Meaning | A person who works at a specific occupation. |
Example | "he is a good worker" |
Narrower | assistant, helper, help, supporter | A person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose |
beater | A worker who rouses wild game from under cover for a hunter |
bill poster, poster, bill sticker | someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards |
bleacher | A worker who bleaches (cloth or flour etc.) |
boatman, boater, waterman | someone who drives or rides in a boat |
carter | someone whose work is driving carts |
caster | A worker who casts molten metal into finished products |
charcoal burner | A worker whose job is to make charcoal |
collector, gatherer, accumulator | A person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes) |
comber | A person who separates and straightens the fibers of cotton or wool |
cornhusker | A worker who husks corn |
driver | someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle |
employable | A person who is qualified and ready to work |
employee | A worker who is hired to perform a job |
finisher | A worker who performs the last step in a manufacturing process |
freelancer, freelance, free-lance, free lance, independent, self-employed person | A writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them |
gutter | A worker who guts / guts things (fish or buildings or cars etc.) |
hanger | A worker who hangs something |
lamplighter | (when gas was used for streetlights) a person who lights and extinguishes streetlights |
melter | A worker who melts substances (metal or wax etc.) |
moonlighter | A person who holds a second job (usually after hours) |
mopper | A worker who uses a mop to clean a surface |
muzzler | someone who muzzles animals |
nailer | A worker who attaches something by nailing it |
oiler | A worker who oils engines or machinery |
part-timer | someone who works less than the customary or standard time |
peeler | A worker who peels the skins from fruits and vegetables |
planter | A worker who puts or sets seeds or seedlings into the ground |
plier, plyer | someone who plies a trade |
processor | someone who processes things (foods or photographs or applicants etc.) |
pruner, trimmer | A worker who thins out and trims trees and shrubs |
puller, tugger, dragger | someone who pulls or tugs or drags in an effort to move something |
quarryman, quarrier | A man who works in a quarry |
ragsorter | A worker who sorts rags and old clothing for new uses (as in papermaking) |
scab, strikebreaker, blackleg, rat | someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike |
scrubber | A worker who uses a scrub brush to clean a surface (usually a floor or deck) |
seasonal worker, seasonal | A worker who finds employment / employment only in certain seasons |
servant, retainer | A person working in the service of another (especially in the household) |
sheller | A worker who removes shells (as of peas or oysters) |
shelver | A worker who puts things (as books) on shelves |
shingler | A worker who shingles roofs |
shoveler, shoveller | A worker who shovels |
skidder | A worker who uses a skid to move logs |
skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman | A worker who has acquired special skills |
slave, striver, hard worker | someone who works as hard as a slave |
solderer | A worker who joins or mends with solder |
splicer | A worker who splices ropes together by interweaving strands |
splitter | A worker who splits fish and removes the backbone |
stainer | A worker who stains (wood or fabric) |
stemmer | A worker who makes or applies stems for artificial flowers |
stringer | A worker who strings |
stripper, stemmer, sprigger | A worker who strips the stems from moistened tobacco leaves and binds the leaves together into books |
tacker | A worker who fastens things by tacking them (as with tacks or by spotwelding) |
tapper | A worker who uses a tap to cut screw threads |
teaser | A worker who teases wool |
temp, temporary, temporary worker | A worker (especially in an office) hired on a temporary basis |
throwster, thrower | A person who twists silk or rayon filaments into a thread or yarn |
tier, tier up | A worker who ties something |
tiler | A worker who lays tile / tile |
toiler | One who works strenuously |
topper | A worker who cuts tops off (of trees or vegetables etc.) |
topper | A worker who makes or adds the top to something |
trade unionist, unionist, union member | A worker who belongs to a trade union |
twiner | someone who intertwines (e.g. threads) or forms something by twisting or interlacing |
volunteer, unpaid worker | A person who performs voluntary work |
wallah | usually in combination |
washer | someone who washes things for a living |
winder | A worker who winds / winds (e.g., a winch or clock or other mechanism) |
wiper | A worker who wipes |
working girl | A young woman who is employed |
workmate | A fellow worker |
Broader | person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul | A human being |
Opposite | nonworker | A person who does nothing |
Spanish | trabajador |
Catalan | treballador |
Verbs | work | be employed |
work | exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity |