HyperDic: fer_mal

Català > 8 sentits de l'expressió fer mal:
VERBbodyfer mal, danyar, perjudicarcause or do harm to
emotionfer mal, danyar, ferir, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendrehurt the feelings of
emotionfer mal, afligir, anguniejar, colpircause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable
perceptionfer mal, coure, picar, pruirbe the source of pain
perceptionfer mal, doldre, doler, patirfeel physical pain
bodyfer mal, doldre, lesionar, sofrirfeel pain or be in pain
bodyfer mal, danyar, fer malbé, lesionargive trouble or pain to
bodyfer mal, afligircause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 1, body
SentitCause or do harm to.
Sinònimsdanyar, perjudicar
Específicemmalaltir-se, emmalaltir, posar-se malalt, tenir nàuseesmake sick or ill
Generalferir-se, ferir, fer-se mal, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Espanyollastimar, perjudicar
Nomsdany, destrossa, mal, perjudiciThe act of damaging something or someone
dany, perjudiciThe occurrence of a change for the worse
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 2, emotion
Sentithurt the feelings of.
Sinònimsdanyar, ferir, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre
Específicafrontar, insultar, ultratjartreat, mention, or speak to rudely
apocar, humiliar, menysprear, mortificarCause to feel shame
Generalcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Anglèshurt, wound, injure, bruise, offend, spite
Espanyoldañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar, ofender
Adjectiusofensiu, ofensivaCausing anger / anger or annoyance
Nomsatemptat, descortesia, injúria, ofensaA lack of politeness
despit, insídia, maldat, malícia, malignitatFeeling a need to see others suffer
puteria, rancor, ressentimentmalevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 3, emotion
SentitCause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable.
Sinònimsafligir, anguniejar, colpir
Causa depatir, sofrirExperience (emotional) pain
Específicmartiritzar, torturartorment emotionally or mentally
turmentar-se, turmentarCause to agonize
Generalamoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbarCause to lose one's composure
Anglèspain, anguish, hurt
Espanyolafligir, angustiar, atormentar, doler
Nomsaflicció, angoixa, dolor, pesaremotional distress
angoixaextreme / extreme distress / distress of body or mind
destorb, enuig, enutjament, molèstia, nosa, tabarraSomething or someone that causes trouble
dolor, malA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
mal, martiri, sofriment, suplici, tortura, turmentFeelings of mental or physical pain
tortura, turmentextreme / extreme mental distress
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 4, perception
SentitBe the source of pain.
Sinònimscoure, picar, pruir
Causat perdanyar, fer malbé, fer mal, lesionarGive trouble or pain to
Específicabrusar-se, cremar-se, incendiar, mossegar-se, tallar-seCause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort
bategar, betegarpulsate or pound with abnormal force
coure, picar, pruirHave or perceive an itch
Generalfer percebreHave perceptible qualities
Anglèsache, smart, hurt
Espanyoldoler, escocer
Nomscoïssor, picorA kind of pain such as that caused by a wound / wound or a burn or a sore
dolor, malA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
dolor, malA dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
sofrimentpsychological suffering
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 5, perception
SentitFeel physical pain.
Sinònimsdoldre, doler, patir
Específiccoure, picarCause a stinging pain
Generalapreciar, percebre, sentirTo become aware of through the senses
Anglèshurt, ache, suffer
Espanyoldoler, lastimar, sufrir
Nomsagonia, sofrimentA state of acute pain
contusió, dany, ferida, lesió, mal, trauma, traumatismeAny physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
dolor, malA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
dolor, malA dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
mal, martiri, sofriment, suplici, tortura, turmentFeelings of mental or physical pain
malaltA person suffering from an illness
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 6, body
SentitFeel pain or be in pain.
Sinònimsdoldre, lesionar, sofrir
Específicasfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, ofegar, sufocarstruggle / struggle for breath
estar malalt, patir, tenirSuffer from
Generalésser, estar, serHave the quality of being
Anglèssuffer, hurt
Espanyoldoler, lesionar, padecer, sufrir
Nomsagonia, sofrimentA state of acute pain
contusió, dany, ferida, lesió, mal, trauma, traumatismeAny physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
dolor, malA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
mal, martiri, sofriment, suplici, tortura, turmentFeelings of mental or physical pain
malaltA person suffering from an illness
sofrimentpatient endurance especially of pain or distress
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 7, body
SentitGive trouble or pain to.
Sinònimsdanyar, fer malbé, lesionar
Causa decoure, fer mal, picar, pruirBe the source of pain
Específicafligir, fer malCause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
ferir-se, ferir, fer-se mal, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
GeneralindisposarCause to feel unwell
Espanyoldañar, hacer daño, lesionar
Nomsmal, martiri, sofriment, suplici, tortura, turmentFeelings of mental or physical pain
sofrimentpsychological suffering
Català > fer mal: 8 sentits > verb 8, body
SentitCause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed.
Específicirritar-seBecome raw or open
Generaldanyar, fer malbé, fer mal, lesionarGive trouble or pain to
Anglèstrouble, ail, pain
Nomscontrarietat, dificultat, problemaAn event causing distress / distress or pain
dolença, dolència, malaltia, malAn often persistent bodily disorder or disease
dolor, malA somatic sensation of acute discomfort
dolor, malA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder

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