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Español 12 sentidos de la palabra entrenar:
VERBOsocialentrenar, ejercer, llevar a cabo, practicarcarry out or practice
competitionentrenar, apuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educarpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
cognitionentrenar, adiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, formar, industriar, prepararcreate by training and teaching
socialentrenardevelop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice
socialentrenar, capacitar, educar, preparareducate for a future role or function
communicationentrenar, prepararteach and supervise (someone)
bodyentrenar, ejercitarse, ejercitar, trabajardo physical exercise
changeentrenar, controlar, domar, domesticarmake submissive, obedient, or useful
bodyentrenarexercise in order to prepare for an event or competition
bodyentrenargive a workout to
creationentrenarpractice playing (a sport)
cognitionentrenar, machacar, reiterarteach by drills and repetition
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 1, social
Sentidocarry out or practice; as of jobs and professions.
Sinónimosejercer, llevar a cabo, practicar
Implicaelaborar, trabajarBe employed
Ingléspractice, practise, exercise, do
Catalándur a cap, dur a terme, entrenar, exercir, practicar
Nombresempleo, uso, utilizaciónThe act of using
prácticaThe exercise of a profession
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 2, competition
SentidoPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards.
Sinónimosapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar
Implicado porpegarhit the intended target or goal
Específicoapuntar, dirigirIntend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal
apuntardirect into a position for use
apuntaraim, point, or direct
apuntaraim with a gun
dirigirdirect at someone
dirigiraim at
vertake aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
Generalcolocar, posicionar, situarCause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
Inglésaim, take, train, take aim, direct
Catalánapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenar
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 3, cognition
Sentidocreate by training and teaching.
Sinónimosadiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, formar, industriar, preparar
Específicoinstruirtrain in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons
Generaladiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruirImpart skills or knowledge to
Similarcapacitar, educar, entrenar, prepararEducate for a future role or function
desarrollarchange the use of and make available or usable
entrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Ingléstrain, develop, prepare, educate
Cataláncapacitar, educar, ensinistrar, entrenar, formar, instruir
AdjetivoeducativoResulting in education
preliminar, preparatoriopreceding and preparing for something
Nombresamaestrador, entrenadora, entrenador, preparadorOne who trains other persons or animals
aprendizsomeone who is being trained
didáctica, educación, enseñanza, instrucción, pedagogíaThe activities of educating / educating or instructing
educaciónThe profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university / university)
educación, formación, instrucciónknowledge acquired by learning and instruction
educaciónThe gradual process of acquiring knowledge
enseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 4, social
SentidoDevelop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control.
Generaldesarrollar, elaborarCause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development
Similarcapacitar, educar, entrenar, prepararEducate for a future role or function
Inglésdiscipline, train, check, condition
Nombresaprendizsomeone who is being trained
disciplinaA system of rules of conduct or method of practice
frenoThe act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
preparador físicoA trainer of athletes
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 5, social
SentidoEducate for a future role or function.
Sinónimoscapacitar, educar, preparar
Específicoadecuar, capacitar, cualificarmake fit or prepared
GeneraleducarGive an education to
Similaradiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, prepararcreate by training and teaching
entrenarDevelop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice
entrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Inglésprepare, groom, train
Cataláncapacitar, educar, entrenar, preparar
Adjetivopreliminar, preparatoriopreceding and preparing for something
Nombresamaestrador, entrenadora, entrenador, preparadorOne who trains other persons or animals
aprendizsomeone who is being trained
enseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 6, communication
Sentidoteach and supervise (someone) ; act as a trainer or coach (to) , as in sports.
Generaladiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruirImpart skills or knowledge to
SimilarentrenarExercise in order to prepare for an event or competition
Ingléscoach, train
Nombresadiestrador, director, entrenadora, entrenador, gerente, instructor, míster, seleccionador, técnico(sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
amaestrador, entrenadora, entrenador, preparadorOne who trains other persons or animals
coaching, entrenamiento, entrenarmiento, trabajo de entrenamientoThe job of a professional coach
enseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 7, body
SentidoDo physical exercise.
Sinónimosejercitarse, ejercitar, trabajar
Implicamoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Causado porentrenarGive a workout to
Específicocalentarmake one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity
desentumecer, distender, estirarse, estirar, fortalecer, hacer ejercicio, tonificarGive a healthy elasticity to
entrenarExercise in order to prepare for an event or competition
levantar pesasLift weights
SimilarentrenarGive a workout to
Inglésexercise, work out
Catalánentrenar, exercitar, treballar
Nombresaparato de gimnasia, aparato gimnásticosports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
ejercicio, entrenamientoThe activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 8, change
Sentidomake submissive, obedient, or useful.
Sinónimoscontrolar, domar, domesticar
Generalamansar, contener, domar, domeñar, dominar, someterOvercome the wildness of
Inglésbreak in, break
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 9, body
SentidoExercise in order to prepare for an event or competition.
Generalejercitarse, ejercitar, entrenar, trabajarDo physical exercise
Similarentrenar, prepararteach and supervise (someone)
Nombresenseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 10, body
SentidoGive a workout to.
Causa deejercitarse, ejercitar, entrenar, trabajarDo physical exercise
EspecíficoprecalentarCause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles
Similarejercitarse, ejercitar, entrenar, trabajarDo physical exercise
Inglésexercise, work, work out
Nombresaparato de gimnasia, aparato gimnásticosports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
ejercicio, entrenamientoThe activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 11, creation
Sentidopractice playing (a sport) .
Generalensayar, practicarEngage in a rehearsal (of)
Españolentrenar: 12 sentidos verbo 12, cognition
Sentidoteach by drills and repetition.
Sinónimosmachacar, reiterar
Generalejercitarteach by repetition
Tambiéndirigir, forzarForce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
Ingléshammer in, drill in, ram down, beat in
Catalánaixafar, clavar

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