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Español 9 sentidos de la palabra absorber:
VERBOcontactabsorbertake in, also metaphorically
contactabsorberbecome imbued
changeabsorber, bañar, empapar, lavar, mojar, remojarcover with liquid / liquid
weatherabsorber, absorver, recibir, tomar para sísuck or take up or in
cognitionabsorber, atraer, ocuparconsume all of one's attention or time
cognitionabsorber, asimilar, digerir, empapartake up mentally
consumptionabsorber, chupar, sorbertake up as if with a sponge
changeabsorbercause to become one with
possessionabsorber, asumir, hacerse cargotake up, as of debts or payments
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 1, contact
Sentidotake in, also metaphorically.
Específicoenjugar, fregar, trapearTo wash or wipe with or as if with a mop
Tambiénatraerdirect toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
Inglésabsorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, draw, take in, take up
Nombresabsorbedor, absorbente, absorbente nuclear(physics) material in a nuclear reactor that absorbs radiation
absorción(chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another
bebedorA person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
berzotas, bobo, cabeza de turco, cipote, estúpido, gaviota, idiota, imbécil, mameluco, panoli, primo, tontoA person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
succiónThe act of sucking / sucking
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 2, contact
SentidoBecome imbued.
CategoríaquímicaThe science of matter
EspecíficoembeberTake (gas, light or heat) into a solution
resorberUndergo resorption
AdjetivoabsorbenteHaving power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids / liquids or energy etc.)
Nombresabsorbedor, absorbente, absorbente nuclear(physics) material in a nuclear reactor that absorbs radiation
absorbente, material absorbenteA material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance
absorción(chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 3, change
SentidoCover with liquid / liquid; pour liquid / liquid onto.
Sinónimosbañar, empapar, lavar, mojar, remojar
Específicobañar en salmuera, conservar en salmuera, salarsoak in brine
embarrar, pringarmake wet and dirty, as from rain
regarirrigate with water from a sluice
Generalhumedecer, mojarCause to become wet
Inglésdrench, douse, dowse, soak, sop, souse
Catalánabsorbir, mullar, remullar, rentar, xopar
Nombresaguacero, chaparrada, chaparrón, chubasco, diluvio, nubada, pelter, torrente, turbiónA heavy rain
remojo, remojónThe act of making something completely wet
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 4, weather
Sentidosuck or take up or in.
Sinónimosabsorver, recibir, tomar para sí
Específicochupar, tragarattract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.
Contrariodespedir, emitirgive off, send forth, or discharge
Inglésabsorb, take in
Catalánabsorbir, rebre
AdjetivoabsorbenteHaving power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids / liquids or energy etc.)
absorbiblecapable of being absorbed or taken ... / taken in through the pores of a surface
Nombresabsorción(physics) the process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission on passing through a medium
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 5, cognition
SentidoConsume all of one's attention or time.
Sinónimosatraer, ocupar
Específicoagotar, consumirEngage fully
Generalaficionar, interesarse, interesarexcite the curiosity of
Inglésabsorb, engross, engage, occupy
Catalánabsorbir, atraure, atreure, ocupar
Nombresconcentracióncomplete attention
empleo, empresa, ocupación, profesión, trabajoThe principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
inquietud, intranquilidad, preocupaciónThe mental state of being preoccupied by something
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 6, cognition
Sentidotake up mentally.
Sinónimosasimilar, digerir, empapar
Generaladquirir, aprender, instruirsegain knowledge or skills
Inglésabsorb, assimilate, ingest, take in
Nombresaculturación, asimilaciónThe process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
aprendiz, estudiantesomeone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs
asimilaciónIn the theories of Jean Piaget
asimilaciónThe social process of absorbing one cultural / cultural group into harmony with another
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 7, consumption
Sentidotake up as if with a sponge.
Sinónimoschupar, sorber
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Tambiénchuparse, chuparDraw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth
comer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Ingléstake in, sop up, suck in, take up
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 8, change
SentidoCause to become one with.
Generalcombinar, conjugar, fundir, fusionar, mezclarmix together different elements
Españolabsorber: 9 sentidos verbo 9, possession
Sentidotake up, as of debts or payments.
Sinónimosasumir, hacerse cargo
Generalconsolidar, pagarFurnish money for
Tambiénaceptar, querer, tomarReceive willingly something given or offered
Inglésabsorb, take over

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