Sentit | Come into sight or view. |
Sinònims | aflorar, aparèixer, apuntar, sortir |
Causat per | produir, treure | Bring onto the market or release |
projectar | Project on a screen |
Específic | aflorar | Appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground |
aflorar | Appear at the surface |
aparèixer, brollar, emergir, sorgir, sortir | Become known or apparent |
comparèixer, presentar-se | Come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons |
demostrar, ensenyar, mostrar, presentar, ressaltar, revelar | Be or become visible or noticeable / noticeable |
emergir | Come out into view, as from concealment |
emergir | Appear suddenly |
emergir | emerge from the surface of a body of water |
reaparèixer, ressorgir | Appear again |
sorgir, sortir | Appear or become visible |
sortir | break out |
Contrari | desaparèixer, dissipar-se, dissipar, esfumar-se, esvair-se | Get lost, as without warning or explanation |
Anglès | appear |
Espanyol | aflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer, parecer |
Adjectius | clar, evident, manifest, obvi, palès, patent | clearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment |
Noms | aparença, aspecte, cara, presència | outward or visible aspect of a person or thing |
aparició | The event of coming into sight |