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Català 18 sentits de la paraula clar:
ADJECTIUallclar, pàl·lid(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
allclar, definit, distint, inconfusible, marcateasy to perceive / perceive
allclarreadily apparent to the mind
allclar, cristal·lí, límpid, lúcid, transparenttransmitting light
allclarallowing light to pass through
allclar, evident, manifest, obvi, palès, patentclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
allclar, lliureaffording free passage / passage or view
allclar, net, nítid(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls / dulls or dims
allclar, nítid, serèfree from clouds or mist or haze
allclar, llegibleeasily deciphered
allclar, ben definits, precíshaving a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges
allclar, esblanqueït, pàl·lid(used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored
allclar, dispers, esclarissat, esparsnot dense
allclar, nítid, serèfree from clouds
allclar, inconfusibleclearly evident to the mind
allclar, pàl·lid, pasteldelicate and pale in color
allclar, evident, indiscutible, indubtable, innegable, inqüestionable, irrebatible, irrefutable, notable, obvirecognizable
NOMlocationclar, clarianaa tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 1
Sentit(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent.
Qualitat devalorrelative darkness or lightness of a color
Específicclar, pàl·lid, pastelDelicate and pale in color
Tambéalba, blancOf the achromatic color of maximum lightness
Contrarifosc, obscur(used of color) having a dark hue
Anglèslight, light-colored
Espanyolclaro, pálido
Nomsclaredat, pal·lidesaHaving a light color / color
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 2
SentitEasy to perceive / perceive; especially clearly outlined.
Sinònimsdefinit, distint, inconfusible, marcat
Específicben definits, clar, precísHaving a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges
TambéclarReadily apparent to the mind
definitiu, fixe, segurprecise
precíssharply exact or accurate or delimited
Contrariindistintnot clearly / clearly / clearly defined / defined / defined or easy to perceive or understand
Espanyolclaro, definido, distinto, iconfundible, inconfundible, marcado
NomsnitidesaThe quality of being sharp and clear
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 3
SentitReadily apparent to the mind.
Qualitat declaredat, lucidesa, nitidesa, transparènciaFree from obscurity and easy to understand
Específicclar, inconfusibleclearly evident to the mind
comprensible, lúcid, perspicu(of language) transparently clear
intens, viuHaving the clarity and freshness of immediate experience
Tambéclar, definit, distint, inconfusible, marcatEasy to perceive / perceive
comprensiblecapable of being comprehended or understood
definitiu, fixe, segurprecise
inequívocHaving or exhibiting a single clearly / clearly defined meaning
Contrariconfús, imprecísnot clear to the mind
Nomsclaredat, lucidesa, nitidesa, transparènciaFree from obscurity and easy to understand
Adverbiscomprensiblement, intel·ligiblementIn an intelligible manner
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 4
Sentittransmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity.
Sinònimscristal·lí, límpid, lúcid, transparent
GeneralclarAllowing light to pass through
Anglèscrystalline, crystal clear, limpid, lucid, pellucid, transparent
Espanyolclaro, cristalino, diáfano, límpido, lúcido, transparente
Nomslimpidesa, limpiditatPassing light without diffusion or distortion
transparènciaThe quality of being clear and transparent
transparènciapermitting the free passage of electromagnetic radiation
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 5
SentitAllowing light to pass through.
Qualitat declaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Específicclar, cristal·lí, límpid, lúcid, transparenttransmitting light
diàfan, radiantClear and bright
hialí, vidriósresembling glass in transparency or translucency
semitransparent, translúcidAllowing light to pass through diffusely
Contrariopacnot transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy
Espanyolclaro, transparente
Nomsclaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 6
Sentitclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
Sinònimsevident, manifest, obvi, palès, patent
Generalevident, obvieasily perceived / perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
Anglèsapparent, evident, manifest, palpable, patent, plain, unmistakable
Espanyolclaro, evidente, inconfundible, manifiesto, obvia, obvio, patente, sencillo
Nomsbase, evidència, fonamentYour basis for belief or disbelief
evidència, obvietatThe property of being easy to see and understand
perspicüitatclarity as a consequence of being perspicuous
Adverbisevidentment, manifestament, òbviamentunmistakably ('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly')
Verbsaflorar, aparèixer, apuntar, comparèixer, sortirCome into sight or view
semblarseem to be true, probable, or apparent
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 7
Sentitaffording free passage / passage or view.
Anglèsclear, open
Espanyoldespejado, libre
Nomsclaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 8
Sentit(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls / dulls or dims.
Sinònimsnet, nítid
GeneralpurFree of extraneous elements of any kind
Anglèsclean, clear, light, unclouded
Espanyolclaro, limpio, nítido
Nomsclaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 9
SentitFree from clouds or mist or haze.
Sinònimsnítid, serè
CategoriameteorologiaThe earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather)
Específicclar, nítid, serèFree from clouds
serèCompletely clear and fine
Contrariennuvolat, nuvolósFull of or covered with clouds
Espanyolclaro, despejado, nítido
Nomsclaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 10
Sentiteasily deciphered.
Generallegible, llegible(of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered
Anglèsclear, decipherable, readable
Espanyolclaro, legible, leíble
Nomsclaredat, lucidesa, nitidesa, transparènciaFree from obscurity and easy to understand
llegibilitatA quality of writing (print or handwriting) that can be easily read
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 11
SentitHaving a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges.
Sinònimsben definits, precís
Generalclar, definit, distint, inconfusible, marcatEasy to perceive / perceive
Anglèschiseled, well-defined
Espanyolbien definidos, claro, preciso
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 12
Sentit(used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored.
Sinònimsesblanqueït, pàl·lid
GeneralrosBeing or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes
Anglèsfair, fairish
Espanyolclaro, pálido, pastel
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 13
Sentitnot dense.
Sinònimsdispers, esclarissat, espars
Anglèssparse, thin
Espanyolclaro, disperso, escasa, escaso, ralo
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 14
SentitFree from clouds.
Sinònimsnítid, serè
Generalclar, nítid, serèFree from clouds or mist or haze
Anglèscloudless, unclouded
Nomsclaredat, nitidesaThe quality of clear water
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 15
Sentitclearly evident to the mind.
GeneralclarReadily apparent to the mind
Espanyolclaro, inconfundible
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 16
SentitDelicate and pale in color.
Sinònimspàl·lid, pastel
Generalclar, pàl·lid(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
Espanyolclaro, pálido, pastel
NomspastelAny of various pale or light colors
Catalàclar: 18 sentits adjectiu 17
Sentitrecognizable; marked.
Sinònimsevident, indiscutible, indubtable, innegable, inqüestionable, irrebatible, irrefutable, notable, obvi
Generaldefinitiu, fixe, segurprecise
Anglèsdistinct, decided
Espanyolclaro, evidente, incontestable, incuestionable, indiscutible, indudable, inequívoco, innegable, notable, obvio, patente
NomsnitidesaThe quality of being sharp and clear
Adverbisdecididament, emfàticament, sens dubteWithout question and beyond doubt
Catalàclar: 18 sentits nom 1, location
SentitA tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area.
Generalparcel·la, parcel, terrenyAn extended area of land
Anglèsclearing, glade
Espanyolcalvero, claro, desmonte

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