HyperDic: rechazar

Español > 15 sentidos de la palabra rechazar:
VERBOcommunicationrechazar, desaprobar, impedir, negar, prohibir, proscribir, vetarcommand against
possessionrechazar, declinar, denegar, desestimar, negar, rehusarrefuse to accept
emotionrechazar, repeler, repulsarbe repellent to
communicationrechazar, amonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferartake to task
communicationrechazar, amonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferarcensure severely or angrily
perceptionrechazar, asquear, dar asco, repeler, repugnarfill with distaste
communicationrechazar, abjurar, negar, rehusarrefuse to acknowledge
cognitionrechazarrefuse to accept or acknowledge
communicationrechazar, desdeñar, desesperanzar, menospreciarreject with contempt
stativerechazar, desafiar, oponerse, resistirelude, especially in a baffling way
possessionrechazar, denegar, negarrefuse to grant, as of a petition or request
cognitionrechazar, desaprobarconsider bad / bad or wrong
communicationrechazar, absolvercease to consider
socialrechazar, eliminarterminate an association with
cognitionrechazar, descartar, eliminar, evitardismiss from consideration or a contest
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 1, communication
Sentidocommand against.
Sinónimosdesaprobar, impedir, negar, prohibir, proscribir, vetar
Específicocriminalizar, ilegalizar, penalizar, proscribirdeclare illegal
entredecir, ordenarissue an injunction
excluirprevent from entering
prohibirprohibit especially by legal means or social pressure
Generalcomandar, mandar, ordenar, requerirmake someone do something
Contrarioaprobar, consentir, dar permiso, dejar, permitir, sancionarconsent to, give permission
Inglésforbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow, nix
Catalánanul·lar, impedir, prohibir, rebutjar, refusar
Nombresdestierro, exilio, proscripciónrejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone
entredicho, interdicción, interdicto, prohibición, proscripciónA decree that prohibits something
ilegalizaciónAn official prohibition or edict against something
interdicciónA court order prohibiting a party from doing a certain activity
interdicciónauthoritative prohibition
vetoA vote that blocks a decision
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 2, possession
SentidoRefuse to accept.
Sinónimosdeclinar, denegar, desestimar, negar, rehusar
Específicorestituir, retornarrefuse to accept and send back
Contrarioaceptar, querer, tomarReceive willingly something given or offered
Similardesdeñar, desesperanzar, menospreciar, rechazarReject with contempt
Inglésrefuse, reject, pass up, turn down, decline
Catalándeclinar, denegar, desestimar, negar, rebutjar, refusar
NombresdeclinaciónA polite refusal of an invitation
rechazoThe act of rejecting something
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 3, emotion
SentidoBe repellent to; cause aversion in.
Sinónimosrepeler, repulsar
Específicoasquear, repugnarCause aversion in
irritar, sacar de quicioCause to feel intense dislike or distaste
Generaldesagradar, disgustar, ofenderGive displeasure to
Contrarioapelar, atraerBe attractive to
Inglésrepel, repulse
Catalánrebutjar, repel·lir
Adjetivoaborrecible, asquerosa, asqueroso, detestable, intolerable, repugnante, repulsivoOffensive to the mind
asquerosa, asqueroso, desagradable, despreciable, repugnante, repulsivoHighly offensive
chocante, horrendo, horrible, odiosoSo extremely ugly as to be terrifying
repelenteServing or tending to repel
NombresrepelenteA chemical substance that repels animals
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
Sentidotake to task.
Sinónimosamonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar
Generalcriticar, culpar, juzgarfind fault with
Inglésadmonish, reprove, reproof
Catalánamonestar, increpar, reganyar, renyar, reprendre, reprovar
Adjetivoadmonitorio, reprobatorioExpressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective
Nombresadmonición, amonestaciónA firm rebuke
admonitor, reprensor, reprimendador, reprochadorsomeone who finds fault or imputes blame
regaño, reprensión, reprimenda, reprobación, reproche, salmorejoAn act or expression of criticism and censure
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 4.2, communication
Sentidocensure severely or angrily.
Sinónimosamonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar
Específicoabroncar, increparreprimand
castigar, corregir, criticar, increpar, rectificar, reñir, reprendercensure severely
Generalcriticar, culpar, juzgarfind fault with
Ingléscall on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, rag, trounce, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast
Catalánamonestar, increpar, reganyar, renyar, reprendre
Nombresadmonitor, reprensor, reprimendador, reprochadorsomeone who finds fault or imputes blame
bronca, increpación, regañina, regaño, reprimenda, repulsarebuking a person harshly
charla, discurso, sermónA lengthy rebuke
regaño, reprensión, reprimenda, reprobación, reproche, salmorejoAn act or expression of criticism and censure
regañónsomeone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 5, perception
SentidoFill with distaste.
Sinónimosasquear, dar asco, repeler, repugnar
Específicocausar náuseas, dar náuseas, enfermarse, enfermar, nausearupset and make nauseated
Generalcausar, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, revolverStir feelings in
Inglésdisgust, gross out, revolt, repel
Catalánfastiguejar, fer fàstic, rebutjar, repel·lir, repugnar
Adjetivoaborrecible, asquerosa, asqueroso, detestable, intolerable, repugnante, repulsivoOffensive to the mind
asquerosa, asqueroso, desagradable, despreciable, repugnante, repulsivoHighly offensive
chocante, horrendo, horrible, odiosoSo extremely ugly as to be terrifying
repelenteServing or tending to repel
Nombresasco, aversión, fastidio, náusea, náuseas, repelo, repugnancia, repulsa, repulsiónStrong feelings of dislike
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidorefuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with.
Sinónimosabjurar, negar, rehusar
Específicodenegar, negarrefuse / refuse to recognize or acknowledge
Generaldenegar, desmentir, negardeclare untrue
Contrarioadmitir, confesar, reconocerAdmit openly and bluntly
Nombresdescargo de responsabilidad, negación de responsabilidad, negación, negativa, repudiodenial of any connection with or knowledge of
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidorefuse to accept or acknowledge.
Específicoabandonar, renegar, renunciar, repudiarCast off
desacreditar, descreer, desprestigiarReject as false
descartar, desoír, destituir, excluir, ignorarbar from attention or consideration
recusarchallenge or except to a judge as being incompetent or interested, in canon and civil law
reprobarReject (documents) as invalid
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
ContrarioaceptarConsider or hold as true
Catalánrebutjar, refusar
NombresrechazoThe act of rejecting something
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
SentidoReject with contempt.
Sinónimosdesdeñar, desesperanzar, menospreciar
Específicodespreciar, repugnarReject outright and bluntly
Generaldeclinar, rehusarshow unwillingness towards
Similardeclinar, denegar, desestimar, negar, rechazar, rehusarRefuse to accept
Inglésreject, spurn, freeze off, scorn, pooh-pooh, disdain, turn down
Catalándesdenyar, desesperançar, rebutjar
Nombresdesecho, marginadaThe person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 9, stative
Sentidoelude, especially in a baffling way.
Sinónimosdesafiar, oponerse, resistir
GeneralescaparseBe incomprehensible to
Contrarioaplicar, colaborarBe applicable to
Inglésdefy, resist, refuse
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 10, possession
Sentidorefuse to grant, as of a petition or request.
Sinónimosdenegar, negar
Generalretenerhold back
Catalándenegar, desmentir, negar
NombresdenegaciónThe act of refusing / refusing to comply (as with a request)
negadorOne who denies
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 11, cognition
SentidoConsider bad / bad or wrong.
Implicado pordesagradar, detestarHave or feel a dislike or distaste for
Específicodesaprobar, estar mal vistolook disapprovingly upon
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Contrarioaprobar, homologarjudge to be right or commendable
Catalándesaprovar, rebutjar, refusar
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 12, communication
SentidoCease to consider; put out of judicial consideration.
Inglésdismiss, throw out
Catalánabsoldre un acusat, absoldre, rebutjar
Nombresdenegación, desestimación, sentencia desestimatoriaA judgment disposing of the matter without a trial
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 13, social
Sentidoterminate an association with.
Generalalejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove from a position or an office
Similarechar, largarstop associating with
Español > rechazar: 15 sentidos > verbo 14, cognition
Sentidodismiss from consideration or a contest.
Sinónimosdescartar, eliminar, evitar
Inglésrule out, eliminate, winnow out, reject
Catalándescartar, eliminar, evitar, rebutjar

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