Español > simple: 15 sentidos > adjetivo 2Sentido | (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions. |
Categoría | botánica | The branch of biology that studies plants |
Específico | acicular | Narrow and long and pointed |
acorazonado, cordado, cordiforme | (of a leaf) shaped like a heart |
acuminado | (of a leaf shape) narrowing to a slender point |
aovado | Of a leaf shape |
apiculado | (of a leaf shape) having a short sharply pointed tip |
arriñonado | (of a leaf or bean / bean shape) resembling the shape of kidney |
astado | (of a leaf shape) like a spear point, with flaring pointed lobes at the base |
cuneado | (of a leaf shape) narrowly triangular, wider at the apex and tapering toward the base |
deltoide | Triangular or suggesting a capital delta, with a point at the apex |
elíptico | (of a leaf shape) in the form of an ellipse |
ensiforme | shaped like a sword blade |
esférico, orbicular | Circular or nearly circular |
espatulado | (of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a narrow base |
lanceolado | (of a leaf shape) shaped like a lance head |
lineal | (of a leaf shape) long and narrow |
lirada | (of a leaf shape) having curvature suggestive of a lyre |
oblongo | (of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides |
obovado, oboval | (of a leaf shape) egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base |
obtuso | (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex |
peltado | (of a leaf shape) round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin (as a nasturtium leaf for example) |
perfoliado | (of a leaf) having the base united around (and apparently pierced by) the stem |
sagitado | (of a leaf shape) like an arrow head without flaring base lobes |
También | dentado, denticulado | Of the margin of a leaf shape |
liso | Of the margin of a leaf shape |
sencillo, simple | Having few parts |
Contrario | compuesto | Composed of more than one part |
Inglés | simple, unsubdivided |
Nombres | sencillez, simpleza, simplicidad | The quality of being simple or uncompounded |
Español > simple: 15 sentidos > nombre 1, person Sentido | A person lacking intelligence or common sense. |
Sinónimos | ababol, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente, simplón |
Específico | alcornoque, atún, bobales, bobalicón, bobo, bodoque, borrico, cateto, cebollino, ceporro, cernícalo, ganso, gaznápiro, imbécil, lechuzo, lila, majadero, memo, mentecato, percebe, simple, tarado, tontaina, tontorrón, vaina, zopenco, zote | A stupid incompetent person |
alocado, cabeza de chorlito, cascabelero, danzante, desmemoriado, despistado, saltarín, tolondro, tolondrón | A flighty and disorganized person |
badulaque, bobalicón, bobo, fantoche, memo, mentecato, panoli, papanatas, popa, primo, tonto, zoquete | A stupid foolish person |
berzotas, capullo, ceporro, chabón, estafermo, inflagaitas, lila, merluzo, ninchi, pavipollo, pendejo, percebe, piernas, soplagaitas, tonto | someone who is regarded as contemptible |
bobalicón, bobo, memo, palurdo, tarugo, tonto, zoquete | An ignorant or foolish person |
bobo, corto, imbécil, necio, tonto | A person who lacks good judgment |
bobo, corto, cretino, estúpido, idiota, imbécil, memo, necio, retardado, retrasado, tonto | A person of subnormal intelligence |
cabeza de chorlito, cabeza hueca | A flighty scatterbrained / scatterbrained simpleton |
calabaza, camueso, ciruelo, estúpido, gaznápiro, idiota, jumento, mastuerzo, mendrugo, peruétano, tonto | A person who is not very bright |
deficiente mental, subnormal | A person of less than normal intelligence |
idiot savant | person who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in some limited field (usually involving memory) |
mentecato, simplon | (Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton |
schlemiel | (Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler |
General | alguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, ser | A human being |
Inglés | simpleton, simple |
Catalán | capsigrany, crèdul, enze, ingenu, innocent, simple |