Sentit | put into a proper or systematic order. |
Sinònims | agençar, arreglar, col·locar, disposar, organitzar, planificar |
Específic | acumular, agarberar, amuntegar, apilar, apilonar | Arrange in stacks |
adornar, decorar | Provide with decoration |
adreçar-se, adreçar, aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, dreçar-se, dreçar, redreçar-se, redreçar | make straight or straighter |
agarberar, amuntegar-se, amuntegar, apilar, apilonar | To arrange in a systematic order |
alfabetitzar | arrange in alphabetical order |
alinear | form a line |
cobrir, vestir | place casually |
compactar, empacar, empaquetar, feixar | compress into a wad |
coordinar, organitzar | Bring order and organization to |
encastar, muntar, posar | Fix in a border |
enfilar | thread on or as if on a string |
entapissar | Arrange in a particular way |
estratificar | form layers or strata |
ordenar | Bring order to or into |
ordenar | place in a certain order |
regularitzar | make regular or more regular |
reordenar, reorganitzar | put into a new order or arrangement / arrangement / arrangement |
seriar | arrange serially |
General | depositar, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
També | depositar, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
Contrari | desarranjar, desarreglar, descompondre | Destroy the arrangement / arrangement or order of |
Anglès | arrange, set up |
Espanyol | arreglar, colocar, disponer |
Noms | organitzador | A person who brings order and organization to an enterprise / enterprise |