HyperDic: conjunto

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra conjunto:
ADJETIVOallconjuntounited or combined
allconjunto, totalformed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole
allconjunto, agrupado, combinado, concertado, coordinado, unidoinvolving the joint activity of two or more
allconjuntoconsisting of two or more associated entities
allconjuntobound in close association
NOMBREgroupconjunto, acumulación, colección, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hatoseveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
Topsconjunto, unidad completa, unidadan assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
groupconjunto, juego, seta group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used
artifactconjunto, flux, terno, traje, vestidoa set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color
groupconjunto, círculo, grupoan unofficial association of people or groups
groupconjunto(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols
groupconjunto, banda, grupoa group of musicians playing or singing together
cognitionconjunto, complejoa conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts
artifactconjuntoa coordinated outfit (set of clothing)
groupconjunto, cuadrilla, montón, totalidadany collection in its entirety
cognitionconjunto, grupo, sindromea complex of concurrent things
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoUnited or combined.
Específicoagrupado, combinado, concertado, conjunto, coordinado, unidoInvolving the joint activity of two or more
colectivo, corporativoDone by or characteristic of individuals acting together
conjuntoConsisting of two or more associated entities
Tambiéncolectiva, colectivoforming a whole or aggregate
compartidoHave in common
comúnBelonging to or participated in by a community as a whole
integradonot segregated
unidoCharacterized by unity
Adverbioscolectivamente, conjuntamente, juntos, mancomunadamenteIn conjunction with
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoFormed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole.
Generalcolectiva, colectivoforming a whole or aggregate
Inglésaggregate, aggregated, aggregative, mass
Nombresaglomeración, agregada, agregado, conglomeración, conglomeradoA sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
suma, totalidad, totalThe whole amount
VerbosagregarGather in a mass, sum, or whole
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoInvolving the joint activity of two or more.
Sinónimosagrupado, combinado, concertado, coordinado, unido
GeneralconjuntoUnited or combined
Inglésconcerted, conjunct, conjunctive, cooperative
Catalánagrupat, combinat, concertat, conjunt, coordinat, unit
Verboscoadyuvar, colaborar, cooperarWork together on a common enterprise of project
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoConsisting of two or more associated entities.
GeneralconjuntoUnited or combined
Inglésconjoined, conjoint
Adverbioscolectivamente, conjuntamente, juntos, mancomunadamenteIn conjunction with
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoBound in close association.
GeneralunidoCharacterized by unity
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 1, group
SentidoSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole.
Sinónimosacumulación, colección, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hato
CasosNag HammadiA collection of 13 ancient papyrus codices translated from Greek into Coptic that were discovered by farmers near the town of Nag Hammadi in 1945
magos, Magos(New Testament) the sages who visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph shortly after Jesus was born
EspecíficoEuropaThe nations of the European continent collectively
North AmericaThe nations of the North American continent collectively
SudaméricaThe nations of the South American continent collectively
acumulación, aglomerado, cúmulo, montaña, montículo, montón, pilaA collection of objects laid on top of each other
aglomeración, aglomeradoA jumbled collection or mass
agrupación, reuniónAn assemblage of people or animals or things collected together
aviaciónThe aggregation of a country's military aircraft
baldosadoflagstones collectively
bibliotecaA collection of literary documents or records / records kept for reference or borrowing
biblioteca(computing) a collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use
biología, biotaAll the plant and animal life of a particular region
bulto, lío, mazo, paqueteA collection of things wrapped or boxed together
categoría, clase, familiaA collection of things sharing a common attribute
circulación, tráfico, tránsitoThe aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
colección de botellasA collection of bottles
colección de estampillasA collection of stamps
colección de monedasA collection of coins
combinaciónA collection of things that have been combined
comitiva, comparsa, pompa, procesión, romeríaThe group action of a collection of people or animals or vehicles moving ahead in more or less regular formation
conjunto, juego, setA group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used
conjunto, cuadrilla, montón, totalidadAny collection in its entirety
conjunto de datos, corpus, datosA collection of writings
convoyA collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships
data, dato, datosA collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
defensa, equipo de defensaThe defendant and his legal advisors collectively
estatuariastatues collectively
exhibición, expo, exposiciónA collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display
farmacopeaA collection or stock of drugs
faunaAll the animal life in a particular region or period
fichero de delincuentesA collection of pictures of criminals
flora, vegetaciónAll the plant life in a particular region or period
flotaA group of warships organized as a tactical unit
flota, flotillagroup of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership
flotagroup of aircraft operating together under the same ownership
galaxia, nebulosa(astronomy) a collection of star systems
guardarropa, vestuariocollection of clothing belonging to one person
guardarropia, vestuariocollection of costumes belonging to a theatrical company
herbarioA collection of dried plants that are mounted and systematically classified for study
hileraA collection of objects threaded on a single strand
hornada, loteAll the loaves of bread baked at the same time
jurisprudencia, leyThe collection of rules imposed by authority
kludgeA badly assembled collection of parts hastily assembled to serve some particular purpose (often used to refer to computing systems or software that has been badly put together)
loteA collection of things or persons to be handled together
manoThe cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time
mezcla, miscelánea, surtido, variedadA collection containing a variety of sorts of things
mitologíamyths collectively
panteónAll the gods of a religion
pedazosBits and splinters and fragments
población, universo(statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn
repertorioThe entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field / field or occupation
repertorioA collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do perform for short intervals on a regular schedule
rotulaciónSigns collectively (especially commercial signs or posters)
suma, sumatorio, suma total, totalThe final aggregate
tercer mundo, Tercer Mundounderdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively
tesoroA collection of precious things
trucosA collection of gimmicks
Generalagrupación, colectivo, grupoAny number of entities (members) considered as a unit
Ingléscollection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
Catalánacumulació, arreplec, col·lecció, conjunt, cúmul
Verbosacumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunirGet or gather together
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 2, Tops
SentidoAn assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity.
Sinónimosunidad completa, unidad
Partesparte, sección, sector, segmentoOne of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object
parte, porciónSomething less than the whole of a human artifact
EspecíficoartefactoA man-made object taken as a whole
objeto naturalAn object occurring naturally
organismo, ser, ser vivoA living (or once living) entity
suma, totalidad, totalThe whole amount
Generalcosa, objeto físico, objeto inanimado, objetoA tangible and visible entity
Ingléswhole, unit
Catalánconjunt, unitat completa, unitat
Adjetivomonolítico, sólido, unánimeacting together as a single undiversified whole
Verbosadherirse, asociarse, cohesionar, fusionarse, juntarse, unificarse, unificar, unirse, unirBecome one
amalgamar, cohesionar, fusionar, mezclar, mixturar, unificarTo bring or combine together or with something else
unificarmake into a unit
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 3, group
SentidoA group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used.
Sinónimosjuego, set
MiembrosvolumenA publication that is one of a set of several similar publications
EspecíficoCartesian product, intersección, producto cartesianoThe set of elements common to two or more sets
ajedrezcheckerboard and a set of 32 pieces used to play chess
campo(computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information
conjugaciónThe complete set of inflected forms of a verb
dentadura, dentición, dientesThe kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal
mobiliario, suiteA matching set of furniture
núcleoA small group of indispensable / indispensable persons or things
octetoA set of eight similar things considered as a unit
parA set of two similar things considered as a unit
portafolioA set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers
quintetoA set of five similar things considered as a unit
septetoA set of seven similar things considered as a unit
sextetoA set of six similar things considered as a unit
synsetA set of one or more synonyms
terceto, tríada, tripleA set of three similar things considered as a unit
union, uniónA set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets
Generalacumulación, colección, conjunto, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hatoSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
Catalánconjunt, joc
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 4, artifact
SentidoA set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color.
Sinónimosflux, terno, traje, vestido
Específicotraje cruzadoA suit with a double-breasted jacket
Generalindumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa, vestidoAn article of clothing
Ingléssuit, suit of clothes
Catalánconjunt, vestit
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 5, group
SentidoAn unofficial association of people or groups.
Sinónimoscírculo, grupo
Específicocamarilla, cenáculo, clica, pandilla, peñaAn exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
cohorteA band of warriors (originally / originally a unit of a Roman Legion)
compañía, partidaA band of people associated temporarily in some activity
cuatrocientosThe exclusive social set of a city
jet setA set of rich and fashionable people who travel widely for pleasure
Generalgrupo socialPeople sharing some social relation
Inglésset, circle, band, lot
Cataláncercle, colla, grup, penya
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 6, group
Sentido(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols.
Categoríaciencias exactas, matemática, matemáticas, matemático, matesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Específicocampo, cuerpo(mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1
diagonal(mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry
dominio(mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
espacio topológico(mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind
grupoA set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
intersecciónA point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations
intervaloA set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints
lugarThe set of all points or lines that satisfy or are determined by specific conditions
subconjuntoA set whose members are members of another set
GeneralabstracciónA general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 7, group
SentidoA group of musicians playing or singing together.
Sinónimosbanda, grupo
EspecíficogamelanA traditional Indonesian ensemble typically including many tuned percussion instruments including bamboo xylophones and wooden or bronze chimes and gongs
grupo de popA group that plays pop music
mariachiA group of street musicians in Mexico
Generalgrupo musicalAn organization of musicians who perform together
Catalánbanda, conjunt, grup
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 8, cognition
SentidoA conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts.
Específicoconjunto, grupo, sindromeA complex of concurrent things
híbridoA composite of mixed origin
Generaltodo, totalidadAll of something including all its component elements or parts
Ingléscomplex, composite
Cataláncomplex, conjunt
AdjetivocompuestoConsisting of separate interconnected parts
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 9, artifact
SentidoA coordinated outfit (set of clothing).
Específicotraje de marineritoA boy's ensemble
Generalatavío, atuendo, tenida, trajeA set of clothing (with accessories)
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 10, group
SentidoAny collection in its entirety.
Sinónimoscuadrilla, montón, totalidad
Generalacumulación, colección, conjunto, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hatoSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
Inglésbunch, lot, caboodle
Español > conjunto: 16 sentidos > nombre 11, cognition
SentidoA complex of concurrent things.
Sinónimosgrupo, sindrome
Generalcomplejo, conjuntoA conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts

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