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Español 8 sentidos de la palabra fundamental:
ADJETIVOallfundamental, esencial, imperativo, primordialrequiring attention or action
allfundamental, alarmante, clave, crítico, decisivoforming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis
allfundamental, crítico, elemental, esencial, indispensable, primordial, vitalurgently needed
allfundamental, básico, central, elemental, esencial, primordialserving as an essential component
allfundamental, básico, central, crucial, elemental, esencial, primordialbeing of crucial importance
allfundamental, basalof primary importance
allfundamental, rudimentario, subyacentebeing or involving basic facts or principles
allfundamental, básico, primario, primordial, principalof first rank or importance or value
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 1
Sentidorequiring attention or action.
Sinónimosesencial, imperativo, primordial
Específicoacuciante, urgenteCompelling immediate action
apremiante, inaplazable, insistente, perentorio, urgentedemanding attention
autoritario, imperioso, perentorionot allowing contradiction or refusal
desesperado, urgenteshowing extreme / extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire
estridentesharply insistent on being heard
Tambiénasertiva, asertivoaggressively self-assured
Contrarioimplorante, orante, suplicantebegging
Catalánessencial, fonamental, imperatiu, primordial
Nombresimperiosidad, insistencia, presiónThe state of demanding notice or attention
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 2
Sentidoforming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis.
Sinónimosalarmante, clave, crítico, decisivo
Generalcrucial, importanteOf extreme / extreme importance
Ingléscritical, decisive
Catalánalarmant, clau, crític, decisiu, fonamental
Nombresconclusión, finalidad, firmeza, inapelabilidadThe quality of being final or definitely settled
crisis, momento decisivoA crucial stage / stage or turning point in the course of something
crisisAn unstable / unstable situation of extreme / extreme danger or difficulty
crucialidadA state of critical urgency
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 3
Sentidourgently needed; absolutely necessary.
Sinónimoscrítico, elemental, esencial, indispensable, primordial, vital
Generalimprescindible, indispensablenot to be dispensed with
Ingléscritical, vital
Catalánelemental, essencial, fonamental, indispensable, primordial
NombrescrucialidadA state of critical urgency
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 4
SentidoServing as an essential component.
Sinónimosbásico, central, elemental, esencial, primordial
GeneralimportanteOf great significance / significance or value
Ingléscardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal
Catalánbàsic, central, clau, elemental, essencial, fonamental, primordial
Nombrescentro, corazón, enjundia, esencia, médula, meollo, núcleo, quid, sustanciaThe choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
centro de atenciónThe object upon which interest and attention focuses
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 5
SentidoOf crucial importance.
Sinónimosbásico, central, crucial, elemental, esencial, primordial
Generalcrucial, importanteOf extreme / extreme importance
Ingléspivotal, polar
Catalánbàsic, central, de màxima importància, elemental, essencial, fonamental, primordial
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 6
SentidoOf primary importance.
Generalbásicopertaining to or constituting / constituting a base or basis
Inglésbasal, base
Nombresbase, cimentación, cimiento, fundación, fundamento, pieLowest support of a structure
base, fundamentoThe fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated / calculated or explained
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 7
SentidoBeing or involving basic facts or principles.
Sinónimosrudimentario, subyacente
Generalbásicopertaining to or constituting / constituting a base or basis
Inglésfundamental, rudimentary, underlying
Catalánfundamental, subjacent
Adverbiosbasicamente, básicamente, esencialmente, fundamentalmenteIn essence
Españolfundamental: 8 sentidos adjetivo 8
SentidoOf first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary.
Sinónimosbásico, primario, primordial, principal
EspecíficocapitalOf primary importance
directo, original(of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediary
directoAn immediate result or consequence
especial, particularFirst and most important
titularA regular member of a team
TambiénesencialBasic and fundamental
originalBeing or productive of something fresh and unusual
primeropreceding all others in time or space or degree
ContrariosecundarioOf second rank or importance or value
Catalánbàsic, fonamental, primari, primordial, principal
Adverbiosen primer lugar, primariamenteOf primary import / import
maestramente, mayormente, predominantemente, primariamente, principalmentefor the most part

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