VERBO | change | amontonar, acumularse, acumular, amontonarse, conglomerar, congregar | collect or gather |
possession | amontonar, acumular, amasar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir | get or gather together | |
contact | amontonar, acumular, apilar, hacinar | arrange in stacks | |
possession | amontonar, acumular, atesorar | save up as for future use | |
cognition | amontonar, mezclar | group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side | |
creation | amontonar | form into a rounded elevation | |
contact | amontonar, acumular | arrange into piles or stacks | |
contact | amontonar, apilar, hacinar | load or cover with stacks | |
change | amontonar, contraer, incurrir | pile up (debts or scores) | |
contact | amontonar, aglomerar, apelotonar, reunir | put together indiscriminately | |
contact | amontonar, apilar, distribuir, hacinar | to arrange in a systematic order |
Sentido | Collect or gather. | |
Sinónimos | acumularse, acumular, amontonarse, conglomerar, congregar | |
General | aumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subir | Become bigger or greater in amount |
Inglés | accumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile up, gather, amass | |
Catalán | acumular-se, acumular, ajuntar, amuntegar-se, congregar, juntar-se, recol·lectar, reunir-se | |
Adjetivo | acumulable, acumulativo, cumulativo | increasing by successive addition |
acumulativo | marked by acquiring or amassing | |
Nombres | acumulación | The act of accumulating |
acumulación, aglomerado, cúmulo, montaña, montículo, montón, pila | A collection of objects laid on top of each other | |
aglomeración, agregada, agregado, conglomeración, conglomerado | A sum total of many heterogenous things taken together | |
cogida | The act of gathering something | |
conglomeración | An occurrence combining miscellaneous things into a (more or less) rounded mass |
Sentido | Arrange in stacks. | |
Sinónimos | acumular, apilar, hacinar | |
Específico | amontonar en almiares | pile in ricks |
General | arreglar, colocar, disponer | put into a proper or systematic order |
También | acumular, amontonar | Arrange into piles or stacks |
Inglés | stack, pile, heap | |
Catalán | acumular, agarberar, amuntegar, apilar, apilonar | |
Participio | amontonado, apilado | Arranged in a stack |
Nombres | acumulación, aglomerado, cúmulo, montaña, montículo, montón, pila | A collection of objects laid on top of each other |
montón, pila | An orderly pile |
Sentido | save up as for future use. | |
Sinónimos | acumular, atesorar | |
General | ahorrar, guardar, reservar | Accumulate money for future use |
También | acostar, colocar, poner, tumbar | put in a horizontal position |
Inglés | hoard, stash, cache, lay away, hive up, squirrel away | |
Catalán | acumular, amuntegar, atresorar, tresorejar | |
Nombres | alijo, reserva, tesoro escondido, tesoro | A secret store of valuables or money |
escondrijo | A hidden / hidden storage space (for money or provisions / provisions or weapons) |
Sentido | group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side. | |
Sinónimo | mezclar | |
General | agruparse, agrupar | Arrange into a group or groups |
Inglés | collocate, lump, chunk | |
Catalán | ajuntar, apilonar | |
Nombres | bodoque, bola, bultito, bulto, pella, terrón, trozo | A compact mass |
pedazo | A large piece of something without definite shape | |
yuxtaposición | The act of positioning close together (or side by side) |
Sentido | form into a rounded elevation. | |
General | constituir, falsificar, forjar, formar, fraguar, modelar, moldear, plasmar | make something, usually for a specific function |
Inglés | mound | |
Catalán | amuntegar | |
Nombres | cerrito, colina, collado, loma, montecillo, montículo, mota | A small natural hill |
montículo, morón, túmulo | structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones |
Sentido | Arrange into piles or stacks. | |
Sinónimo | acumular | |
General | colectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunir | Assemble or get together |
También | acumular, amontonar, apilar, hacinar | Arrange in stacks |
Inglés | pile up, heap up, stack up |
Sentido | Load or cover with stacks. | |
Sinónimos | apilar, hacinar | |
General | cargar, montar | Fill or place a load on |
También | acumular, almacenar, atesorar | Keep or lay aside for future use |
Inglés | stack | |
Catalán | amuntegar, apilar, apilonar | |
Nombres | montón, pila | An orderly pile |
Sentido | pile up (debts or scores) . | |
Sinónimos | contraer, incurrir | |
General | acumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir | Get or gather together |
Inglés | run up | |
Catalán | contreure, incórrer |
Sentido | Put together indiscriminately. | |
Sinónimos | aglomerar, apelotonar, reunir | |
General | acumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir | Get or gather together |
Inglés | lump, chunk | |
Catalán | amuntegar, apilotar | |
Nombres | pedazo | A large piece of something without definite shape |
Sentido | To arrange in a systematic order. | |
Sinónimos | apilar, distribuir, hacinar | |
General | arreglar, colocar, disponer | put into a proper or systematic order |
Inglés | stagger, distribute | |
Catalán | agarberar, amuntegar-se, amuntegar, apilar, apilonar |
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