Español > suscitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 1, emotionSentido | Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses). |
Sinónimos | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar |
Específico | abochornar, avergonzarse, avergonzar | Cause to be ashamed |
abrumar, agobiar, apabullar, desbordar | Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli |
aficionar, interesarse, interesar | excite the curiosity of |
agitar, conmover, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar | Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of |
buscarse, buscar, invitar | increase the likelihood of |
cabrear, enfadar, enojar | make angry |
calentar, encender, inflamar | Arouse or excite feelings and passions |
confundir, desconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbar | Cause to lose one's composure |
dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar, ofender | hurt the feelings of |
emocionar, entusiasmar, excitar | Arouse or elicit a feeling |
infatuar | Arouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way |
meter el dedo en la llaga, tirar una cuerda | Evoke a reaction, response, or emotion |
reavivar, reencender, volver a encender | Arouse again |
General | causar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizar | make or cause to be or to become |
Inglés | arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke |
Catalán | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitar |
Adjetivo | evocador, evocadora, evocativo, nostálgica, nostálgico, reminiscente | Serving to bring to mind |
provocador, provocativo | Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate |
Nombres | incitación, provocación | Something that incites or provokes |
Español > suscitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 2, bodySentido | Cause to be alert and energetic. |
Sinónimos | energizar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, vigorizarse, vigorizar |
Específico | animar, avivar, reanimar, vigorizar, vivificar | make lively / lively |
catexiar | inject with libidinal energy |
estimular, revigorizar, tonificar, vigorizar | Impart vigor, strength, or vitality to |
reanimar, reavivar, revivificar | Give new life or energy to |
General | afectar | act physically on |
Contrario | sedar | Cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to |
Inglés | stimulate, arouse, brace, energize, energise, perk up |
Catalán | estimular, excitar, incentivar, suscitar, vigoritzar-se, vigoritzar |
Adjetivo | estimulante | capable of arousing or accelerating physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent |
Nombres | activación | The activity of causing to have energy and be active |
brío, energia, energía | enterprising or ambitious drive |
energía, fuerza, vigor | forceful exertion |
energía | (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work |
energía, vitalidad | A healthy capacity for vigorous activity |
estimulante | A drug that temporarily quickens some vital process |
Español > suscitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 3, emotionSentido | stimulate sexually. |
Sinónimos | calentar, despertar, determinar el sexo, emocionar, encender, excitarse, excitar, prender |
Implicado por | burlar, engañar, tomar el pelo | To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them |
Específico | tentar | try to seduce |
General | agitar, conmover, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar | Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of |
Inglés | arouse, sex, excite, turn on, wind up |
Catalán | animar, deixondir, despertar, emocionar, excitar, suscitar |
Nombres | relaciones sexuales, relación, sexo | Activities associated with sexual intercourse |
sexo | All of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses |