HyperDic: impulsar

Español > 15 sentidos de la palabra impulsar:
VERBOcontactimpulsar, impeler, propulsarcause to move forward with force
socialimpulsar, animar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsarcontribute to the progress or growth of
communicationimpulsar, anunciar, fomentar, potenciar, promocionar, promover, propulsar, publicitarmake publicity for
motionimpulsar, impeler, lanzar, propulsarpush forcefully
emotionimpulsar, alentar, animar, incentivar, vigorizarinspire with confidence
motionimpulsar, conducir, guiar, manejaroperate or control a vehicle
motionimpulsar, conducir, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
motionimpulsar, conducir, manejarcause someone or something to move by driving
creationimpulsar, impelerurge or force (a person) to an action
motionimpulsarproceed along in a vehicle
socialimpulsarto compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly
creationimpulsarcompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
stativeimpulsar, conducirse, llevarsehave certain properties when driven
changeimpulsar, acelerar, avivar, moverse, mover, movilizarse, ponerse en marchastart to be active
contactimpulsar, elevarpropel through the air
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoCause to move forward with force.
Sinónimosimpeler, propulsar
Específicoarrojar, lanzar, tirarPropel through the air
arrojar, lanzarMove with a flick or light motion
catapultarShoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult
chutar, pegarCause to move by striking
chutarDrive or propel with the foot
disparar, subir vertiginosamentepropel with a rocket
elevar, impulsarpropel through the air
empujar con pértiga, navegar con pértigapropel with a pole
lanzarpropel with force
llevarpropel or give impetus to
propulsarPush, propel, or press with force
proyectarThrow, send, or cast forward
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Ingléspropel, impel
Catalánimpel·lir, impulsar, propulsar
Adjetivopropulsortending to or capable of propelling
Nombreshélice, propulsorA mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water
impulsor, rodete, rueda, turbinaThe blade of a rotor (as in the compressor of a jet engine)
propelente, propulsorAny substance that propels
propulsiónThe act of propelling
ímpetu, impulsión, impulsoThe act of applying force suddenly
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 2, social
Sentidocontribute to the progress or growth of.
Sinónimosanimar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsar
Específicoalentar, animar, estimular, incentivar, motivarincite or stimulate
alimentarsupport / support or promote
desarrollar, fomentar, incentivar, promoverPromote the growth of
servircontribute to the furtherance of
Generalapoyar, respaldarGive moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
Ingléspromote, advance, boost, further, encourage
Catalánanimar, anticipar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsar
Nombresadepta, adepto, aficionada, aficionado, amiga, amigo, entusiasta, seguidora, seguidorA person who backs a politician or a team etc.
aliento, ánimo, coraje, fuerza, valorThe act of giving hope or support to someone
apoyo, avance, fomento, fortalecimiento, promociónencouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something
auge, avance, evolución, fomento, promociónThe advancement of some enterprise / enterprise
impulsoThe act of giving a push
mejora, mejoríaA change for the better
patrocinador, promotorsomeone who is an active supporter and advocate
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
Sentidomake publicity for; try to sell (a product).
Sinónimosanunciar, fomentar, potenciar, promocionar, promover, propulsar, publicitar
Específicoagitar, cruzar, hacer campaña, pulsarExert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person
anunciar en cartelera, lanzaradvertise especially by posters or placards
hacer propagandaSpread by propaganda
promocionarmake a plug for
Generalalabar, elogiar, enaltecer, ensalzar, loarExpress approval of
Similaragitar, cruzar, hacer campaña, pulsarExert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person
Inglésadvertise, advertize, promote, push
Catalánanunciar, fomentar, impulsar, promocionar, propulsar
Nombresadvertizement, anuncio, anuncio publicitario, aviso, aviso publicitario, publicidad, reclame, reclamo, spotA public promotion of some product or service
anunciador, anunciantesomeone whose business is advertising
patrocinador, promotorsomeone who is an active supporter and advocate
promoción, propaganda, publicidadA message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution
publicidadThe business of drawing public attention to goods and services
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoPush forcefully.
Sinónimosimpeler, lanzar, propulsar
Específicoaguijonear, apuñalar, atropellar, golpear, hincar, picar, pincharpoke or thrust abruptly
apisonar, aporrearstrike / strike or drive against with a heavy impact
apuñalar, pincharstab or pierce
dirigir, forzarForce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
echarse al hombroPush with the shoulders
Generalapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
TambiénirrumpirPush one's way
Catalánenvestir, impel·lir, propel·lir, propulsar
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 5, emotion
Sentidoinspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.
Sinónimosalentar, animar, incentivar, vigorizar
Causa deaspirar, esperanzar, esperarBe optimistic
Específicoactivar, alegrar, animar, dar ánimos, estimular, exhortar, incitar, jalear, motivar, vitorearSpur on or encourage / encourage especially by cheers and shouts
alegrar, alentar, animar, dar ánimos, envalentonar, recrearGive encouragement to
animarencourage somebody by crying hollo
espolearGive heart or courage to
nutrirHelp develop, help grow
Generalanimar, avivar, exaltar, inspirar, revigorizarheighten or intensify
Contrariodesalentar, desanimar, descorazonar, disuadirdeprive of courage or hope
Catalánalenar, animar, incentivar
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
Sentidooperate or control a vehicle.
Sinónimosconducir, guiar, manejar
Categoríaconducción, manejoThe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
Generalcontrolar, operarHandle and cause to function
Similarconducir, manejarWork as a driver
conducirse, impulsar, llevarseHave certain properties when driven
impulsarproceed along in a vehicle
Catalánconduir, fer anar, impulsar, manejar
Nombresalameda, paseo, rambla, vialA wide scenic road planted with trees
calzadaA road leading up to a private house
chofer, chófer, conductora, conductor, motoristaThe operator of a motor vehicle
conducción, manejoThe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 7, motion
Sentidotravel or be transported in a vehicle.
Sinónimosconducir, manejar
Categoríaconducción, manejoThe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
Implicair, montarBe carried or travel on or in a vehicle
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
cargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Similarimpulsarproceed along in a vehicle
Inglésdrive, motor
Catalánconduir, impulsar
Nombresalameda, paseo, rambla, vialA wide scenic road planted with trees
automovilista, chofer, conductor, motoristasomeone who drives (or travels in) an automobile
calzadaA road leading up to a private house
motormachine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 8, motion
SentidoCause someone or something to move by driving.
Sinónimosconducir, manejar
EspecíficoconducirDrive someone in a vehicle
empujarSteer into a certain direction
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénahuyentar, alejar, desvanecerForce to go away
empujar, hacer salirForce or drive out
Similarimpulsarproceed along in a vehicle
Catalánconduir, impulsar
Nombresalameda, paseo, rambla, vialA wide scenic road planted with trees
chofer, chófer, conductora, conductor, motoristaThe operator of a motor vehicle
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 9, creation
Sentidourge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate.
Generalcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
Inglésimpel, force
Adjetivoimpulsivo, impulsorHaving the power of driving or impelling
NombresfuerzaA powerful effect or influence
impulsiónA force that moves something along
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
Sentidoproceed along in a vehicle.
Categoríaconducción, manejoThe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
Generalatravesar, cruzarTravel across or pass over
Similarconducir, guiar, impulsar, manejaroperate or control a vehicle
conducir, impulsar, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
conducir, impulsar, manejarCause someone or something to move by driving
Inglésdrive, take
Nombresalameda, paseo, rambla, vialA wide scenic road planted with trees
calzadaA road leading up to a private house
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 11, social
SentidoTo compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly.
Generalcoaccionar, coercer, forzar, obligar, presionarTo cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
Similardirigir, forzarForce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
impulsarcompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 12, creation
Sentidocompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment.
Generalhacer, inducircompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
Similardirigir, forzarForce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
impulsarTo compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly
Nombrescampaña, causa, cometido, cruzada, empeño, misión, movimientoA series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 13, stative
SentidoHave certain properties when driven.
Sinónimosconducirse, llevarse
Similarconducir, guiar, impulsar, manejaroperate or control a vehicle
ir, montarBe carried or travel on or in a vehicle
Inglésdrive, ride
Nombresalameda, paseo, rambla, vialA wide scenic road planted with trees
calzadaA road leading up to a private house
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 14, change
Sentidostart to be active.
Sinónimosacelerar, avivar, moverse, mover, movilizarse, ponerse en marcha
Generalcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir, principiarTake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
Inglésget cracking, bestir oneself, get going, get moving, get weaving, get started, get rolling
Español > impulsar: 15 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
Sentidopropel through the air.
Generalimpeler, impulsar, propulsarCause to move forward with force

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