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Español 20 sentidos de la palabra sentir:
VERBOperceptionsentir, apreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, verto become aware of through the senses
perceptionsentir, detectar, discernir, distinguir, percibir, reconocer, vislumbrardetect with the senses
emotionsentir, experimentarundergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
perceptionsentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
cognitionsentir, experimentar, saberhave firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
emotionsentir, arrepentirse, arrepentir, deplorar, lamentarfeel remorse for
perceptionsentir, experimentargo or live through
contactsentir, notar, palparexamine by touch
contactsentir, palparexamine (a body part) by palpation
cognitionsentir, considerar, creer, encontrarcome to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds
cognitionsentir, sentirsehave a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude
changesentirchange texture so as to become matted and felt-like
communicationsentir, deplorar, lamentar, quejarseregret strongly
cognitionsentirbecome aware of not through the senses but instinctively
communicationsentir, lamentardecline formally or politely
possessionsentir, notarfind by testing or cautious exploration
bodysentir, sentirsebe conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state
communicationsentir, lamentarexpress with regret
perceptionsentir, creerproduce a certain impression
perceptionsentir, notarundergo passive experience of
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 1, perception
SentidoTo become aware of through the senses.
Sinónimosapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, ver
Implicado poradvertir, apreciar, darse cuenta, notar, observar, percibir, poner atención, repararNotice or perceive
descubrirsee for the first time
detectar, discernir, distinguir, percibir, reconocer, sentir, vislumbrardetect with the senses
experimentar, tenergo through (mental or physical states or experiences)
notar, observarobserve with care or pay close attention to
registrarBe aware of
Específicoadivinar, intuirperceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
alucinar, fliparperceive what is not there
apercibir, percibirperceive in terms of a past experience
atender, escucharhear with intention
avistar, divisar, vercatch sight of
captar, recibirregister (perceptual input)
captar, percibirperceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily
catar, oler, olfatearinhale the odor of
contemplar, mirar, observar, percibir, verperceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight
degustar, saborearperceive by the sense of taste
doler, lastimar, sufrirFeel physical pain
oírperceive (sound) via the auditory sense
palpar, tocarperceive via the tactile sense
percibir malperceive incorrectly
sentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
soñarExperience while sleeping
Inglésperceive, comprehend
Catalánapreciar, percebre, sentir
Adjetivodetectable, obvio, perceptibleeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
perceptivoOf or relating to perception
NombrescomprensiónAn ability to understand the meaning / meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result)
espectador, observadorA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
percepción, sensaciónBecoming aware of something via the senses
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 2, perception
Sentidodetect with the senses.
Sinónimosdetectar, discernir, distinguir, percibir, reconocer, vislumbrar
Implicaapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
resolvermake clearly visible
Tambiéndecir, evidenciarGive evidence
Inglésspot, recognize, recognise, distinguish, discern, pick out, make out, tell apart
Catalánalbirar, detectar, dicenrnir, discernir, distingir, reconèixer, sentir
Adjetivodiscernibleperceptible by the senses or intellect
discerniblecapable of being perceived clearly
evidente, observablecapable of being seen or noticed
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 3, emotion
SentidoUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind.
Causado porafectar, conmover, impresionar, repercutirHave an emotional or cognitive impact / impact upon
Específicoabrigar, albergar, mantenerMaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
arderFeel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
arrepentirse, arrepentir, deplorar, lamentar, sentirFeel remorse for
brilloBe exuberant or high-spirited
congratularse, congratular, felicitarse, felicitarBe proud of
encolerizarse, enfadarse, enfadar, enfurecerse, enojarseBecome angry
entristecerse, entristecerCome to feel sad
inclinarFeel favorably disposed or willing
recapturar, reconquistar, revivirExperience anew
regocijarseFeel happiness or joy
simpatizarShare the feelings of
sufrirExperience (emotional) pain
Tambiénalinearse con, compadecer, simpatizarShare the suffering of
Inglésfeel, experience
Catalánexperimentar, sentir
Nombresexperiencia, vivenciaThe content of direct observation or participation in an event
experienciaAn event as apprehended
sensación, sentimientoThe experiencing of affective and emotional states
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 4, perception
Sentidoperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles.
Causado porsensibilizarCause to sense
Generalapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
Similarnotarse, parecerBe felt or perceived in a certain way
Inglésfeel, sense
Adjetivosensible, sensitivo, susceptibleResponsive to physical stimuli
sensibleable to feel or perceive
sensiblereadily perceived by the senses
Nombresaestesis, estesis, experiencia sensorial, impresión, impresión sensorial, sensación, sense datumAn unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation
detector, sensor, sondaAny device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
facultades sensoriales, sentido, sentidosThe faculty through which the external world is apprehended
feel, tacto, tientoA property perceived by touch
percepción, sensaciónBecoming aware of something via the senses
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 5, cognition
SentidoHave firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations.
Sinónimosexperimentar, saber
Específicodegustar, gustar, probarExperience briefly
revivirExperience again, often in the imagination
Generalexperimentar, sentirgo or live through
Inglésknow, experience, live
Catalánexperimentar, saber, sentir
Adjetivocognoscible, conociblecapable of being known
Nombresexperiencia, vivenciaThe content of direct observation or participation in an event
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 6, emotion
SentidoFeel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about.
Sinónimosarrepentirse, arrepentir, deplorar, lamentar
Implicado porañorar, echar de menos, extrañarFeel or suffer from the lack of
Generalexperimentar, sentirUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Inglésrepent, regret, rue
Catalándeplorar, penedir-se, sentir
Adjetivoafligido, arrepentido, disgustado, dolorido, penitenteFeeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Nombresarrepentimiento, penitenciaremorse for your past conduct
pesadumbre, pesarsadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 7, perception
Sentidogo or live through.
Específicoacabar, correrse, venirseExperience orgasm
atestiguar, presenciar, verperceive or be contemporaneous with
disfrutarHave for one's benefit
enfrentarseUndergo or suffer
experimentar, saber, sentirHave firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
notar, sentirUndergo passive experience of
soportar, sufrirUndergo or be subjected to
Generalexperimentar, sufrirPass through
Inglésexperience, see, go through
Catalánexperimentar, sentir
NombresexperienciaThe accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities
experienciaAn event as apprehended
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 8, contact
SentidoExamine by touch.
Sinónimosnotar, palpar
Implicacontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Similartanteargrope or feel in search of something
Inglésfeel, finger
Catalánnotar, palpar, sentir, temptejar
NombresantenaOne of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans
barbillón, barboslender tactile process on the jaws of a fish
dedoAny of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb)
feel, tacto, tientoA property perceived by touch
percepción táctil, tactoThe sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 9, contact
SentidoExamine (a body part) by palpation.
CategoríamedicinaThe learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Similartanteargrope or feel in search of something
Ingléspalpate, feel
Nombresfeel, tacto, tientoA property perceived by touch
palpaciónA method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional)
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 10, cognition
SentidoCome to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds.
Sinónimosconsiderar, creer, encontrar
Generalconcluir, inferir, razonardecide by reasoning
Similardictaminar, fallardecide on and make a declaration about
Inglésfind, feel
Catalánconsiderar, creure, sentir, trobar
Nombrescreencia, impresión, sentimientoA vague idea in which some confidence is placed
mano, sexto sentidoAn intuitive awareness
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 11, cognition
SentidoHave a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude.
Generalconsiderar, creer, opinar, pensarjudge or regard
Catalánsentir-se, sentir
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 12, change
SentidoChange texture so as to become matted and felt-like.
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Inglésfelt, felt up, mat up, matt-up, matte up, matte, mat
NombresfieltroA fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers
mate, matidezThe property of having little or no contrast
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 13, communication
Sentidoregret strongly.
Sinónimosdeplorar, lamentar, quejarse
Generallamentarse, lamentar, protestar, quejarseExpress complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
Inglésdeplore, lament, bewail, bemoan
Catalándeplorar, lamentar, queixar-se, sentir
Adjetivodeplorable, desolador, lamentable, lamentoso, penoso, tristebad
Nombresdoliente, lamenter, plañideraA person who is feeling grief (as grieving over someone who has died)
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 14, cognition
SentidoBecome aware of not through the senses but instinctively.
Ingléssmell, smell out, sense
Adjetivojuicioso, mesurado, sensatoaware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed
sensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Nombressensación, sentidoA general conscious awareness
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 15, communication
Sentidodecline formally or politely.
Generaldeclinar, rehusarshow unwillingness towards
Similarlamentar, sentirExpress with regret
Catalánlamentar, sentir
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 16, possession
SentidoFind by testing or cautious exploration.
Generalencontrar, recobrar, recuperarcome upon after searching
Catalánnotar, palpar, sentir, temptejar
NombresantenaOne of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans
barbillón, barboslender tactile process on the jaws of a fish
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 17, body
SentidoBe conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state.
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Catalánsentir-se, sentir
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 18, communication
SentidoExpress with regret.
EspecíficotemerBe sorry
Generaladvertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informarImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
Similarlamentar, sentirdecline formally or politely
Nombrespesadumbre, pesarsadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 19, perception
Sentidoproduce a certain impression.
Generalaflorar, aparentar, mirar, parecerGive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
Españolsentir: 20 sentidos verbo 20, perception
SentidoUndergo passive experience of.
Generalexperimentar, sentirgo or live through

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