HyperDic: sentido

Español > 17 sentidos de la palabra sentido:
ADJETIVOallsentido, cordial, sinceroearnest
NOMBREcommunicationsentido, significación, significadothe message that is intended or expressed or signified
cognitionsentido, significadothe idea that is intended
cognitionsentido, conciencia, conocimiento, consciencia, conscientean alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation
cognitionsentido, facultades sensoriales, sentidosthe faculty through which the external world is apprehended
locationsentido, camino, curso, dirección, rumbo, trayectoriaa line leading to a place or point
cognitionsentido, sensatez, sentido comúnsound practical judgment
relationsentido, orientaciónposition or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions
locationsentido, rumbothe direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
communicationsentido, acepción, significación, significadothe meaning / meaning of a word or expression
communicationsentido, connotaciónwhat you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression
cognitionsentido, sensacióna general conscious awareness
cognitionsentido, propósito, significadothe pervading meaning / meaning or tenor
attributesentido, donsensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ
attributesentido, razón de serthe purpose that justifies a thing's existence
cognitionsentido, significacióna natural appreciation or ability
VERBOcognitionsentido, apreciarcomprehend / comprehend
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sinónimoscordial, sincero
Generalsinceroopen and genuine
Inglésdear, devout, earnest, heartfelt
NombressinceridadAn earnest / earnest and sincere feeling
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 1, communication
SentidoThe message that is intended or expressed or signified.
Sinónimossignificación, significado
Específicoacepción, sentido, significación, significadoThe meaning / meaning of a word or expression
connotación, sentidoWhat you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression
esencia, meollo, núcleoThe central meaning / meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
intención, significadoThe intended meaning / meaning of a communication
lección, moraleja, moralidad, moralina, moralThe significance of a story or event
matizA subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
referenteSomething referred to
simbolizaciónThe use of symbols to convey meaning / meaning
Generalcontenido, mensaje, temaWhat a communication that is about something is about
Inglésmeaning, significance, signification, import
Catalánsignificació, significat
Adjetivosignificante, significativoRich in significance or implication
Verboscomportar, denotar, significar, tratar de decirdenote or connote
comportar, decir, querer decir, querer, significarmean or intend to express or convey
implicarIndicate or signify
significarconvey or express a meaning / meaning
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 2, cognition
SentidoThe idea that is intended.
EspecíficoconnotaciónAn idea that is implied or suggested
denotación, extensión, referenciaThe most direct or specific meaning / meaning of a word or expression
implicación, significación, significadoA meaning / meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred / inferred / inferred
referenciaThe relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to
semánticaThe meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text
tenor, tonoThe general meaning / meaning or substance of an utterance
trasfondoA subdued emotional quality underlying an utterance
Generalidea, pensamientoThe content of cognition
Inglésmeaning, substance
Catalánsentit, significat
Verboscomportar, denotar, significar, tratar de decirdenote or connote
comportar, decir, querer decir, querer, significarmean or intend to express or convey
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 3, cognition
SentidoAn alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation.
Sinónimosconciencia, conocimiento, consciencia, consciente
Específicoaestesia, estesis, sensibilidadmental responsiveness and awareness
concienciación, concienciastate of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness
ego, yoYour consciousness of your own identity
insomnioThe state of remaining awake
Generalestado de ánimoThe state of a person's cognitive processes
ContrarioinconscienciaA state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment
Catalánconeixement, consciència
Adjetivoconscienteknowing / knowing and perceiving
conscienteintentionally conceived
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 4, cognition
SentidoThe faculty through which the external world is apprehended.
Sinónimosfacultades sensoriales, sentidos
Específicodelicadeza, receptividad, sensatez, sensibilidad(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli
GeneralfacultadOne of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
Ingléssense, sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty
Catalánfacultats sensorials, sentit, sentits
AdjetivosensorialInvolving or derived from the senses
sensualTaking delight in beauty
Verbosconcienciar, sensibilizarmake sensitive or aware
detectar, percibirdetect some circumstance or entity automatically
sentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 5, location
SentidoA line leading to a place or point.
Sinónimoscamino, curso, dirección, rumbo, trayectoria
EspecíficoalquiblaThe direction of the Kaaba toward which Muslims turn for their daily prayers
curso, tendencia, trazadogeneral line of orientation
rumbo, sentidoThe direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
tendenciaA general direction in which something tends to move
Generalcamino, itinerario, recorrido, rutaAn established line of travel or access
Inglésdirection, way
Cataláncamí, direcció, rumb, sentit, trajectòria
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 6, cognition
Sentidosound practical judgment.
Sinónimossensatez, sentido común
Específicocacumen, caletre, chirume, inteligencia, mollera, pesquis, razóncommon sense
lógicareasoned and reasonable judgment
Generalbuen criterio, criterio, discernimiento, juicioThe mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
Ingléscommon sense, good sense, gumption, horse sense, sense, mother wit
Catalánsentit comú, sentit, seny
Verbosapreciar, sentidocomprehend / comprehend
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 7, relation
SentidoPosition or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions.
Cualidadeshorizontalparallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line
inclinadoAt an angle to the horizontal or vertical position
verticalAt right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line
Específicocuarta, cuartoOne of the four major division of the compass
horizontalSomething that is oriented horizontally
Generalcamino, curso, dirección, trayectoriaThe spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 8, location
SentidoThe direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies.
Generalcamino, curso, dirección, rumbo, sentido, trayectoriaA line leading to a place or point
Inglésbearing, heading, aim
Verbosapuntar, canalizar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, indicar, liderar, maniobrardirect the course
dirigirseTo go or travel towards
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 9, communication
SentidoThe meaning / meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted.
Sinónimosacepción, significación, significado
EspecíficoacepciónThe accepted meaning / meaning of a word
Generalsentido, significación, significadoThe message that is intended or expressed or signified
Ingléssense, signified
Catalánsentit, significat
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 10, communication
SentidoWhat you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression.
Generalsentido, significación, significadoThe message that is intended or expressed or signified
Inglésintension, connotation
AdjetivointensionalUsed of the set of attributes that distinguish the referents of a given word
VerbosconnotarInvolve as a necessary condition of consequence
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 11, cognition
SentidoA general conscious awareness.
Generalconciencia, conocimientoHaving knowledge of
Verbosconcienciar, sensibilizarmake sensitive or aware
sentirBecome aware of not through the senses but instinctively
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 12, cognition
SentidoThe pervading meaning / meaning or tenor.
Sinónimospropósito, significado
Generaltenor, tonoThe general meaning / meaning or substance of an utterance
Inglésdrift, purport
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 13, attribute
Sentidosensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ.
Generalempatía, sensibilidadThe ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
Inglésantenna, feeler
Catalándo, sentit
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 14, attribute
SentidoThe purpose that justifies a thing's existence.
Sinónimorazón de ser
Generalfunción, papel, propósito, usoWhat something is used for
Inglésraison d'etre
Catalánraó de ser, sentit
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > nombre 15, cognition
SentidoA natural appreciation or ability.
Generalapreciaciónunderstanding of the nature or meaning / meaning or quality or magnitude of something
Español > sentido: 17 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
Sentidocomprehend / comprehend.
Generalcoger, comprender, entenderknow and comprehend the nature or meaning / meaning of
AdjetivosensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Nombressensatez, sentido común, sentidosound practical judgment

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