Español > compuesto: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, substanceSentido | (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight. |
Sinónimo | compuesto químico |
Categoría | química | The science of matter |
Específico | acida, azida | A chemical compound containing the azido group combined with an element or radical |
aducto | A compound formed by an addition reaction |
agente fijador | A chemical compound that sets or fixes something (as a dye or a photographic image) |
alcali, álcali, base | Any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water |
alomorfo | Any of several different crystalline forms of the same chemical compound |
aluminato | A compound of alumina and a metallic oxide |
amina, ammina | A complex inorganic compound that contains ammonia molecules |
anhídrido, anhidruro | A compound formed from one or more other compounds in a reaction resulting in removal of water |
antidetonante | Any of various compounds that are added to gasoline to reduce engine knocking |
arseniuro | A compound of arsenic with a more positive element |
azoato, nitrato, nitratos | Any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt or ester of nitric acid) |
benzofurano | A colorless oily compound extracted from coal tar and used in manufacturing synthetic resins |
benzoquinona, quinona | Any of a class of aromatic yellow compounds including several that are biologically important as coenzymes or acceptors or vitamins |
buffer | (chemistry) an ionic compound that resists changes in its pH |
carbonil, carbonilo, grupo carbonilo | A compound containing metal combined with carbon monoxide |
carburo de hierro, cementita | A chemical compound that is a constituent of steel and cast iron |
cianamida cálcica, cianamida de calcio, cianamida | A compound used as a fertilizer and as a source of nitrogen compounds |
cloropicrina, nitrochloroform | A heavy colorless insoluble liquid compound that causes tears and vomiting |
cloruro | Any compound containing a chlorine atom |
cofactor | A substance (as a coenzyme) that must join with another to produce a given result |
complejo, compuesto | A compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated |
complejo aniónico | A compound characterized by an active anion |
compuesto binario | chemical compound composed of only two elements |
compuesto inorgánico | Any compound that does not contain carbon |
compuesto isómero, isomería, isómero | A compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight |
compuesto orgánico | Any compound of carbon and another element or a radical |
compuesto sintético | A compound made artificially by chemical reactions |
conservador, conservante, preservativo | A chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition |
corrosivo | A substance having the tendency to cause corrosion (such a strong acids or alkali) |
cáustico, producto cáustico | Any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue |
defoliante, desfoliante | A chemical that is sprayed on plants and causes their leaves to fall off |
depilatorio | A chemical (usually a sulfide) used to remove hair or wool or bristles from hides |
derivado | A compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound |
disulfuro de carbono | A toxic colorless flammable liquid / liquid (CS2) |
dímero | A compound whose molecules are composed of two identical monomers |
enantiómero | Either one of a pair of compounds (crystals or molecules) that are mirror images on each other but are not identical |
flavona | A colorless crystalline compound that is part of a number of white or yellow plant pigments |
formulación, preparación | A substance prepared according to a formula |
goitrogen | Any substance (such as thiouracil) that induces the formation of a goiter |
heterociclo | A compound containing a heterocyclic ring |
hidrato | Any compound that contains water of crystallization |
hidróxido, óxido hidratado | A compound of an oxide with water |
hidróxido | A chemical compound containing the hydroxyl group |
incienso, sahumerio | A substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned |
mentol | A crystalline compound that has the cool and minty taste and odor that occurs naturally in peppermint oil |
monómero | A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers |
nitruro | A compound containing nitrogen and a more electropositive element (such as phosphorus or a metal) |
ozónido | Any of a class of unstable chemical compounds resulting from the addition of ozone to a double bond in an unsaturated compound |
polímero, polímeros | A naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers |
pregnanediol | A compound found in women's urine during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and in the urine of pregnant women |
principio amargo | Any one of several hundred compounds having a bitter taste |
repelente | A chemical substance that repels animals |
sal | A compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal) |
siliciuro | Any of various compounds of silicon with a more electropositive element or radical |
siloxano | Any of a large class of compounds that have alternate silicon and oxygen atoms |
solvato | A compound formed by solvation (the combination of solvent molecules with molecules or ions of the solute) |
sulfuro | A compound of sulphur and some other element that is more electropositive |
taurina | A colorless crystalline substance obtained from the bile of mammals |
tenderiser | A substance (as the plant enzyme papain) applied to meat to make it tender |
tetracloruro | Any compound that contains four chlorine atoms per molecule |
tetróxido de manganeso | An oxide of manganese found naturally as hausmannite |
triazina, triazinas | Any of three isomeric compounds having three carbon and three nitrogen atoms in a six-membered ring |
vainillina, vanilina | A crystalline compound found in vanilla beans and some balsam / balsam resins |
ácido | Any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt |
óxido, óxidos | Any compound of oxygen with another element or a radical |
óxido de uranio | An impure mixture of uranium oxides obtained during the processing of uranium ore |
General | producto químico, químico, sustancia química | Material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules |
Inglés | compound, chemical compound |
Catalán | compost, compost químic |
Verbos | componer | create by mixing or combining |