HyperDic: conservador

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra conservador:
ADJETIVOallconservadorresistant to change
allconservador, puritano, tradicionalmorally rigorous and strict
allconservadorunimaginatively conventional
allconservadorhaving social or political views favoring conservatism
NOMBREsubstanceconservador, conservante, preservativoa chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition
person conservador, conservativista person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
person conservador, curadorthe custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidoresistant to change.
Cualidad deideología, orientación políticaAn orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
Específicocarcaold-fashioned and out of date
tradicionalistastubbornly conservative and narrow-minded / narrow-minded
ultraconservadorExtremely conservative
TambiénderechistaOf or belonging to the political or intellectual right
ortodoxoadhering to what is commonly accepted
ContrarioliberalTolerant of change
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidomorally rigorous and strict.
Sinónimospuritano, tradicional
Inglésblue, puritanic, puritanical
Catalánconservador, purità, tradicional
Nombrescucufato, mojigato, puritano, remilgadoA person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum
puritanismostrictness and austerity in conduct and religion
puritanosomeone who adheres to strict religious principles
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidounimaginatively conventional.
Generalconvencionalunimaginative / unimaginative and conformist
Inglésbutton-down, buttoned-down, conservative
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoHaving social or political views favoring conservatism.
GeneralderechistaOf or belonging to the political or intellectual right
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > nombre 1, substance
SentidoA chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition.
Sinónimosconservante, preservativo
Específicoespeciaaromatic substances of vegetable origin used as a preservative
Generalcompuesto, compuesto químico(chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
Adjetivopreservativotending or having the power to preserve
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > nombre 2, person
SentidoA person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas.
EspecíficocapitalistaA conservative advocate of capitalism
conformista, contemporizadorsomeone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)
derechistaA member of a right wing political party
duroA conservative who is uncompromising
inmovilista, reaccionario, ultraconservador, ultraderechistaAn extreme conservative
lata, paloA conservative who is old-fashioned or dull in attitude or appearance
neocon, neoconservadorA conservative who subscribes to neoconservatism
porfiada, testaruda, tradicionalistaOne who adheres to traditional views
Generaladulta, adulto, mayor, persona mayorA fully developed person from maturity onward
Contrarioliberal, progresistaA person who favors / favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
Inglésconservative, conservativist
Catalánconservador, conservativist
Nombresconservadurismo, conservatismoA political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes
Español > conservador: 7 sentidos > nombre 3, person
SentidoThe custodian of a collection (as a museum or library).
Generalcustodio, guarda, tutorOne having charge of buildings or grounds or animals
Ingléscurator, conservator
Catalánconservador, curador
AdjetivoadministrativoOf or relating to a curator or the duties of a curator
Nombrescomité, curaduríaThe position of curator

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