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English 7 senses of the word critical:
ADJECTIVEallcriticalmarked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws
allcriticalat or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain / sustain a chain ... / chain reaction
allcriticalcharacterized by careful evaluation and judgment
allcritical, vitalurgently needed
allcritical, decisiveforming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis
allcriticalbeing in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency
pertcriticalof or involving or characteristic of critics / critics or criticism / criticism
critical pronunciation
Rhymesabdominal ... zoological: 2115 rhymes with ahl...
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 1
Meaningmarked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws.
Example"a critical attitude"
Narrowercaptious, faultfindingtending to find and call attention to faults / faults
censoriousharshly critical or expressing censure
deprecativegiven to expressing disapproval
hypercritical, overcriticalInclined to judge / judge too severely
scathing, vituperativemarked by harshly abusive criticism
searingSeverely critical
See alsosarcasticExpressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds
unfavorable, unfavourablenot encouraging or approving or pleasing
Oppositeuncriticalnot critical
Nounscriticsomeone who frequently finds fault or makes harsh and unfair judgments
criticismdisapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 2
MeaningAt or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain / sustain a chain ... / chain reaction.
  • "a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure"
  • "critical mass"
  • "go critical"
Categorychemistry, chemical scienceThe science of matter
physics, natural philosophyThe science of matter and energy and their interactions
Attribute ofcriticalityA critical state
Narrowersupercritical(especially of fissionable material) able to sustain a chain ... / chain reaction in such a manner that the rate of reaction increases
Oppositenoncriticalnot critical
Nounscriticalitya critical state
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 3
MeaningCharacterized by careful evaluation and judgment.
  • "a critical reading"
  • "a critical dissertation"
  • "a critical analysis of Melville's writings"
Narrowerappraising, evaluativeExercising or involving careful evaluations
discriminative, judicialExpressing careful judgment
See alsodiscerningHaving or revealing keen insight and good judgment
scholarlycharacteristic of scholars or scholarship
Oppositeuncritical, noncriticalmarked by disregard for critical standards or procedures
Nounscriticanyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something
criticisma serious examination and judgment of something
Adverbscriticallyin a critical manner
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 4
Meaningurgently needed; absolutely necessary.
  • "a critical element of the plan"
  • "critical medical supplies"
Broaderindispensablenot to be dispensed with
Spanishcrítico, elemental, esencial, fundamental, indispensable, primordial, vital
Catalanelemental, essencial, fonamental, indispensable, primordial
Nounscriticality, criticalnessa state of critical urgency
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 5
Meaningforming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis.
  • "a critical point in the campaign"
  • "the critical test"
Broadercrucial, importantOf extreme / extreme importance
Spanishalarmante, clave, crítico, decisivo, fundamental
Catalanalarmant, clau, crític, decisiu, fonamental
Nounscrisisa crucial stage / stage or turning point in the course of something
crisisan unstable / unstable situation of extreme / extreme danger or difficulty
criticalnessa state of critical urgency
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 6
MeaningIn or verging on a state of crisis or emergency.
  • "a critical shortage of food"
  • "a critical illness"
  • "an illness at the critical stage"
Attribute ofcrisisAn unstable / unstable situation of extreme / extreme danger or difficulty
NarroweracuteOf critical importance and consequence
dangerous, grave, grievous, serious, severe, life-threateningCausing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
desperate, direfraught with extreme / extreme danger
See alsocrucial, importantOf extreme / extreme importance
Oppositenoncritical, noncrucialnot in a state of crisis or emergency
Spanishalarmante, crítico, grave
Catalanalarmant, crític, greu
Nounscriticality, criticalnessa state of critical urgency
Englishcritical: 7 senses adjective 7, pert
MeaningOf or involving or characteristic of critics / critics or criticism / criticism.
Example"critical acclaim"
Nounscritica person who is professionally engaged in the analysis and interpretation of works of art
criticanyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something
criticsomeone who frequently finds fault or makes harsh and unfair judgments
criticisma serious examination and judgment of something
criticisma written evaluation of a work of literature

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