Català > sentiment: 4 sentits > nom 2, TopsSentit | The experiencing of affective and emotional states. |
Específic | admiració, estupefacció, estupor, sorpresa | The feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising |
afecció, afecte, simpatia, tendresa | A positive feeling of liking |
afecte | The conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion |
afició, grat, gust, simpatia | A feeling of pleasure and enjoyment |
aflicció, angoixa, dolor, pesar | emotional distress |
agitació | The feeling of being agitated |
agraïment, gratitud | A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation |
ambivalència | mixed feelings or emotions |
antipatia, desgrat, tírria | A feeling of aversion or antipathy |
apassionament, passió | A strong feeling or emotion |
apatia | An absence of emotion or enthusiasm |
asserenament, assossec, calma, tranquil·litat | A feeling of calm |
autoestima, orgull | A feeling of self-respect and personal worth |
bravura, valentia | Feeling no fear |
compassió, simpatia | Sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish) |
complex | (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior |
delit, gaudi, plaer | A fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience |
desagraïment, ingratitud | A lack of gratitude |
desesperació, desesper | The feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well |
desgràcia, dissort, infelicitat, tristesa | emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being |
desig | The feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state |
desinterès, despreocupació, indiferència | A feeling of lack of concern |
emoció | Any strong feeling |
entusiasme | A feeling of excitement |
esperança | The general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled |
expectació | The feeling that something is about to happen / happen / happen |
felicitat | emotions experienced when in a state of well-being |
fulgor | A feeling of considerable warmth |
humilitat | A humble feeling |
humor, temperament | A characteristic / characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling |
levitat, lleugeresa | Feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness |
sensibilitat, sensitivitat | sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others) |
sentiment | tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion |
serietat, seriositat, solemnitat | A solemn and dignified feeling |
sexe | All of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses |
vergonya | A painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt |
General | estat | The way something is with respect to its main attributes |
Anglès | feeling |
Espanyol | sensación, sentimiento |
Verbs | experimentar, sentir | Undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind |
Català > sentiment: 4 sentits > nom 3, cognitionSentit | A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. |
Sinònims | apreciació, convenciment, opinió, parer, punt de vista, visió |
Específic | idea | A personal view |
idea preconcebuda, prejudici | An opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence |
judici, opinió, parer | An opinion formed by judging something |
pol | One of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions |
simpatia política | The opinion you hold with respect to political questions |
ulls | Opinion or judgment |
General | convicció, creença | Any cognitive content held as true |
Anglès | opinion, sentiment, persuasion, view, thought |
Espanyol | apreciación, convencimiento, idea, opinión, parecer, punto de vista, visión |
Verbs | considerar, estimar, veure | deem to be |
considerar, creure, pensar | judge or regard |
creure, imaginar, opinar, pensar, suposar | Expect, believe, or suppose |