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English 11 senses of the word demand:
VERBcommunicationdemandrequest urgently and forcefully
stativedemand, necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call forrequire as useful, just, or proper
communicationdemand, exactclaim as due or just
communicationdemandlay legal claim to
communicationdemandsummon to court
communicationdemandask to be informed of
NOUNcommunicationdemandan urgent or peremptory request
processdemandthe ability and desire to purchase goods and services
cognitiondemand, requirementrequired activity
actdemandthe act of demanding
statedemand, needa condition requiring relief
demand pronunciation
Rhymesampersand ... woodland: 90 rhymes with aend...
Englishdemand: 11 senses noun 1, communication
MeaningAn urgent or peremptory request.
Example"his demands for attention were unceasing"
Narrowercall, claimA demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"
callA demand for a show of hands in a card game
challengeA demand by a sentry for a password or identification
insistence, insistingcontinual and persistent demands
margin call, callA demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
requisitionThe act of requiring
ultimatumA final / final / final peremptory demand
wage claim, pay claimThe wage demanded from management for workers by their union representatives
Broaderrequest, petition, postulationA formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
Spanishdemanda, exigencia, petición, reclamación
Verbsdemandrequest urgently and forcefully
Englishdemand: 11 senses noun 2, process
MeaningThe ability and desire to purchase goods and services.
  • "the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"
  • "the demand exceeded the supply"
Narrowerconsumption, economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services(economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing
Broadereconomic processAny process affecting the production and development and management of material wealth
Oppositesupplyoffering goods and services for sale
Englishdemand: 11 senses noun 3, cognition
Meaningrequired activity.
Example "there were many demands on his time"
Broaderduty, responsibility, obligationThe social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force
Spanishexigencia, requisito
Catalanexigència, requisit
Verbsdemandrequire as useful, just, or proper
Englishdemand: 11 senses noun 4, act
MeaningThe act of demanding.
Example"the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money"
Narrowerclaimdemand for something as rightful or due
exactionAct of demanding or levying by force or authority
BroaderactivityAny specific behavior
Verbsdemandrequest urgently and forcefully
demandclaim as due or just
Englishdemand: 11 senses noun 5, state
MeaningA condition requiring relief.
Example "there is a demand for jobs"
Narrowerlack, deficiency, wantThe state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
necessityThe condition of being essential or indispensable
Broadercondition, statusA state at a particular time
Spanishnecesidades, necesidad
Verbsdemandrequire as useful, just, or proper
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 1, communication
Meaningrequest urgently and forcefully.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
ModelThey demand to move
  • "The victim's family is demanding compensation"
  • "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"
  • "She demanded to see the manager"
Narrowerask, require, expectConsider obligatory
askrequire or ask for as a price or condition
clamor, clamourmake loud demands
dunpersistently ask for overdue payment
wantwish / wish or demand the presence of
Broaderrequest, ask for, bespeak, call for, questExpress the need or desire for
Spanishdemandar, exigir, pedir, reclamar
Catalandemanar, exigir, reclamar
Nounsdemandthe act of demanding
demandan urgent or peremptory request
demandera person who makes demands / demands
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 2, stative
Meaningrequire as useful, just, or proper.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
Synonymsnecessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call for
Narrowerclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
compelNecessitate or exact
costrequire to lose, suffer, or sacrifice
cry out for, cry forNeed badly or desperately
drawrequire a specified depth for floating
governrequire to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood
Oppositeobviate, rid of, eliminateDo away with
Similar toclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
Spanishdemandar, exigir, implicar, involucrar, necesitar, pedir, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir, solicitar
Catalanexigir, implicar, involucrar, necessitar, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir
Nounsdemandrequired activity
demanda condition requiring relief
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 3, communication
Meaningclaim as due or just.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something from somebody; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
ModelThe banks demand the check
Example"The bank demanded payment of the loan"
Narrowercall, call indemand payment of (a loan)
commanddemand as one's due
Broaderclaimask for legally or make a legal claim / claim to, as of debts, for example
Spanishdemandar, exigir, reclamar
Nounsdemandthe act of demanding
demandera person who makes demands / demands
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 4, communication
Meaninglay legal claim to.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderclaimask for legally or make a legal claim / claim to, as of debts, for example
Similar todemandsummon to court
Spanishdemandar, reclamar legalmente
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 5, communication
Meaningsummon to court.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
Broadersummon, summons, citecall in an official matter, such as to attend court
Similar todemandlay legal claim to
Englishdemand: 11 senses verb 6, communication
Meaningask to be informed of.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"I demand an explanation"
Broaderrequest, ask for, bespeak, call for, questExpress the need or desire for
Spanishexigir, pedir, reclamar
Catalanexigir, reclamar

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