HyperDic: capacitar

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra capacitar:
VERBOchangecapacitar, habilitar, posibilitarrender capable or able for some task
competitioncapacitar, apuntar, aspirar, dirigir, educar, entrenarpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
cognitioncapacitar, adiestrar, amaestrar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, prepararcreate by training and teaching
socialcapacitar, educar, entrenar, preparareducate for a future role or function
changecapacitar, adecuar, cualificarmake fit or prepared
communicationcapacitar, cualificar, habilitarpronounce fit or able
cognitioncapacitar, reentrenartrain again
changecapacitarmake capable
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 1, change
SentidoRender capable or able for some task.
Sinónimoshabilitar, posibilitar
Específicodotar, equiparProvide with abilities or understanding
dotar, invertir, investirGive qualities or abilities to
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Contrarioimposibilitar, incapacitarmake unable to perform a certain action
Cataláncapacitar, habilitar
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 2, competition
SentidoPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards.
Sinónimosapuntar, aspirar, dirigir, educar, entrenar
Implicado porpegarhit the intended target or goal
Específicoapuntar, dirigirIntend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal
apuntardirect into a position for use
apuntaraim, point, or direct
apuntaraim with a gun
dirigirdirect at someone
dirigiraim at
vertake aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
Generalcolocar, posicionar, situarCause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
Inglésaim, take, train, take aim, direct
Catalánapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenar
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
Sentidocreate by training and teaching.
Sinónimosadiestrar, amaestrar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, preparar
Específicoinstruirtrain in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons
Generaladiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruirImpart skills or knowledge to
Similarcapacitar, educar, entrenar, prepararEducate for a future role or function
desarrollarchange the use of and make available or usable
entrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Ingléstrain, develop, prepare, educate
Cataláncapacitar, educar, ensinistrar, entrenar, formar, instruir
AdjetivoeducativoResulting in education
preliminar, preparatoriopreceding and preparing for something
Nombresamaestrador, entrenadora, entrenador, preparadorOne who trains other persons or animals
aprendizsomeone who is being trained
didáctica, educación, enseñanza, instrucción, pedagogíaThe activities of educating / educating or instructing
educaciónThe profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university / university)
educación, formación, instrucciónknowledge acquired by learning and instruction
educaciónThe gradual process of acquiring knowledge
enseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 4, social
SentidoEducate for a future role or function.
Sinónimoseducar, entrenar, preparar
Específicoadecuar, capacitar, cualificarmake fit or prepared
GeneraleducarGive an education to
Similaradiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, prepararcreate by training and teaching
entrenarDevelop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice
entrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Inglésprepare, groom, train
Cataláncapacitar, educar, entrenar, preparar
Adjetivopreliminar, preparatoriopreceding and preparing for something
Nombresamaestrador, entrenadora, entrenador, preparadorOne who trains other persons or animals
aprendizsomeone who is being trained
enseñanza, entrenamiento, formación, preparaciónActivity leading to skilled behavior
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 5, change
Sentidomake fit or prepared.
Sinónimosadecuar, cualificar
Específicocapacitarmake capable
habilitarQualify for teaching / teaching at a university in Europe
Generalcapacitar, educar, entrenar, prepararEducate for a future role or function
Contrariodesajustar, descalificar, incapacitar, indisponer, inhabilitarmake unfit or unsuitable
Inglésqualify, dispose
Catalánfer apropiat, qualificar
Nombrescalibre, cualidad, embergaduraA degree or grade of excellence / excellence or worth
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidopronounce fit or able.
Sinónimoscualificar, habilitar
Generaldeclarar, designar, juzgar, pronunciarpronounce judgment on
Contrariodescalificar, descualificardeclare unfit
Cataláncapacitar, habilitar
Nombrescalibre, cualidad, embergaduraA degree or grade of excellence / excellence or worth
calificación, cualificaciónAn attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidotrain again.
Generalentrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Español > capacitar: 8 sentidos > verbo 8, change
Sentidomake capable.
Generaladecuar, capacitar, cualificarmake fit or prepared

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