HyperDic: consolidar

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra consolidar:
VERBOchangeconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarmake strong or stronger
possessionconsolidar, pagarfurnish money for
changeconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarse, reforzar, robustecergain strength
changeconsolidarbring together into a single whole or system
changeconsolidarform into a solid mass or whole
changeconsolidarmake firm or secure
changeconsolidar, fusionarmake or form into a solid or hardened mass
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidomake strong or stronger.
Sinónimosfortalecer, reforzar
Causa deconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarse, reforzar, robustecergain strength
Específicoafianzar, estabilizarsupport or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace / brace
apuntalan la, asegurarmake secure underneath
apuntalarmake stronger or defensible
asegurar con tablas, asegurar, atrancar, entablillar, listonarFurnish with battens
atrancarSecure with battens
reafirmarmake more firm
refortalecermake strong again
reforzarmake stronger
vitalizarmake more lively or vigorous
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Contrarioablandar, atenuar, debilitar, flaquear, reblandecerlessen the strength of
Inglésstrengthen, beef up, fortify
Catalánconsolidar, enfortir, reforçar
Nombresenfortalecimiento, fortalecimiento, refuerzoThe act of increasing the strength of something
fortificaciónThe addition of an ingredient for the purpose of enrichment (as the addition of alcohol to wine or the addition of vitamins to food)
fortificaciónThe art or science of strengthening defenses
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 2, possession
SentidoFurnish money for.
ImplicafinanciarObtain or provide money for
Específicoabsorber, asumir, hacerse cargotake up, as of debts or payments
Generalcubrir, respaldarsupport materially or financially
Tambiénabonar, cancelar, pagar, retribuirGive money, usually in exchange for goods or services
Nombrescapital, fondo monetario, fondoA reserve of money set aside for some purpose
financiación, financiamientoThe act of financing
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 3, change
Sentidogain strength.
Sinónimosfortalecer, reforzarse, reforzar, robustecer
Causado porconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarmake strong or stronger
Específicoconsolidarmake firm or secure
endurecer, fortalecermake tough / tough / tough / tough or tougher / tougher / tougher / tougher
hacer resistente, impermeabilizarmake resistant (to harm)
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Contrariodebilitarse, debilitar, flaquearBecome weaker
Catalánconsolidar, enfortir, fortificar, reforçar
NombresfortalecimientoBecoming stronger
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 4, change
Sentidobring together into a single whole or system.
Generalcohesionar, fusionar, mezclar, unificar, unirjoin or combine
Adjetivoconsolidador, integradortending to consolidate
consolidador, unificadorcombining into a single unit
Nombresconsolidación, integraciónThe act of combining into an integral whole / whole
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 5, change
Sentidoform into a solid mass or whole.
Generalsolidificarse, solidificarBecome solid
Nombresconsolidacióncombining into a solid mass
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 6, change
Sentidomake firm or secure; strengthen.
Generalconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarse, reforzar, robustecergain strength
Español > consolidar: 7 sentidos > verbo 7, change
Sentidomake or form into a solid or hardened mass.
Generalsolidificarmake solid or more solid
Catalánconsolidar, fusionar
Nombresconsolidacióncombining into a solid mass

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