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English 11 senses of the word rag:
NOUNartifactrag, shred, tag, tag end, tattera small piece ... / piece of cloth or paper
timerag, rag weeka week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities / charities
communicationrag, ragtimemusic with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)
communicationrag, tabloid, sheetnewspaper with half-size pages
actraga boisterous practical joke (especially by college students)
VERBemotionrag, torment, bedevil, crucify, dun, frustratetreat cruelly
emotionrag, annoy, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devilcause annoyance in
creationragplay in ragtime
communicationrag, tease, razz, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, rideharass with persistent criticism or carping
communicationrag, call on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, trounce, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambastcensure severely or angrily
changeragbreak into lumps before sorting
rag pronunciation
RhymesAg ... zigzag: 32 rhymes with aeg...
Englishrag: 11 senses noun 1, artifact
MeaningA small piece ... / piece of cloth or paper.
Synonymsshred, tag, tag end, tatter
Narrowerpine-tar ragbaseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar
Broaderpiece of cloth, piece of materialA separate part consisting of fabric
Spanishandrajo, harapo, jirón, trapo
Catalanandrajo, drap, parrac
Englishrag: 11 senses noun 2, time
MeaningA week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities / charities.
Synonymrag week
Partsrag dayA day on which university students hold a rag
RegionUnited Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great BritainA monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles
Broaderweek, hebdomadAny period of seven consecutive days
Englishrag: 11 senses noun 3, communication
Meaningmusic with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano).
Broaderdance musicMusic to dance to
Spanishragtime, tiempo sincopado
Catalantemps sincopat
Verbsragplay in ragtime
Englishrag: 11 senses noun 4, communication
Meaningnewspaper with half-size pages.
Synonymstabloid, sheet
Broadernewspaper, paperA daily or weekly publication on folded sheets
Spanishperiódico sensacionalista, tableta, tabloide
Englishrag: 11 senses noun 5, act
MeaningA boisterous practical joke (especially by college students).
RegionUnited Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great BritainA monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles
Broaderpractical jokeA prank or trick played on a person (especially one intended to make the victim appear foolish)
Spanishbroma pesada, burla, novatada
Catalanbroma pesada
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 1, emotion
Meaningtreat cruelly.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
Synonymstorment, bedevil, crucify, dun, frustrate
Narrowerhamstringmake ineffective or powerless
maddenDrive up the wall
persecute, oppressCause to suffer
tease, badger, pester, bug, beleaguerannoy persistently
Broaderharass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provokeannoy continually or chronically
Spanishatormentar, frustrar, martirizar, torturar
Catalanfrustrar, martiritzar, torturar, turmentar
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 2, emotion
MeaningCause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
ModelThe performance is likely to rag Sue
Synonymsannoy, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devil
Narrowerantagonize, antagoniseProvoke the hostility of
eat into, fret, rankle, grategnaw into
fretCause annoyance in
get, get under one's skinirritate
harass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provokeannoy continually or chronically
peeveCause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful
ruffleTrouble or vex
BroaderdispleaseGive displeasure to
Similar tochafeFeel extreme / extreme irritation or anger
Spanishagobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vejar
Catalanamoïnar, atabalar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vexar
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 3, creation
MeaningPlay in ragtime.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey will rag the duet
Example"rag that old tune"
Categorymusicmusical activity (singing / singing / singing or whistling etc.)
musicAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
Broaderplay, spielreplay (as a melody)
Nounsragmusic with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 4, communication
Meaningharass with persistent criticism or carping.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
Synonymstease, razz, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride
Narrowerjeer, scoff, flout, barrack, gibelaugh at with contempt and derision
kid, chaff, jolly, josh, banterBe silly or tease one another
Broadermock, bemocktreat with contempt
Spanishbefarse, burlarse, burlar, cachondearse, chancearse, chotearse, chungearse, mofarse, molestar, pitorrearse, recochinearse, tomar el pelo
Catalanamoïnar, burlar, fastidiar, fastiguejar, molestar, tantalitzar
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 5, communication
Meaningcensure severely or angrily.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
ModelSam cannot rag Sue
Example "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"
Synonymscall on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, trounce, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast
Narrowerchastise, castigate, objurgate, chasten, correctcensure severely
tell off, brush downreprimand
Broaderknock, criticize, criticise, pick apartfind fault with
Spanishamonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, rechazar, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar
Catalanamonestar, increpar, reganyar, renyar, reprendre
Englishrag: 11 senses verb 6, change
Meaningbreak into lumps before sorting.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"rag ore"
Categorymining, excavationThe act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth
Broaderbreak up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentisebreak or cause to break into pieces

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