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Related WikiPedia: sufrir
Español 10 sentidos de la palabra sufrir:
VERBOcognitionsufrir, aguantar, apechar, consentir, digerir, sobrellevar, soportar, tolerarput up with something or somebody unpleasant
perceptionsufrir, doler, lastimarfeel physical pain
bodysufrir, doler, lesionar, padecerfeel pain or be in pain
emotionsufrirexperience (emotional) pain
bodysufrir, padecerundergo (as of injuries and illnesses)
perceptionsufrir, experimentarpass through
perceptionsufrir, soportarundergo or be subjected to
bodysufrir, padecerfeel unwell or uncomfortable
changesufrirget worse
stativesufrir, ser dado a, tender abe given to
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 1, cognition
Sentidoput up with something or somebody unpleasant.
Sinónimosaguantar, apechar, consentir, digerir, sobrellevar, soportar, tolerar
Específicoacceptar, aceptar, tragarse, vivir conTolerate or accommodate oneself to
animarse, sobrellevarendure cheerfully
consentir, permitirTolerate or bear
Generalaprobar, consentir, dar permiso, dejar, permitir, sancionarconsent to, give permission
SimilarsufrirExperience (emotional) pain
Inglésdigest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up
Catalánaguantar, sofrir, suportar, tolerar
Adjetivoamable, indulgente, tolerantetolerant and forgiving under provocation
comprensivo, paciente, toleranteshowing the capacity for endurance
llevadero, soportable, tolerablecapable of being borne though unpleasant
Nombresaguante, resistencia física, resistenciaThe power to withstand hardship or stress / stress
toleranciaThe act of tolerating something
toleranciaA disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 2, perception
SentidoFeel physical pain.
Sinónimosdoler, lastimar
Específicoescocer, picarCause a stinging pain
Generalapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
Ingléshurt, ache, suffer
Catalándoldre, doler, fer mal, patir
Nombresagonía, mal, martirio, sufrimiento, suplicio, tormento, torturaFeelings of mental or physical pain
agonía, sufrimientoA state of acute pain
contusión, daño, herida, lesión, mal, trauma, traumatismoAny physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
dolorA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
dolorA dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
enfermoA person suffering from an illness
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 3, body
SentidoFeel pain or be in pain.
Sinónimosdoler, lesionar, padecer
Específicoadolecer, estar enfermo, estar indispuestoBe ill or unwell
ahogar, asfixiar, estrangular, sofocarstruggle / struggle for breath
estar enfermo, padecer, tenerSuffer from
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Ingléssuffer, hurt
Catalándoldre, fer mal, lesionar, sofrir
Nombresagonía, mal, martirio, sufrimiento, suplicio, tormento, torturaFeelings of mental or physical pain
agonía, sufrimientoA state of acute pain
contusión, daño, herida, lesión, mal, trauma, traumatismoAny physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
dolorA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
enfermoA person suffering from an illness
sufrimientopatient endurance especially of pain or distress
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 4, emotion
SentidoExperience (emotional) pain.
Causado porafligir, angustiar, atormentar, dolerCause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable
Específicoacongojarse, afligirse, apenarse, entristecerseFeel grief
agonizarSuffer agony or anguish
angustiarSuffer great pains or distress / distress
Generalexperimentar, sentirUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Similaraguantar, apechar, consentir, digerir, sobrellevar, soportar, sufrir, tolerarput up with something or somebody unpleasant
Catalánpatir, sofrir
Nombresmártir, sufridorOne who suffers for the sake of principle
padecimiento, sufrimientomisery resulting from affliction
sufrimientopsychological suffering
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 5, body
SentidoUndergo (as of injuries and illnesses).
EspecíficoderrumbarseCollapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
Generalexperimentar, tenergo through (mental or physical states or experiences)
Similarestar enfermo, padecer, tenerSuffer from
Ingléssuffer, sustain, have, get
NombresenfermoA person suffering from an illness
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 6, perception
SentidoPass through.
Específicoexperimentar, sentirgo or live through
experimentar, tenergo through (mental or physical states or experiences)
someterseAccept or undergo, often unwillingly
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Catalánexperimentar, patir, sofrir
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 7, perception
SentidoUndergo or be subjected to.
EspecíficomorirSuffer or face the pain of death
Generalexperimentar, sentirgo or live through
ContrariodisfrutarHave for one's benefit
Ingléssuffer, endure
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 8, body
SentidoFeel unwell or uncomfortable.
EspecíficoachicharrarseBe uncomfortably hot
congelar, helarseBe cold
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 9, change
Sentidoget worse.
Generalagravar, decaer, declinar, empeorarGrow worse
Catalánempitjorar, patir
Españolsufrir: 10 sentidos verbo 10, stative
Sentidobe given to.
Sinónimosser dado a, tender a
Generalinclinarse, inclinar, soler, tenderHave a tendency or disposition to do or be something

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