HyperDic: incitar

Català > 11 sentits de la paraula incitar:
VERBcreationincitar, instigar, motivargive an incentive for action / action
communicationincitar, seduir, temptarprovoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion
emotionincitar, causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, moure, suscitarcall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
communicationincitarprovoke or stir ... / stir up
contactincitarurge on
communicationincitar, influenciar, influir, temptarinduce into action by using one's charm
emotionincitar, invitar, provocar, temptar, temptejargive rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting
communicationincitar, animar, empènyerpress, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
communicationincitar, provocar, temptejardispose or incline or entice to
socialincitar, induir, instigarassist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
changeincitar, portarbring or lead someone to a certain action / action or condition
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 1, creation
SentitGive an incentive for action / action.
Sinònimsinstigar, motivar
Generalfer, ocasionar, provocargive rise to
Similarafectar, repercutirHave an emotional or cognitive impact / impact upon
commoure, entendrirArouse sympathy or compassion in
Anglèsmotivate, actuate, propel, move, prompt, incite
Espanyolincitar, instigar, motivar, propulsar
Adjectiusmotivadorimpelling to action / action
Nomsacció humana, acció, acte, activitat humanaSomething that people do or cause to happen
al·licient, estímul, incentiuA positive motivational influence
incitació, provocacióSomething that incites or provokes
motiu, motivació, necessitatThe psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal
propulsióThe act of propelling
provocacióneeded encouragement
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 2, communication
SentitProvoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion.
Sinònimsseduir, temptar
Generalestimular, incentivar, provocarProvide the needed stimulus for
Anglèsentice, lure, tempt
Espanyolincitar, tentar
Nomsal·licient, atractiu, encant, encísQualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward
edulcorant, esquerAnything that serves as an enticement / enticement
enze, esquer, parany, reclamSomething used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
temptacióThe act of influencing by exciting hope or desire
temptacióSomething that seduces or has the quality to seduce
temptadora, temptadorA person who tempts others
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 3, emotion
SentitCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses).
Sinònimscausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, moure, suscitar
Específicaclaparar, desbordar, superarOvercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
aficionar, interessar-se, interessarexcite the curiosity of
agitar, commoure, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivarStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
amoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbarCause to lose one's composure
animar, emocionar, entusiasmar, excitarArouse or elicit a feeling
avergonyir-se, avergonyir, sufocarCause to be ashamed
buscar-se, buscar, convidar, demanar, invitarincrease the likelihood of
danyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendrehurt the feelings of
encolerir, enfadar-se, enfadar, enfurir, enutjarmake angry
infatuarArouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Anglèsarouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke
Espanyolcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar
Adjectiusevocador, evocatiu, reminiscentServing to bring to mind
provocador, provocatiuServing or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate
Nomsdeixondiment, estimulacióThe act of arousing
incitació, provocacióSomething that incites or provokes
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 4, communication
SentitProvoke or stir ... / stir up.
Causa deactuar, ferPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Generalestimular, incentivar, provocarProvide the needed stimulus for
Anglèsincite, instigate, set off, stir up
Espanyolincitar, instigar, levantar, provocar
AdjectiusincendiariArousing to action or rebellion
Nomsincitació, provocacióSomething that incites or provokes
incitador, instigador, provocadorsomeone who deliberately foments trouble
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 5, contact
Sentiturge on; cause to act.
Anglèsprod, incite, egg on
Nomsagulló, empenta, esperó, estímul, fible, fibló, incentiuA verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
incitació, provocacióSomething that incites or provokes
incitador, instigador, provocadorsomeone who deliberately foments trouble
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 6, communication
Sentitinduce into action by using one's charm.
Sinònimsinfluenciar, influir, temptar
Específicembruixar, encantar, encisar, fascinar, hipnotitzar, magnetitzarattract strongly, as if with a magnet
GeneralpersuadirCause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action
Anglèscharm, influence, tempt
Espanyolincitar, influenciar, influir, tentar
Nomsencant, encísAttractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
influència, influxA power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc
influènciaThe effect of one thing (or person) on another
temptacióThe act of influencing by exciting hope or desire
temptadora, temptadorA person who tempts others
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 7, emotion
Sentitgive rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting.
Sinònimsinvitar, provocar, temptar, temptejar
Generalagitar, commoure, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivarStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
Anglèstempt, invite
Espanyolincitar, invitar, provocar, tentar
NomsinvitacióA tempting allurement
temptacióSomething that seduces or has the quality to seduce
temptadora, temptadorA person who tempts others
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 8, communication
SentitPress, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action.
Sinònimsanimar, empènyer
Generalempènyer, exhortar, instar, pressionarForce or impel in an indicated direction
Anglèspush, bear on
Espanyolanimar, incitar
Nomsempenta, pitjadaAn effort to advance
energia, espentaenterprising or ambitious drive
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 9, communication
Sentitdispose or incline or entice to.
Sinònimsprovocar, temptejar
Implicaabellir, atreureBe attractive to
Generalconvidar, invitarask someone in a friendly way to do something
Anglèstempt, allure
Espanyolatraer, cautivar, incitar, provocar, tentar
Nomsfascinació, seducció, temptacióThe power to entice or attract through personal charm
temptacióThe act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money)
temptacióThe desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid
temptadora, temptadorA person who tempts others
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 10, social
Sentitassist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing.
Sinònimsinduir, instigar
Generalajudar, assistiract as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
Espanyolincitar, instigar
NomsencobrimentThe verbal / verbal act of urging ... / urging on
incitadorOne who helps or encourages or incites another
Català > incitar: 11 sentits > verb 11, change
SentitBring or lead someone to a certain action / action or condition.
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change

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