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Español 7 sentidos de la palabra sensación:
NOMBREcognitionsensación, aestesis, estesis, experiencia sensorial, impresión, impresión sensorial, sense datuman unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation
Topssensación, sentimientothe experiencing of affective and emotional states
actsensación, percepciónbecoming aware of something via the senses
cognitionsensación, sensacion somática, sensación somática, somestesiathe perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations
feelingsensacióna general feeling of excitement and heightened interest
cognitionsensación, sentidoa general conscious awareness
cognitionsensación, emoción, premonición, presentimientoan intuitive understanding of something
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 1, cognition
SentidoAn unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation.
Sinónimosaestesis, estesis, experiencia sensorial, impresión, impresión sensorial, sense datum
Específicogusto, percepción gustativa, saborThe sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus
limenThe smallest detectable sensation
olor, percepción olfativaThe sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form
percepción visual, vistaThe perceptual experience of seeing
sensación auditiva, sentido del oído, sonidoThe subjective sensation of hearing something
sinestesiaA sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated
GeneralpercepciónThe process of perceiving
Ingléssensation, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum
Catalánestesis, experiència sensorial, impressió sensorial, sensació
Adjetivosensorialrelating to or concerned in sensation
Verbossentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 2, Tops
SentidoThe experiencing of affective and emotional states.
Específicoadmiración, asombro, estupefacción, estupor, pasmo, sorpresaThe feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising
afección, afectividad, afecto, afición, amor, apego, cariño, filia, simpatía, ternuraA positive feeling of liking
afecto, emociónAny strong feeling
afectoThe conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
afición, agrado, gusto, simpatíaA feeling of pleasure and enjoyment
aflicción, angustia, dolor, pesadumbre, pesaremotional distress
agitaciónThe feeling of being agitated
agradecimiento, gratitudA feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
alegría, felicidademotions experienced when in a state of well-being
almaDeep feeling or emotion
ambivalenciamixed feelings or emotions
antipatía, asco, aversión, desagrado, disgustoA feeling of aversion or antipathy
apasionamiento, pasiónA strong feeling or emotion
apatía, flema, impasibilidadAn absence of emotion or enthusiasm
autoestima, orgulloA feeling of self-respect and personal worth
bravura, coraje, valentía, valorFeeling no fear
calma, sosiego, tranquilidadA feeling of calm
compasión, piedad, simpatíaSharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)
complejo(psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior
cosaA persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion
desagradecimiento, ingratitudA lack of gratitude
desdicha, infelicidad, melancolía, tristezaemotions experienced when not in a state of well-being
deseo, ganaThe feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
desesperación, desesperoThe feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well
desinterés, despreocupación, indiferenciaA feeling of lack of concern
entusiasmoA feeling of excitement
esperanzaThe general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
estado de ánimo, humor, temperamentoA characteristic / characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
expectación, expectativaThe feeling that something is about to happen / happen / happen
goce, placerA fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience
humildadA humble feeling
levedad, ligerezaFeeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness
punzada, remordimientoA sudden sharp feeling
sensibilidadsensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
seriedad, solemnidadA solemn and dignified feeling
sexoAll of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses
vergüenzaA painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt
GeneralestadoThe way something is with respect to its main attributes
Verbosexperimentar, sentirUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 3, act
SentidoBecoming aware of something via the senses.
EspecíficoaudiciónThe act of hearing attentively
cata, degustaciónA kind of sensing
labiolecturaperceiving what a person is saying by observing the movements of the lips
mirada, vistazoThe act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually
olorThe act of perceiving the odor of something
Generalactividad sensorialActivity intended to achieve a particular sensory result
Ingléssensing, perception
Catalánpercepció, sensació
Adjetivoperceptiva, perceptivoOf or relating to the act of perceiving
perceptivoOf or relating to perception
Verbosapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
sentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 4, cognition
SentidoThe perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations.
Sinónimossensacion somática, sensación somática, somestesia
Específicocomezón, cosquilleo, hormigueo, hormiguillo, picazón, picor, pruritoA somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles
dolorA somatic sensation of acute discomfort
presión, sensación de presiónThe somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin
temperaturaThe somatic sensation of cold or heat
GeneralpercepciónThe process of perceiving
Ingléssomesthesia, somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation
Catalánsensació, sensació somàtica
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 5, feeling
SentidoA general feeling of excitement and heightened interest.
Generalagitación, conmoción, revueloemotional agitation and excitement
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 6, cognition
SentidoA general conscious awareness.
Generalconciencia, conocimientoHaving knowledge of
Verbosconcienciar, sensibilizarmake sensitive or aware
sentirBecome aware of not through the senses but instinctively
Españolsensación: 7 sentidos nombre 7, cognition
SentidoAn intuitive understanding of something.
Sinónimosemoción, premonición, presentimiento
Generalintuicióninstinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
Inglésfeeling, intuitive feeling

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