner.
Sinònimscausar, estimular, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocar
Específicanimar, encoratjar, incentivarspur on
compel·lir, obligarForce somebody to do something
decidirCause to decide
inspirarServe as the inciting cause of
persuadirCause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action
Anglèsinduce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
Espanyolcausar, estimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Adjectiuscausatiuproducing an effect
inductiuinducing or influencing
Nomsagent causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
al·licient, estímul, incentiuA positive motivational influence
causa, motiu, raóA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalitatThe act of causing something to happen / happen
desencadenament, inducció, iniciacióAn act that sets in motion some course of events
estimulant, estímul, input, suggestióAny stimulating information or event
induccióAct of bringing about a desired result
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 7, social
SentitPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action).
Causat percoaccionar, forçar, obligarTo cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
compel·lir, obligarForce somebody to do something
dirigirBe in charge of
incitarProvoke or stir ... / stir up
Específicabalançar-se, accelerar-se, afanyar-se, apressar-se, apressar, atropellar, cuitar, donar-se pressa, llençar-se, precipitar-seAct or move at high speed
abordar, encarar, enfrontar-se, fer front a, plantar cara a, resistir, sortir-se'n, suportar, tramitarCome to terms with
abordar, encarar, tramitarTake action with respect to (someone or something)
abordar, encararBegin to deal with
acabar, finalitzarfinally be or do something
acompanyaract as a partner
acudir, adreçar-se, anar-se'n, dirigir-se, fer cap, marxar, venirFollow a procedure or take a course
alternar, anar canviantDo something in turns
anticipar-se, anticiparAct in advance of
atrevir-se, gosarTo be courageous enough to try or do something
buscar, intentarmake an effort or attempt
captenir-se, comportar-se, conduir-se, exiliar, portar-seBehave in a certain manner
començar, estrenar, iniciar, originarBegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
cometre, perpetrarPerform an act, usually with a negative connotation
contestar, reaccionar, respondreshow a response or a reaction to something
continuar, guardar, prosseguir, seguirContinue a certain state, condition, or activity
continuar, seguirContinue after an interruption / interruption
continuar, seguirDo something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop
contrarestaract in opposition to
correspondreAct, feel, or give mutually or in return
cortejar, estar promès, fer la cort, festejar, galantejar, sortirmake amorous advances towards
crearpursue a creative activity
destorbar, interrompre, molestarDestroy the peace or tranquility of
dur a terme, efectuar, fer, realitzaract so as to bring into existence
escapolir-se, esquitllar-seput, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner
esforçar-semake a great effort at a mental or physical task
esglaiar, espantar, meravellar, sobtar, sorprendrecome upon or take unawares
esperarwait before acting
interaccionar, interactuar, relacionar-seAct together or towards others or with others
intervenir, participarShare in something
maniobrarAct in order to achieve a certain goal / goal
oferir-seagree / agree freely
perseguir, prosseguircarry out or participate in an activity
premiar, recompensarAct or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
processarConduct a prosecution in a court of law
recalcar, reiterar, repetirDo over
Tambéinfluenciar, influirHave and exert influence or effect
Contrariabstenir-se, refrenar-seResist doing something
Anglèsact, move
Espanyolactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrar
Nomsacció, acte, fetSomething done (usually as opposed to something said)
acció, activitatThe state of being active
acció humana, acció, acte, activitat humanaSomething that people do or cause to happen
pasThe act of deciding to do something
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 8, creation
Sentitcreate by artistic means.
Sinònimscrear, formar
Específicconfeccionar, crear, formarcreate or design, often in a certain way
dissenyarcreate the design for
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Similarcompondre, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, preparar, produircreate or manufacture a man-made product
Anglèscreate, make
Espanyolcrear, formar, hacer, producir
AdjectiuscreatiuHaving the ability or power to create
creatiuPromoting construction or creation
NomsconcepcióThe event that occurred at the beginning of something
confecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 9, creation
Sentitcarry out or perform an action.
Sinònimsdur a terme, executar, interpretar, practicar
Implicat perelegir, escollir, triarselect to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet
Específicassajar, practicarEngage in a rehearsal (of)
declamar, recitarrecite in elocution
dirigir, encaminarLead, as in the performance of a composition
improvisarPerform without preparation
interpretar, traduirGive an interpretation or rendition / rendition of
protagonitzarBe the star in a performance
Anglèsperform, execute, do
Espanyolejecutar, hacer, interpretar, llevar a cabo, practicar
Nomsactuació, compliment, execució, realitzacióThe act of performing
factor, faedorA person who acts and gets things done
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 10, body
SentitBehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself.
Sinònimsactuar, comportar-se, comportar, obrar, portar
EspecíficbromejarAct in a funny or teasing way
faronejarAct in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
ferBehave in a certain way
fer-seact in a certain way so as to acquire
fer veure, portar-se, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
idealitzarAct in a romantic / romantic way
jugarEngage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously
potinejarspoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
Similaractuar, dissimularBehave unnaturally or affectedly
fer veure, portar-se, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
Anglèsact, behave, do
Espanyolactuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, hacer, obrar, portarse, portar
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 11, creation
Sentitform or shape by cutting or incising.
Sinònimsretallar, tallar
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Espanyolcortar, hacer, recortar
Nomstallada, tallThe act of shortening something by chopping off the ends
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 12, creation
Sentitgive rise to; cause to happen / happen / happen or occur, not always intentionally.
Sinònimsocasionar, provocar
Específiccausar, efectuar, ocasionar, produir, provocarproduce
causar, provocarEvoke or provoke to appear or occur
determinar, forjar, formar-se, influenciar, influir, regularitzar-seshape or influence
donar començament, emprendre, incoar, iniciar, innovar, originar, prendre la iniciativaTake the lead or initiative in
engendrarCall forth
impulsarurge or force (a person) to an action
incitar, instigar, motivarGive an incentive for action / action
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Anglèscause, do, make
Espanyolcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Adjectiuscausatiuproducing an effect
Nomsagent causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
causa, motiu, raóA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalitatThe act of causing something to happen / happen
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 13, social
SentitCharge with a function; charge to be.
Sinònimsanomenar, designar, dir, nominar, posar, proposar
Generalacusar, anomenar, designar, nomenarAssign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
Anglèsname, nominate, make
Espanyoldesignar, nominar
Adjectiusnomenatappointed by nomination
Nomsassignació, designació, nomenamentThe act of putting a person into a non-elective position
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 14, social
SentitEngage in.
Específicexagerar, passar-seDo something to an excessive degree
Anglèsmake, do
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 15, social
SentitGet (something) done.
Sinònimsacomplir, dur a terme, realitzar
Específicespatllar-hoDo wrongly or improperly
exercirapply oneself diligently
fer el màxim que es pot, fer el millor que es potPerform a task as well as possible
Generalcompletar, complir, executar, portar a termeput in effect
Anglèsdo, perform
Espanyolcumplir, hacer, realizar
Nomsfactor, faedorA person who acts and gets things done
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 16, social
Sentitact so as to bring into existence.
Sinònimsdur a terme, efectuar, realitzar
Específicposar una data enderrarida amake effective from an earlier date
Generalactuar, ferPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Espanyolefectuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, realizar
Nomsconseqüència, efecte, resultatA phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 17, social
Sentitform by assembling individuals or constituents.
Sinònimscompondre, confeccionar, crear, preparar
Generalagrupar-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, amuntegar-se, amuntegar, concentrar, congregar-se, congregar, juntar-se, reunir-se, reunirget people together
Espanyolcomponer, confeccionar, crear, hacer, reunir
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 18, stative
SentitUndergo fabrication or creation.
Sinònimsconfeccionar, crear, formar
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Espanyolconfeccionar, crear, formar, hacer
Nomsconfecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparacióThe act that results in something coming to be
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 19, change
Sentitput in order or neaten.
Generalagençar, arranjar, arreglar, endreçar, netejarput (things or places) in order
Similarconfeccionar, crear, formarGather and light the materials for
Anglèsmake, make up
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 20, cognition
Sentitreach by calculation.
Implicacalcular, computarmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 21, body
SentitBehave in a certain way.
Generalactuar, comportar-se, comportar, fer, obrar, portarBehave in a certain manner
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 22, social
Sentitemit or utter.
Generalemetre sonsExpress audibly
Català > fer: 23 sentits > verb 23, change
SentitCause to become.
Sinònimsconvertir, tornar
Generalconvertir, tornarGive certain properties to something

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