HyperDic: animar

Català > 20 sentits de la paraula animar:
VERBsocialanimar, anticipar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsarcontribute to the progress or growth of
communicationanimar, alegrar, exhortar, inspirarspur on or encourage / encourage especially by cheers and shouts
emotionanimar, alenar, confortar, consolar, solaçargive moral or emotional strength to
emotionanimar, alenar, incentivarinspire with confidence
emotionanimar, emocionar, entusiasmar, excitararouse or elicit a feeling
emotionanimar, deixondir, despertar, emocionar, excitar, suscitarstimulate sexually
communicationanimar, encoratjar, incentivarspur on
changeanimar, avivar, vivificarmake lively / lively
communicationanimar, empènyer, incitarpress, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
emotionanimar, alegrar-se, alegrar, encoratjar, envalentir, reanimar-segive encouragement to
changeanimarbe lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
communicationanimar, alegrar-se, alegrar, encoratjar, reanimar-sebecome cheerful
communicationanimar, complaureput into a good mood
emotionanimar, agradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, plauremake glad or happy
communicationanimar, alegrar, divertircause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful
socialanimar, presentaract as a master of ceremonies
changeanimar, donar empenta, espavilar, estimularmake more interesting or lively
changeanimarbecome more friendly or open
emotionanimar, agradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, plaurebecome glad or happy
changeanimargive lifelike qualities to
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 1, social
Sentitcontribute to the progress or growth of.
Sinònimsanticipar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsar
Específicalimentarsupport / support or promote
Generaldonar suport, recolzar-se, recolzarGive moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
Anglèspromote, advance, boost, further, encourage
Espanyolanimar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, impulsar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsar
Nomsadepta, adepte, aficionada, aficionat, amic, amiga, entusiasta, protagonista, seguidora, seguidorA person who backs a politician or a team etc.
avenç, evolucióThe advancement of some enterprise / enterprise
coratge, encoratjamentThe act of giving hope or support to someone
foment, promocióencouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something
patrocinador, promotorsomeone who is an active supporter and advocate
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 2, communication
SentitSpur on or encourage / encourage especially by cheers and shouts.
Sinònimsalegrar, exhortar, inspirar
Generalalenar, animar, incentivarinspire with confidence
Anglèscheer, root on, inspire, urge, barrack, urge on, exhort, pep up
Espanyolactivar, alegrar, animar, dar ánimos, estimular, exhortar, incitar, jalear, motivar, vitorear
NomsexhortacióA communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action
exhortacióThe act of exhorting
ovació, víctorsencouragement in the form of cheers from spectators
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 3, emotion
SentitGive moral or emotional strength to.
Sinònimsalenar, confortar, consolar, solaçar
Específicalleugerir, alleujar, calmar, dissipar, laxar, salvar, tranquil·litzarlessen the intensity of or calm
aquietar, asserenar, calmar, tranquil·litzarmake calm or still
Anglèscomfort, soothe, console, solace
Espanyolalentar, confortar, consolar, reconfortar, solazar
Adjectiusconsolador, reconfortantaffording comfort or solace
NomsallayerA person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies
consolThe comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment
consolació, consolThe act of consoling
simpatitzantcommiserates with someone who has had misfortune
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 4, emotion
Sentitinspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.
Sinònimsalenar, incentivar
Causa deaspirar, esperarBe optimistic
Específicalegrar, animar, exhortar, inspirarSpur on or encourage / encourage especially by cheers and shouts
alegrar-se, alegrar, animar, encoratjar, envalentir, reanimar-seGive encouragement to
Generalenvigorir, inspirar, vigoritzarheighten or intensify
Contraridescoratjar, dissuadirdeprive of courage or hope
Espanyolalentar, animar, impulsar, incentivar, vigorizar
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 5, emotion
SentitArouse or elicit a feeling.
Sinònimsemocionar, entusiasmar, excitar
EspecíficentusiasmarCause to feel enthusiasm
Generalcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Espanyolemocionar, entusiasmar, excitar
NomsesvalotThe feeling of lively and cheerful joy
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 6, emotion
Sentitstimulate sexually.
Sinònimsdeixondir, despertar, emocionar, excitar, suscitar
Implicat peramoïnar, burlar, fastidiar, fastiguejar, molestarTo arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them
Específictemptartry to seduce
Generalagitar, commoure, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivarStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
Anglèsarouse, sex, excite, turn on, wind up
Espanyolcalentar, despertar, determinar el sexo, emocionar, encender, excitarse, excitar, prender, suscitar
Nomsrelacions sexuals, sexeActivities associated with sexual intercourse
sexeAll of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 7, communication
Sentitspur on.
Sinònimsencoratjar, incentivar
Generalcausar, estimular, fer, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocarCause to do
Espanyolalentar, animar, incentivar
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 8, change
Sentitmake lively / lively.
Sinònimsavivar, vivificar
Específicanimar, donar empenta, espavilar, estimularmake more interesting or lively
Generalestimular, excitar, incentivar, suscitar, vigoritzar-se, vigoritzarCause to be alert and energetic
Contrariamortirmake less lively, intense, or vigorous
Anglèsenliven, liven, liven up, invigorate, animate
Espanyolanimar, avivar, reanimar, vigorizar, vivificar
NomsanimacióQuality of being active or spirited / spirited / spirited or alive and vigorous / vigorous
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 9, communication
SentitPress, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action.
Sinònimsempènyer, incitar
Generalempènyer, exhortar, instar, pressionarForce or impel in an indicated direction
Anglèspush, bear on
Espanyolanimar, incitar
Nomsempenta, pitjadaAn effort to advance
energia, espentaenterprising or ambitious drive
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 10, emotion
SentitGive encouragement to.
Sinònimsalegrar-se, alegrar, encoratjar, envalentir, reanimar-se
Generalalenar, animar, incentivarinspire with confidence
Contraridesanimar, descoratjar, desmoralitzartake away the enthusiasm of
Anglèscheer, hearten, recreate, embolden
Espanyolalegrar, alentar, animar, dar ánimos, envalentonar, recrear
Nomsovació, víctorsencouragement in the form of cheers from spectators
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 11, change
SentitBe lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity.
Generalésser, estar, serHave the quality of being
Anglèssparkle, scintillate, coruscate
Nomsespurna, guspiramerriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 12, communication
SentitBecome cheerful.
Sinònimsalegrar-se, alegrar, encoratjar, reanimar-se
Causat peralegrar, animar, divertirCause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful
Específicalegrar-se, alegrarTo express great joy
Generalalegrar-se, alegrarFeel happiness or joy
Contrarilamentar-se, lamentar, queixar-seExpress complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
Anglèscheer, cheer up, chirk up
Espanyolalegrar, animarse, animar
NomsalegriaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 13, communication
Sentitput into a good mood.
Anglèshumor, humour
Nomshumor, temperamentA characteristic / characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 14, emotion
Sentitmake glad or happy.
Sinònimsagradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, plaure
Causa deagradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, animar, plaureBecome glad or happy
Contrarientristirmake unhappy
Anglèsgladden, joy
Espanyolalegrar, regocijar
Nomsalegria, delit, gust, plaerSomething or someone that provides a source of happiness
alegria, il·lusió, joiaThe emotion of great happiness
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 15, communication
SentitCause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful.
Sinònimsalegrar, divertir
Causa dealegrar-se, alegrar, animar, encoratjar, reanimar-seBecome cheerful
Específicdistraure, distreure, divertir, entretenirmake (somebody) laugh
Anglèscheer, cheer up, jolly along, jolly up
Espanyolalegrar, animar, divertir
NomsalegriaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 16, social
Sentitact as a master of ceremonies.
Generalallotjar, presentarBe the host of or for
Anglèsemcee, compere
Espanyolanimar, presentar
Nomsmestre de cerimòniesA person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
presentadorBritish term for someone who introduces television acts or cabarets etc
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 17, change
Sentitmake more interesting or lively.
Sinònimsdonar empenta, espavilar, estimular
Generalanimar, avivar, vivificarmake lively / lively
Anglèsjazz up, juice up, pep up, ginger up
Espanyolanimar, espabilar, estimular
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 18, change
SentitBecome more friendly or open.
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Anglèswarm up
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 19, emotion
SentitBecome glad or happy.
Sinònimsagradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, plaure
Causat peragradar, alegrar-se, alegrar, animar, plauremake glad or happy
Generalalegrar-se, alegrarFeel happiness or joy
Contrarientristir-seCome to feel sad
Espanyolalegrarse, alegrar
Català > animar: 20 sentits > verb 20, change
SentitGive lifelike qualities to.
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Anglèsanimize, animise, animate
NomsanimadorThe technician who produces animated cartoons

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