HyperDic: sensibilidad

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra sensibilidad:
NOMBREcognitionsensibilidad, delicadeza, receptividad, sensatez(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli
feelingsensibilidadsensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
statesensibilidad, predisposiciónsusceptibility to a pathogen
attributesensibilidad, empatíathe ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
statesensibilidad, incomodidad, irritación, molestiaa pain that is felt (as when the area is touched)
attributesensibilidadthe ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences
cognitionsensibilidad, grado de reacción, reacción, receptividadresponsive to stimulation
cognitionsensibilidad, aestesia, estesismental responsiveness and awareness
attributesensibilidadthe readiness to perceive sensations
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 1, cognition
Sentido(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation.
Sinónimosdelicadeza, receptividad, sensatez
CategoríafisiologíaThe branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
Específicofotosensibilidadsensitivity to the action of radiant energy
grado de reacción, reacción, receptividad, sensibilidadResponsive to stimulation
hipersensibilidadextreme / extreme sensitivity
Generalfacultades sensoriales, sentido, sentidosThe faculty through which the external world is apprehended
Ingléssensitivity, sensitiveness, sensibility
Catalánsensibilitat, sensitivitat
Adjetivodolorido, sensiblehurting
sensible, sensitivo, susceptibleResponsive to physical stimuli
sensibleable to feel or perceive
sensiblereadily perceived by the senses
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 2, feeling
Sentidosensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others).
CualidadesinsensibleDeficient in human sensibility
sensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Generalsensación, sentimientoThe experiencing of affective and emotional states
Ingléssensitivity, sensitiveness
Catalánsensibilitat, sensitivitat
AdjetivosensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 3, state
Sentidosusceptibility to a pathogen.
Cualidadesinsensibilizadormaking less susceptible or sensitive / sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli
sensibilizadormaking susceptible or sensitive / sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli
EspecíficodiátesisConstitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality
hipersensibilidadpathological sensitivity
sensibilizaciónThe state of being sensitive (as to an antigen)
GeneralsusceptibilidadThe state of being susceptible
Ingléssensitivity, predisposition
Catalánpredisposició, sensibilitat
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 4, attribute
SentidoThe ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment.
Específicoa la defensiva, defensividadexcessive sensitivity to criticism
don, sentidosensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ
Generalaptitud, capacidad, habilidadThe quality of being able to perform
Contrarioindiferencia, insensibilidadThe inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
Ingléssensitivity, sensitiveness
AdjetivosensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 5, state
SentidoA pain that is felt (as when the area is touched).
Sinónimosincomodidad, irritación, molestia
Específicodesgaste, rozamientosoreness or irritation of the skin caused by friction
irritaciónsoreness and warmth caused by friction
GeneraldolorA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
Ingléstenderness, soreness, rawness
Catalánadoloriment, incomoditat, irritació, molèstia, sensibilitat
Adjetivoblando, suave al tacto, suavizadophysically untoughened
dolorido, sensiblehurting
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 6, attribute
SentidoThe ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences.
Cualidadesinsensiblenot responsive to physical stimuli
sensible, sensitivo, susceptibleResponsive to physical stimuli
Generalpropiedad físicaAny property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions
Ingléssensitivity, sensitiveness
Adjetivosensible, sensitivo, susceptibleResponsive to physical stimuli
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 7, cognition
SentidoResponsive to stimulation.
Sinónimosgrado de reacción, reacción, receptividad
Específicoexcitabilidad, irritabilidadexcessive sensitivity of an organ or body part
Generaldelicadeza, receptividad, sensatez, sensibilidad(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli
Inglésresponsiveness, reactivity
Catalánreacció, reactivitat
Adjetivoreactivoreacting to a stimulus
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 8, cognition
Sentidomental responsiveness and awareness.
Sinónimosaestesia, estesis
Generalconciencia, conocimiento, consciencia, consciente, sentidoAn alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation
ContrarioinsensibilidadA lack of sensibility
Ingléssensibility, esthesia, aesthesia
Catalánestesis, sensibilitat
Adjetivosensibleable to feel or perceive
Español > sensibilidad: 9 sentidos > nombre 9, attribute
SentidoThe readiness to perceive sensations; elementary or undifferentiated consciousness.
CualidadesinsensibleDevoid of feeling and consciousness and animation
sensible, sensitivoendowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness
GeneralvitalidadThe property of being animated
Contrarioinsensibilidad, insensitividadlacking consciousness or ability to perceive sensations
Catalánsensibilitat, sensitivitat

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