Català > judici: 8 sentits > nom 1, actSentit | A comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy. |
Sinònims | cas, causa, demanda, litigi, plet |
Categoria | jurisprudència, llei | The collection of rules imposed by authority |
Específic | contrademanda | A suit brought against someone who has sued you |
demanda civil, juidici civil | A lawsuit alleging violations / violations of civil law by the defendant |
demanda col·lectiva | A lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large / large / large group of people on behalf of all members of the group |
demanda penal, judici penal | A lawsuit alleging violations of criminal law by the defendant |
General | acció judicial, procediment judicial, resolució judicial, tràmit | (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked |
Anglès | lawsuit, suit, case, cause, causa |
Espanyol | acción, caso, causa, demanda, juicio, litigio, pleito, proceso judicial, proceso, querella |
Verbs | demandar | institute legal proceedings against |
Català > judici: 8 sentits > nom 3, actSentit | The act of judging / judging / judging or assessing a person or situation or event. |
Sinònims | avaluació, valoració |
Específic | adjudicació | The final judgment in a legal proceeding |
avaluació, taxació | Act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of |
avaluació logística, taxació logística, valoració logística | A judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation |
desaprovació | The act of disapproving or condemning |
estimació | A judgment of the qualities of something or somebody |
judicatura, justícia | Judgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments |
General | acció humana, acció, acte, activitat humana | Something that people do or cause to happen |
Anglès | judgment, judgement, assessment |
Espanyol | evaluación, juicio, valoración |
Verbs | avaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensar | form a critical opinion of |
designar, pronunciar | pronounce judgment on |
Català > judici: 8 sentits > nom 4, communicationSentit | A statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information. |
Sinònims | comentari, consideració, observació |
Específic | acudit, agudesa, broma, sortida | witty remark |
banalitat, fotesa, futilesa, futilitat, nimietat, tòpic, trivialitat | A trite or obvious remark |
befa, burla, dicteri, escarni, escarn, mofa, pulla, sarcasme | An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect |
cortesia | A courteous or respectful or considerate remark |
esment, menció, referència | A remark that calls attention to something or someone |
estratagema, tàctica | An opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker |
idea, pensament, raonament, reflexió | A remark expressing careful consideration |
obiter dictum | An incidental remark |
General | afirmació, declaració | A message that is stated or declared |
Anglès | remark, comment, input |
Espanyol | comentario, consideración, juicio, observación |
Verbs | apuntar, citar, comentar, esmentar, mencionar, notar, observar | make mention of |
comentar | make or write a comment on |