Català > rancor: 3 sentits > nom 1, feelingSentit | A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will . |
Sinònims | amargor, rancúnia, ressentiment |
Específic | agravi, esquira, mania, rancúnia | A resentment strong enough to justify retaliation |
amoïnament, emmurriament, empipament, enuig, mal humor, múrria | A feeling of sulky resentment |
cremor d'estòmac, rancúnia | Intense resentment |
enveja | A feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another |
General | animadversió, antipatia, aversió, enemistat, hostilitat | The feeling of a hostile person |
Anglès | resentment, bitterness, gall, rancor, rancour |
Espanyol | amargura, encono, rencor, resentimiento |
Adjectius | rancorós, venjatiu | showing deep-seated resentment |
Verbs | amoïnar, fastidiar, molestar, mortificar | irritate or vex |
ressentir-se | Feel bitter or indignant about |
Català > rancor: 3 sentits > nom 3, attributeSentit | malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty. |
Sinònims | puteria, ressentiment |
General | malevolència, malícia, malvolença | The quality of threatening evil |
Anglès | cattiness, bitchiness, spite, spitefulness, nastiness |
Espanyol | putería, rencor, resentimiento |
Adjectius | groller, lasciu, libidinós, luxuriós, obscè, verd, viciós | Characterized by obscenity |
maliciós, malintencionat, malvat | marked by or arising from malice |
malèvol, maliciós, maligne, rancuniós | showing malicious ill ... / ill will and a desire to hurt |
Verbs | danyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre | hurt the feelings of |