HyperDic: examinar

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra examinar:
VERBOcognitionexaminar, analizar, estudiar, explorar, inspeccionarconsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning
perceptionexaminar, buscar, escudriñar, mirar, registrar, sondear buscandosearch or seek
socialexaminar, demostrar, ensayar, probar, testear, tratarput to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to
cognitionexaminar, auditar, controlar, escrutar, escudriñar, inspeccionar, registrarexamine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
perceptionexaminar, analizar, explorar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, verobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
cognitionexaminar, explorar, leer, recuperarobtain data from magnetic tapes
communicationexaminar, analizar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
cognitionexaminar, estudiarse, estudiarlearn by reading books
socialexaminar, comprobar, constatar, controlar, investigar, verificarmake an examination or investigation
cognitionexaminar, aprender, estudiarbe a student of a certain subject
communicationexaminarquestion closely
communicationexaminar, criticar, repasar, revisarappraise critically
communicationexaminar, explorar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondarquestion or examine thoroughly and closely
contactexaminarexamine physically with or as if with a probe
consumptionexaminar, repasarapply thoroughly
perceptionexaminarexamine carefully
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
SentidoConsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning.
Sinónimosanalizar, estudiar, explorar, inspeccionar
Específicoanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
aquilatar, ensayaranalyze (chemical substances)
auditar, controlar, escrutar, escudriñar, examinar, inspeccionar, registrarExamine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
comparar, cotejarExamine and note the similarities or differences of
comprobar, repasar, revisarexamine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
diagnosticarsubject to a medical analysis
diagnosticarDetermine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
mirar, verlook at carefully
reexaminar, revisarlook at again
trazarFollow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something
Inglésanalyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass
Catalánanalitzar, estudiar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionar
Nombresanalistasomeone who is skilled at analyzing data
analizadorAn instrument / instrument that performs analyses
análisis, pensamiento analíticoThe abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
estudioA detailed critical inspection
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 2, perception
SentidoSearch or seek.
Sinónimosbuscar, escudriñar, mirar, registrar, sondear buscando
Implicado porhacer salirGet or find by searching
Específicofisgonear, husmear, olfatearSearch or inquire in a meddlesome way
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, verobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
Ingléssearch, look
Catalánbuscar, cercar, escorcollar, mirar, perquirir, registrar
Nombresbusca, búsqueda, cacheoThe activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
buscador, investigador, questersomeone making a search / search / search / search / search or inquiry
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 3, social
Sentidoput to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to.
Sinónimosdemostrar, ensayar, probar, testear, tratar
Específicocomprobar, controlar, verificarCheck or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Tambiénbuscar, ensayar, intentar, pretender, probar, tratarmake an effort or attempt
Ingléstest, prove, try, try out, examine, essay
Catalándemostrar, provar
Nombresensayo, pruebatrying something to find out about it
examen, pruebaThe act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know / know or have learned
examen, prueba, testThe act of undergoing testing
examen, prueba, testA set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge
examinadorsomeone who administers a test to determine your qualifications
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 4, cognition
SentidoExamine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification.
Sinónimosauditar, controlar, escrutar, escudriñar, inspeccionar, registrar
Generalanalizar, estudiar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionarConsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning
Inglésaudit, scrutinize, scrutinise, inspect
Catalánauditar, escrutar, inspeccionar, registrar
Nombresanálisis, control, escrutinio, examen, examinación, inspección, investigaciónThe act of examining something closely (as for mistakes / mistakes)
auditorA qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records / records and practices of a business or other organization
auditoría, revisión de cuentasAn inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
escrutador, escudriñadorA careful examiner
escrutinioA prolonged intense look
examinadora, examinador, inspectora, inspectorAn investigator who observes / observes carefully
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 5, perception
Sentidoobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect.
Sinónimosanalizar, explorar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, ver
Implicacontemplar, mirar, observar, verperceive with attention
EspecíficoauscultarExamine by auscultation
buscar, registrarsubject to a search
buscar, escudriñar, examinar, mirar, registrar, sondear buscandoSearch or seek
comprobar, constatar, controlar, examinar, investigar, verificarmake an examination or investigation
escandir, escanear, escrutarExamine minutely or intensely
escrutar, escudriñarTo look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
escudriñar, explorar, hurgarExamine hastily
inspeccionar, registrarlook over carefully
radiografiarExamine by taking x-rays
sondar, sondearLook over carefully or inspect
Inglésexamine, see
Catalánexaminar, explorar, inspeccionar, interrogar, reconèixer
Nombresanálisis, control, escrutinio, examen, examinación, inspección, investigaciónThe act of examining something closely (as for mistakes / mistakes)
examinadora, examinador, inspectora, inspectorAn investigator who observes / observes carefully
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 6, cognition
SentidoObtain data from magnetic tapes.
Sinónimosexplorar, leer, recuperar
Específicomalinterpretarread or interpret wrongly
Generalconstruir, entender, interpretar, vermake sense of
Inglésread, scan
Catalánexaminar, explorar, llegir
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidoinvestigate scientifically.
Sinónimosanalizar, explorar, indagar, investigar
Específicoaveriguar, buscar, explorar, indagar, inquirir, investigarinquire into
estudiar, investigarAttempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner
examinar, explorar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondarQuestion or examine thoroughly and closely
experimentarTo conduct a test or investigation
explorartravel to or penetrate into
Generalanalizar, estudiar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionarConsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning
Inglésinvestigate, look into
Catalánindagar, investigar
Nombresindagación, investigaciónThe work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically
investigadorA scientist who devotes himself to doing research
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 8, cognition
SentidoLearn by reading books.
Sinónimosestudiarse, estudiar
Implicaleerse, leerinterpret something that is written or printed
Específicoaprender de memoria, aprender, memorizarse, memorizarcommit to memory
empollar, estudiarstudy intensively, as before an exam
Generaladquirir, aprender, instruirsegain knowledge or skills
Inglésstudy, hit the books
Catalánestudiar-se, estudiar, examinar
Nombresestudioapplying the mind to learning and understanding a subject / subject (especially by reading)
lectura detenidareading carefully with intent to remember
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 9, social
Sentidomake an examination or investigation.
Sinónimoscomprobar, constatar, controlar, investigar, verificar
EspecíficoanalizarTest or examine for the presence of disease or infection
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, verobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
Cataláncomprovar, constatar, verificar
Nombreschequeo, confirmación, constatación, sustanciación, verificaciónAdditional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 10, cognition
SentidoBe a student of a certain subject.
Sinónimosaprender, estudiar
Específicoejercitar, practicarLearn by repetition
entrenarse, prepararseUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Ingléslearn, study, read, take
Catalánaprendre, estudiar, examinar
Nombresestudioapplying the mind to learning and understanding a subject / subject (especially by reading)
lectura detenidareading carefully with intent to remember
ámbito, área de estudio, area de jurisdicción, área, área temática, campo de estudio, campo, disciplina, estudio, ramo, tema, terrenoA branch of knowledge
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 11, communication
SentidoQuestion closely.
EspecíficocatequizarExamine through questioning and answering
gratinarExamine thoroughly
Generalinterrogar, preguntarpose a question
Nombresexamen, pruebaThe act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know / know or have learned
examen, prueba, testA set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge
examinada, examinado, examinanda, examinandosomeone who is tested (as by an intelligence test or an academic examination)
interrogatorioformal systematic questioning
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 12, communication
SentidoAppraise critically.
Sinónimoscriticar, repasar, revisar
Específicoarbitrar, criticar, revisarEvaluate professionally a colleague's work
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Inglésreview, critique
Catalánrepasar, revisar
NombrescríticaA serious examination and judgment of something
crítica, reseñaAn essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)
árbitro, crítico, evaluador, lectorsomeone who reads manuscripts and judges / judges their suitability for publication
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 13, communication
SentidoQuestion or examine thoroughly and closely.
Sinónimosexplorar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondar
Específicoindagar, interrogar, investigar, preguntarConduct an inquiry or investigation of
juzgarExamine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
Inglésprobe, examine
Catalánexaminar, explorar, indagar, inspeccionar
Nombresexamen, pruebaThe act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know / know or have learned
examen, prueba, testA set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge
indagación, investigación, sondeoAn inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities
interrogatorioformal systematic questioning
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
SentidoExamine physically with or as if with a probe.
Generaladentrarse, penetrar, profundizarPass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
Inglésprobe, dig into, poke into
NombressondaA flexible slender surgical instrument with a blunt end that is used to explore / explore wounds / wounds or body cavities
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 15, consumption
Sentidoapply thoroughly; think through.
Generalesforzarse, trabajarExert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity
Ingléswork through, run through, go through
Nombresensayo generalAn uninterrupted rehearsal
Español > examinar: 16 sentidos > verbo 16, perception
SentidoExamine carefully.
Generalinspeccionar, registrarlook over carefully

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