Sentido | Put into a certain place or abstract location. |
Sinónimos | dejar, depositar, poner, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar |
Específico | acariciar | Position comfortably |
acostar, colocar, poner, tumbar | put in a horizontal position |
adjuntar, aponer | place side by side or in close proximity |
aguantar, levantar, poner de pie, ponerse de pie, poner | put into an upright position |
aparcar, estacionar | place temporarily |
apoyar, descansar, reposar | rest on or as if on a pillow |
apoyarse, apoyar, reclinar, recostar | Cause to lean or incline |
arreglar, colocar, disponer | put into a proper or systematic order |
asentar | Fix firmly |
asentarse, posarse, sentarse, sentar | show to a seat / seat / seat |
atestar | put something somewhere so that the space is completely filled |
centrar | put in the middle / middle |
colocar, plantar, poner | put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground |
colocar | Cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place |
colocar | Place or put in a particular order |
colocar, posicionar, situar | Cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation |
depositar, situar, ubicar | put (something somewhere) firmly |
depositar | Settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground |
descansar, reposar | put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying |
devolver, reponer | put something back where it belongs |
embarrilar, entonelar | put in barrels / barrels |
embotellar | put into bottles |
espaciar | place at intervals |
estratificar | form, arrange, or deposit in layers |
glicerolizar | place in glycerol |
imbricar | place so as to overlap |
incluír, insertar, introducir, meter, poner | introduce |
instalar | Set up for use |
intercalar | place at intervals in or among |
paralelar | place parallel to one another |
plantar | place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe / observe or deceive |
resituar | place into another position |
sembrar | place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth |
señalizar | place signs, as along a road |
sobreponer, superponer | place on top of |
tirar | place or put with great energy |
tirar | To put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly |
yuxtaponer | place side by side |
General | desplazar, mover, trasladar | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
También | acorralar, atrapar, entrampar, pillar, tender una trampa | Take or catch as if in a snare or trap |
acostar, colocar, poner, tumbar | put in a horizontal position |
alzar, construir, edificar, erigir, levantar | Construct, build, or erect |
amañar | Arrange the outcome of by means of deceit |
aplazar, demorar, posponer, postergar, retrasar | hold back to a later time |
aplicar | apply to a surface |
apostar, colocar, fijar, oponer, situar | Place so as to be noticed |
apresar, aprisionar, encarcelar | lock up or confine, in or as in a jail |
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montar | Create by putting components or members together |
arreglar, colocar, disponer | put into a proper or systematic order |
aterrizar | Cause to come to the ground |
comunicar, informar, transmitir | transmit information |
dejar, descargar | Leave or unload |
desembarcar | Go ashore |
devolver, reponer | put something back where it belongs |
disponer | Lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line |
Inglés | put, set, place, pose, position, lay |
Catalán | depositar, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar |
Nombres | blanco, espacio en blanco | A blank area |
colocación, emplazamiento, lugar, posicionamiento, posición, situación, ubicación | The act of putting something in a certain place |
colocación | The spatial property of the way in which something is placed |
lugar, paraje, punto, sitio | A point located with respect to surface features of some region |
lugar, posición, puesto, sitio | The particular portion of space occupied by something |
posicionador | (computer science) the actuator that moves a read/write head to the proper data track |