HyperDic: parecer

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra parecer:
NOMBREcommunicationparecer, criterio, opinión, punto de vista, vistaa message expressing a belief about something
cognitionparecer, apreciación, convencimiento, idea, opinión, punto de vista, visióna personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
cognitionparecer, juicio, opiniónan opinion formed by judging something
VERBOperceptionparecer, aflorar, aparentar, mirargive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
stativeparecer, acordar, coincidir, convenir, corresponder, igualar, pactar, ser igual asatisfy a condition or restriction
changeparecer, aflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecercome into sight or view
perceptionparecerseem to be true, probable, or apparent
stativeparecer, notarsebe felt or perceived in a certain way
perceptionparecer, sonar, tener pintaappear in a certain way
stativeparecer, aparentar, lucir, verseaccord in appearance with
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, communication
SentidoA message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
Sinónimoscriterio, opinión, punto de vista, vista
Específicoconjetura, especulación, suposición, surmisalA message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
posición, posturaAn opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute
Generalcontenido, mensaje, temaWhat a communication that is about something is about
Inglésopinion, view
Cataláncriteri, opinió, parer, punt de vista, vista
Verbosconsiderar, estimar, verdeem to be
opinarExpress one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation / hesitation
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > nombre 2, cognition
SentidoA personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.
Sinónimosapreciación, convencimiento, idea, opinión, punto de vista, visión
EspecíficoideaA personal view
idea preconcebida, parti pris, preconcepción, prejuicioAn opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
juicio, opinión, parecerAn opinion formed by judging something
ojosOpinion or judgment
poloOne of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions
simpatía políticaThe opinion you hold with respect to political questions
Generalconvicción, creenciaAny cognitive content held as true
Inglésopinion, sentiment, persuasion, view, thought
Catalánapreciació, convenciment, opinió, parer, punt de vista, sentiment, visió
Verbosconsiderar, estimar, verdeem to be
considerar, creer, opinar, pensarjudge or regard
creer, imaginar, opinar, pensar, suponerExpect, believe, or suppose
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > nombre 3, cognition
SentidoAn opinion formed by judging something.
Sinónimosjuicio, opinión
Específicoconclusión, decisión, determinación, resoluciónA position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
Generalapreciación, convencimiento, idea, opinión, parecer, punto de vista, visiónA personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
Inglésjudgment, judgement, mind
Catalánjudici, opinió, parer
AdjetivocríticoDepending on judgment
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 1, perception
SentidoGive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect.
Sinónimosaflorar, aparentar, mirar
Específicoalzarse, erguirseRise up
aparecer, asomarse, presentarse, surgirCome into view indistinctly, often threateningly
brillar, centellear, destellar, fulgurar, relucir, resplandecer, rutilarBe shiny, as if wet
brillar, irradiar, lucir, resplandecerHave a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink
cortarGive the appearance or impression of
creer, sentirproduce a certain impression
destacar, sobresalirBe highly noticeable / noticeable
hacerse pasar porBe accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity
notarse, parecerBe felt or perceived in a certain way
parecer, sonar, tener pintaAppear in a certain way
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Ingléslook, appear, seem
Catalánaflorar, mirar, parèixer, semblar
Nombresaparición, apariencia, visiónA mental representation
apariencia, aspecto, estampa, expresiónThe feelings expressed on a person's face
aspectoPhysical appearance
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 2, stative
Sentidosatisfy a condition or restriction.
Sinónimosacordar, coincidir, convenir, corresponder, igualar, pactar, ser igual a
Específicoadecuar, ajustar, concordar, convenir, ser adecuada, ser propio deaccord or comport with
adherir, cumplirBe compatible or in accordance with
aparentar, lucir, parecer, verseaccord in appearance with
armonizar, concordar, encajarGo together
asemejar, parecerse a, parecerse, se asemejan a, semejarAppear like
confirmar, corroborar, secundar, sostener, sustentarsupport / support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm
correlacionarTo bear a reciprocal or mutual relation
corresponder, obedecermatch or correspond
duplicar, hacer un paralelo, hermanar, reflejarduplicate or match
rimarBe similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable
Generalequivaler, ser equivalente, ser, significarBe identical or equivalent to
ContrariodiscreparBe different from one another
Similararmonizar, concordar, encajarGo together
comprobar, inspeccionarBe verified or confirmed
Inglésmatch, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree
Catalánacordar, coincidir, convenir, correspondre, pactar, parèixer, semblar, ser igual a
Adjetivoanálogo, correspondienteSimilar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar / dissimilar
conformeIn keeping
Nombresacuerdo, conformidad, correspondenciacompatibility of observations
coincidencia, contraparte, equivalente, pareja, par, semejanteAn exact duplicate
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 3, change
SentidoCome into sight or view.
Sinónimosaflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer
Causado porlanzar, producir, sacarBring onto the market or release
proyectarProject on a screen
Específicoabrirse paso, penetrarpenetrate
aflorarAppear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
aflorarAppear at the surface
aparecer, emerger, salir, surgirBecome known or apparent
aparecer, salir, surgirAppear or become visible
aparecer, comparecerCome, usually in answer to an invitation or summons
asomarAppear suddenly
brotar, entrar en erupción, hacer erupción, salirbreak out
demostrar, destacar, mostrar, presentar, resaltar, revelarBe or become visible or noticeable / noticeable
emergerCome out into view, as from concealment
emergeremerge from the surface of a body of water
manifestarse, manifiestaReveal its presence or make an appearance
reaparecer, resurgirAppear again
Contrariodesaparecer, desvancerse, disiparse, esfumarseGet lost, as without warning or explanation
Catalánaflorar, aparèixer, apuntar, comparèixer, sortir
Adjetivoclaro, evidente, inconfundible, manifiesto, obvia, obvio, patente, sencilloclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
NombresapariciónThe event of coming into sight
apariencia, aspecto, cara, presenciaoutward or visible aspect of a person or thing
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 4, perception
Sentidoseem to be true, probable, or apparent.
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Inglésappear, seem
Adjetivoaparente, evidente, ostensibleAppearing as such but not necessarily so
claro, evidente, inconfundible, manifiesto, obvia, obvio, patente, sencilloclearly / clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 5, stative
SentidoBe felt or perceived in a certain way.
EspecíficorepelerFeel as if crawling with insects
Generalaflorar, aparentar, mirar, parecerGive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
Similarsentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
Catalánnotar, parèixer, semblar
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 6, perception
SentidoAppear in a certain way.
Sinónimossonar, tener pinta
Generalaflorar, aparentar, mirar, parecerGive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
Catalánfer fila, semblar, sonar
Español > parecer: 10 sentidos > verbo 7, stative
Sentidoaccord in appearance with.
Sinónimosaparentar, lucir, verse
Generalacordar, coincidir, convenir, corresponder, igualar, pactar, parecer, ser igual asatisfy a condition or restriction

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