Español > aprender: 7 sentidos > verbo 1, communicationSentido | Impart skills or knowledge to. |
Sinónimos | adiestrar, aleccionar, educar, enseñar, instruir |
Causa de | adquirir, aprender, instruirse | gain knowledge or skills |
Específico | aclarar, explicar, iluminar, ilustrar | make understand |
adiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, preparar | create by training and teaching |
adoctrinar, indoctrinar | teach doctrines to |
catequizar | Give religious instructions to |
condicionar | Establish a conditioned response |
conferenciar, dialogar, hablar, perorar | deliver a lecture / lecture or talk |
ejercitar | teach by repetition |
entrenar, preparar | teach and supervise (someone) |
iniciar | introduce or initiate |
reforzar | strengthen and support with rewards |
tutelar | Be a tutor to someone |
General | advertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Inglés | teach, learn, instruct |
Catalán | ensenyar, informar, instruir |
Adjetivo | dócil, educable | Ready and willing to be taught |
informativo, instructivo | Serving to instruct or enlighten or inform |
Nombres | didáctica, educación, enseñanza, instrucción, pedagogía | The activities of educating / educating or instructing |
instructor, maestra, maestro, monitor, profesora, profesor | A person whose occupation is teaching |
maestro | A personified abstraction that teaches / teaches |
Español > aprender: 7 sentidos > verbo 4, communicationSentido | Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort. |
Sinónimos | averiguar, decidir, determinar, establecer, mirar, ver |
Específico | testear | Determine the presence or properties of (a substance) |
Similar | asegurarse, asegurar, comprobar, controlar, ver | Be careful or certain to do something |
decidir, descubrir, determinar, encontrar | Establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study |
Inglés | determine, check, find out, see, ascertain, watch, learn |
Catalán | aprendre, decidir, determinar, esbrinar, mirar, trobar, veure |
Adjetivo | averiguable, comprobable, descubrible | capable of being ascertained or found out |
Nombres | determinación, hallazgo | The act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation |
Español > aprender: 7 sentidos > verbo 5, cognitionSentido | Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally. |
Sinónimos | averiguar, descubrir, enterarse, enterar, oír, ver |
Específico | aprender, enterarse | get wise to |
atrapar, pescar | detect a blunder or misstep |
averiguar, descubrir, esclarecer, establecer | Learn or discover with certainty |
averigüar, descubrir, encontrar | make a discovery |
También | arrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntar | look for and gather |
averigüar, descubrir, encontrar | make a discovery |
Similar | atestiguar, presenciar, ver | perceive or be contemporaneous with |
Inglés | learn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, discover, see |
Catalán | aprendre, assabentar-se, assabentar, descobrir, veure |
Nombres | descubrimiento, hallazgo | The act of discovering something |
descubrimiento, hallazgo | A productive insight |
descubrimiento, hallazgo | Something that is discovered |