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Español 20 sentidos de la palabra ordenar:
VERBOcognitionordenar, clasificar, separararrange or order by classes or categories / categories
cognitionordenar, clasificarse, clasificar, graduar, tasar, valorarassign a rank or rating to
contactordenar, colectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirassemble or get together
communicationordenar, dictar, mandar, prescribir, recetarissue commands or orders for
communicationordenar, comandar, mandar, requerirmake someone do something
communicationordenar, decir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, sentenciargive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
socialordenar, consagrarappoint to a clerical posts
cognitionordenar, arreglar, organizar, ponerarrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
communicationordenar, encargar, pedirmake a request for something
changeordenarbring order to or into
communicationordenar, mandarcommand with authority
socialordenar, cribar, tamizarexamine in order to test suitability
socialordenarinvest with ministerial or priestly authority
communicationordenarissue an order
communicationordenar, entredecirissue an injunction
changeordenar, arreglar, descongestionar, desobstruir, despejar, limpiar, recoger, retirarrid of obstructions
changeordenarplace in a certain order
communicationordenar, conjurarcommand solemnly
possessionordenardispose of
contactordenararrange in logical order
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 1, cognition
SentidoArrange or order by classes or categories / categories.
Sinónimosclasificar, separar
Implicacomparar, cotejarExamine and note the similarities or differences of
Implicado pordenominar, describir, descubrir, distinguir, identificar, nombraridentify as in botany or biology, for example
Específicoagruparse, agruparArrange into a group or groups
catalogarMake an itemized list or catalog of
clasificar, encasillar, estereotipar, estereotipo, esteriotipar, impresióntreat or classify according to a mental stereotype
contarput into a group
graduarDetermine the grade of or assign a grade to
Generalcategorizarplace into or assign to a category / category
Inglésclassify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separate
Catalánclassificar, separar
Adjetivoclasificatoriorelating to or involving classification
Nombrescategorización, clasificaciónThe act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type
categorización, clasificaciónThe basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories / categories
categorización, clasificaciónA group of people or things arranged by class or category
categoría, clase, familiaA collection of things sharing a common attribute
categoría, divisiónA league ranked by quality
clase, especie, forma, género, tipoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
clase(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
clase, clase socialPeople having the same social, economic, or educational status
clasificacióngrouping by class or kind or size
clasificación, ordenamientoAn operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion
clasificadorA machine for sorting things (such as punched cards or letters) into classes
clasificadorA person who creates classifications
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 2, cognition
SentidoAssign a rank or rating to.
Sinónimosclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, tasar, valorar
EspecíficoascenderRate higher
dar prioridad, priorizarAssign a priority to
degradarRate lower
preseleccionarDistribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
preseleccionarput someone or something on a short list
reordenarAssign a new order to
secuenciarArrange in a sequence
subordinarrank or order as less important or consider of less value
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Inglésrate, rank, range, order, grade, place
Catalánclassificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, taxar, valorar
Nombresantigüedad, categoría, estatus, jerarquía, nivel, rango, standingrelative status
calificación, nota, puntuaciónA number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
examinador, motoniveladoraA judge who assigns grades / grades to something
gradación, graduaciónThe act of arranging in grades
gradaciónrelative position in a graded series
gradoA degree in a continuum of size or quantity
grado, nivelA relative position or degree of value in a graded group
graduaciónThe act of arranging in a graduated series
lugar, posición, puestoAn item on a list or in a sequence
ordenaciónThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 3, contact
SentidoAssemble or get together.
Sinónimoscolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunir
Implicado porcotejar, reunirTo assemble in proper sequence
Específicoacumular, amontonarArrange into piles or stacks
agavillar, gavillar, impresionarCollect or gather into shocks
arrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntarlook for and gather
avenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, reunir, unirGather or bring together
buscar caracolesGather snails
buscar nidos, reunir nidosGather nests
buscar nuecesGather nuts
buscar ostrasGather oysters, dig oysters
convocar, emplazar, mobilizar, movilizarmake ready for action or use
cosechar, espigar, segarGather, as of natural products
hurgar, rebuscarCollect discarded or refused material
rastrillarGather with a rake
reunirseek out and bring together
TambiénrecogerTake and lift upward
Contrariodesplegar, dispensar, distribuir, extenderDistribute or disperse widely
Inglésgather, garner, collect, pull together
Catalánajuntar, aplegar, arreplegar, collir, congregar, recol·lectar, recollir, recopilar, reunir
Nombresacopio, acumulación, colección, montaje, recolecciónThe act of gathering something together
cogidaThe act of gathering something
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 4, communication
Sentidoissue commands or orders for.
Sinónimosdictar, mandar, prescribir, recetar
Específicoimponermake mandatory
Generalcargar, imponer, infligir, inflingirimpose something unpleasant
Inglésorder, prescribe, dictate
Catalándictar, manar, prescriure, receptar
Adjetivonormativo, prescriptivopertaining to giving directives or rules
Nombresacto, auto, decreto, decretos, edicto, orden, sentenciaA legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
autoritario, déspota, dictadora, dictador, tiranoA person who behaves in a tyrannical manner
dictadoA guiding principle
dictado, ordenAn authoritative direction or instruction to do something
mandato, orden(often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
mandatoAn authoritative rule
prescripciónDirections prescribed beforehand
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 5, communication
Sentidomake someone do something.
Sinónimoscomandar, mandar, requerir
Específicocargar, encargar, silla de montarimpose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
desaprobar, impedir, negar, prohibir, proscribir, rechazar, vetarcommand against
requerir, requisarmake a formal request for official services
Generaldecir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, ordenar, sentenciarGive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
Ingléscommand, require
Cataláncomandar, requerir
Nombresdictado, ordenAn authoritative direction or instruction to do something
mandamientoSomething that is commanded
requisaThe act of requiring
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 6, communication
SentidoGive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority.
Sinónimosdecir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, sentenciar
Específicoavisar, echarask to go away
comandar, mandar, ordenar, requerirmake someone do something
instruirGive instructions or directions for some task
mandar, ordenarcommand with authority
requerirOrder, request, or command to come
Generalpedir, rogarask (a person) to do something
Inglésorder, tell, enjoin, say
Catalándeclarar, manar, ordenar, sentenciar
Nombresacto, auto, decreto, decretos, edicto, orden, sentenciaA legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
injunción, interdicto, intimación, mandato, requerimientoA formal command or admonition
mandato, orden(often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 7, social
Sentidoappoint to a clerical posts.
Generalinvertir, investirProvide with power and authority
Inglésordain, consecrate, ordinate, order
Nombresasociación, clube, club, cofradía, colegio, fraternidad, gremio, liga, lodge, logia, sociedadA formal association of people with similar interests
consagración, sacralización(religion) sanctification of something by setting it apart (usually with religious rites) as dedicated to God
ordenaciónThe act of ordaining
ordenadorA cleric who ordains
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 8, cognition
SentidoArrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events.
Sinónimosarreglar, organizar, poner
EspecíficosincronizarArrange or represent events so that they co-occur
Generalarticular, coordinar, organizarCause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
Inglésarrange, set up, put, order
Catalánarreglar, col·locar, ordenar, organitzar, posar
Nombresordenación, ordenlogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 9, communication
Sentidomake a request for something.
Sinónimosencargar, pedir
Específicoaspirar, desearOrder politely
comisionar, encargarplace an order for
convocarOrder or request or give a command for
ponerTo arrange for
Generalpedir, rogar, solicitarExpress the need or desire for
Nombresorden de compraA commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities
ordenaciónThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 10, change
SentidoBring order to or into.
Específicoarreglar, asear, limpiarput (things or places) in order
cotejar, reunirTo assemble in proper sequence
desembrollar, desenmadejar, desenmarañar, desenredar, enderezarextricate from entanglement
sistemar, sistematizarArrange according to a system or reduce to a system
Generalarreglar, colocar, disponerput into a proper or systematic order
ContrariodesordenarBring disorder to
NombresordenaciónThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
ordenación, ordenlogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 11, communication
Sentidocommand with authority.
Generaldecir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, ordenar, sentenciarGive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
Nombresdirectiva, directrizA pronouncement encouraging or banning some activity
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 12, social
SentidoExamine in order to test suitability.
Sinónimoscribar, tamizar
Generalcoger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, tomar, triarpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
Inglésscreen, screen out, sieve, sort
Nombresclasificación, ordenamientoAn operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion
guardia aeroportuarioA guard at an airport who checks passengers or their luggage at a security checkpoint
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 13, social
Sentidoinvest with ministerial or priestly authority.
Generalinvertir, investirProvide with power and authority
NombresordenaciónThe act of ordaining
ordenadorA cleric who ordains
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 14, communication
Sentidoissue an order.
Específicocontrolar, desear, dirigirdecree or ordain
designar, destinar, estar destinado, predecir, tener un destinoDecree or designate beforehand
predestinardecree / decree or determine beforehand
Generaldecretarissue a decree
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 15, communication
Sentidoissue an injunction.
Generaldesaprobar, impedir, negar, prohibir, proscribir, rechazar, vetarcommand against
Nombresconminación, enjoinment, entredicho, medida cautelar(law) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 16, change
SentidoRid of obstructions.
Sinónimosarreglar, descongestionar, desobstruir, despejar, limpiar, recoger, retirar
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Tambiéndespejar, quitar los estorbos, sacarremove from sight
Contrarioatestarfill a space in a disorderly way
Similarclaramente, clarificar, unánimenteRemove
Inglésunclutter, clear
Catalándescongestionar, desobstruir, enretirar, netejar, recollir, retirar
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 17, change
Sentidoplace in a certain order.
Generalarreglar, colocar, disponerput into a proper or systematic order
NombresordenaciónThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
ordenación, ordenlogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 18, communication
Sentidocommand solemnly.
Generalcargar, encargar, silla de montarimpose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 19, possession
Sentidodispose of.
Generalacordar, solventardispose of
Inglésclean up
Españolordenar: 20 sentidos verbo 20, contact
SentidoArrange in logical order.
Generalarreglar, colocar, disponerput into a proper or systematic order

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