HyperDic: sencillo

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra sencillo:
ADJETIVOallsencillo, simplehaving few parts
allsencillo, escueto, liso y llano, simple, sin adornosnot elaborate or elaborated
allsencillo, claro, evidente, inconfundible, manifiesto, obvia, obvio, patenteclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
allsencillonot by design / design or artifice
allsencillo, humilde, modesto, pequeñolow or inferior in station or quality
allsencillosimple and natural
allsencillo, naturallacking embellishment or ornamentation
allsencillo, iletrado, inculto(of persons) lacking art or knowledge
allsencillofree from any effort to soften to disguise
allsencillo, humilde, modestofree from pomp or affectation
allsencillo, llano, popularcharacteristic of country life
allsencillonot pompous
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoHaving few parts; not complex or complicated or involved.
Cualidad decomplejidadThe quality of being intricate and compounded
Específicoinanalizablerepresenting the furthest possible extent of analysis or division into parts
simpleHaving only one part or element
simplistaCharacterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity
Tambiénescueto, liso y llano, sencillo, simple, sin adornosnot elaborate or elaborated
fácilposing no difficulty
simple(botany) of leaf shapes
Contrariocomplejo, complexo, complicadocomplicated in structure
Catalánsenzill, simple
Nombressencillez, simpleza, simplicidadThe quality of being simple or uncompounded
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidonot elaborate or elaborated; simple.
Sinónimosescueto, liso y llano, simple, sin adornos
Específicoaustero, sobrioseverely simple
castopure and simple in design or style
entalladoseverely simple in line or design
mero, puro, simpleplain and unpretentious
monótonolacking distinguishing characteristics or features
puroAvoiding embellishment or exaggeration (used for emphasis)
seco(of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish
Tambiénmodestolacking pretension or affectation
poco retóriconot rhetorical
sencillo, simpleHaving few parts
Contrarioelaborado, producido, sofisticadonot plain
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidoclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
Sinónimosclaro, evidente, inconfundible, manifiesto, obvia, obvio, patente
Generalevidente, obvia, obvioeasily perceived / perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
Inglésapparent, evident, manifest, palpable, patent, plain, unmistakable
Catalánclar, evident, manifest, obvi, palès, patent
Nombresbase, evidencia, fundamentoYour basis for belief or disbelief
evidencia, obviedadThe property of being easy to see and understand
perspicuidadclarity as a consequence of being perspicuous
Adverbiosaparentemente, claramente, claro, evidentemente, manifiestamente, obviamente, patentementeunmistakably ('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly')
Verbosaflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer, parecerCome into sight or view
parecerseem to be true, probable, or apparent
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidonot by design / design or artifice; unforced and impromptu.
TambiénnaturalFree of artificiality
Contrarioestudiadoproduced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
Inglésunstudied, uncontrived
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoLow or inferior in station or quality.
Sinónimoshumilde, modesto, pequeño
GeneralinferiorOf or characteristic of low rank or importance
Ingléshumble, low, lowly, modest, small
Catalánhumil, modest, petit, senzill
Nombresclase bajaA position of inferior status
humildadThe state of being humble and unimportant
AdverbioshumildementeIn a miserly manner
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentidosimple and natural; without cunning or deceit.
TambiénnaturalIn accordance with nature
Contrarioartero, astuto, taimadomarked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidolacking embellishment or ornamentation.
Inglésplain, bare, spare, unembellished, unornamented
Catalánnatural, senzill
NombresclaridadThe appearance of being plain and unpretentious
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 8
Sentido(of persons) lacking art or knowledge.
Sinónimosiletrado, inculto
Generalbasto, rudo, tosco(used of persons and their behavior) not refined
Inglésartless, uncultivated, uncultured
Catalánilletrat, inculte, senzill
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 9
SentidoFree from any effort to soften to disguise.
GeneraldirectoStraightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action
Inglésplain, unvarnished
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 10
SentidoFree from pomp or affectation.
Sinónimoshumilde, modesto
Generalmodestolacking pretension or affectation
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 11
Sentidocharacteristic of country life.
Sinónimosllano, popular
GeneralruralLiving in or characteristic of farming or country life
Ingléscracker-barrel, homespun
Catalánplaner, popular, senzill
Español > sencillo: 12 sentidos > adjetivo 12
Sentidonot pompous.
Generalmodestolacking pretension or affectation

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