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Español 16 sentidos de la palabra alimentar:
VERBOconsumptionalimentar, alimentarse, comer, consumirtake in food
motionalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manarmove along, of liquids / liquids
consumptionalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentargive food to
socialalimentar, criar, educar, formar, ser padrebring up
consumptionalimentar, nutrir, sostener, sustentarprovide with nourishment
consumptionalimentar, dar el sustento, nutrirgive nourishment to
changealimentar, introducirintroduce continuously
possessionalimentar, aprovisionar de combustible, encenderprovide with fuel
socialalimentar, atizarstir up or tend
consumptionalimentarfeed into
consumptionalimentar, nutrir, sustentarprovide as food
consumptionalimentarsupply the force or power for the functioning of
consumptionalimentar, regalarsegratify
socialalimentarsupport / support or promote
emotionalimentar, acalorar, avivarstimulate
consumptionalimentar, nutrir, sustentarserve as food for
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 1, consumption
Sentidotake in food; used of animals only.
Sinónimosalimentarse, comer, consumir
Específicoapacentar, llevar a pastar, pacer, pastar, pasturarfeed as in a meadow or pasture
atiborrarfeed greedily
mamarsuck milk from the mother's breasts
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Similarcomerse, comer, consumir, jamarse, jamartake in solid food
Inglésfeed, eat
Catalánalimentar, consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjar
Nombresalimentación, nutriciónThe act of consuming food
comedorsomeone who consumes food for nourishment
comida, provisionesFood for domestic livestock
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 2, motion
SentidoMove along, of liquids / liquids.
Sinónimoscorrer, crecer, fluir, manar
Causado porderramar, echar, verterCause to run
hacer fluirCause to flow or flood with or as if with water
Implicado pordesbordarseFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
Específicoarremolinarse, girar, remolinearFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
chorrear, derramar a borbotones, derramar, echar en chorro, gotear, lanzar a chorro, salir en chorro, salirissue in a jet
circularMove through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point
correr, fluirFlow in a spurt
correr hacia abajo, detenerse, pararseMove downward
correr libre, derrochar, rebalsarserun off as waste
derramarse, derramar, verterse, verterFlow, run or fall out and become lost
desprender, exudar, filtrar, rezumar, segregarPass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
drenar, escurrirse, irse, vaciarflow off gradually
driblar, gotearRun or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
encresparseRise or move forward
verterFlow freely and abundantly
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Tambiénderivar, resultarBe the result of
desbordarseFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
Inglésrun, flow, feed, course
Catalánalimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar
Nombresarroyuelo, riachueloA small stream
caudal, descarga, efusión, vertidoThe pouring forth of a fluid
caudal, flujoThe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
corriente, flujoThe act of flowing or streaming
curso, tendencia, trazadogeneral line of orientation
flujoThe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 3, consumption
SentidoGive food to.
Sinónimosdispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar
Causa decomerse, comer, consumir, jamarse, jamartake in solid food
Implicado poralojar, entablarProvide food and lodging (for)
cebar, engordar, sainarmake fat or plump
Específicoalimentar, dar el sustento, nutrirGive nourishment to
alimentar con biberón, criar con biberónfeed (infants) with a bottle
amamantar, dar de mamar, lactargive suck to
apacentar, pacer, pastarLet feed in a field or pasture or meadow
comer carroñafeed on carrion or refuse
dar cenas, dar de cenar, invitar a cenarGive dinner to
dar de comerProvide a midday meal for
dar de desayunar, dar el desayunoProvide breakfast for
dar piensoGive fodder (to domesticated animals)
inyectar suero, inyectarfeed intravenously
regurgitar, regurguitarfeed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food
sobrealimentarfeed excessively
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtirGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Contrariohacer pasar hambre, privar de comidadeprive of food
Inglésfeed, give
Catalánalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar
Nombresalimentación, nutriciónThe act of supplying food and nourishment
alimentadorA machine that automatically provides a supply of some material
obsequio, presente, regaloThe act of giving
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 4, social
SentidoBring up.
Sinónimoscriar, educar, formar, ser padre
Causa decrecerBecome an adult
EspecíficocriarBring up under fosterage
TambiénllevarBring into a different state
Inglésrear, raise, bring up, nurture, parent
Catalánalimentar, criar, educar, formar
Nombresabolengo, árbol genealógico, ascendencia, casta, descendencia, estirpe, linaje, línea de descendencia, línea de sangre, línea, origen, parentela, parentesco, pedigrí, saga, sangreThe descendants of one individual
ascendencia, linaje, origen, sagaThe kinship relation of an offspring to the parents
educación, formaciónHelping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community
maternidad, paternidadThe state of being a parent
padre, padres, progenitorA father or mother
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 5, consumption
SentidoProvide with nourishment.
Sinónimosnutrir, sostener, sustentar
EspecíficoabastarBe able to feed
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtirGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Inglésnourish, nurture, sustain
Catalánalimentar, nodrir
Adjetivoalimentario, alimenticio, nutritivoOf or providing nourishment
sosteniblecapable of being sustained
Nombresalimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrientes, nutrimento, sustentoA source of materials to nourish the body
mantenimiento, sostenimiento, sustentación, sustentoThe act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 6, consumption
SentidoGive nourishment to.
Sinónimosdar el sustento, nutrir
Generalalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentarGive food to
Inglésnutrify, aliment, nourish
Catalánalimentar, nodrir
Adjetivoalimentario, alimenticio, nutritivoOf or providing nourishment
alimentosorelated to the supply of aliment
Nombresalimentación, nutriciónThe act of supplying food and nourishment
alimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrientes, nutrimento, sustentoA source of materials to nourish the body
alimento, alimentos, comida, nutriente, nutrimento, sustentoAny substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
nutrición(physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 7, change
Sentidointroduce continuously.
Generalincluír, insertar, introducir, meter, ponerintroduce
Inglésfeed, feed in
NombresalimentadorA machine that automatically provides a supply of some material
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 8, possession
SentidoProvide with fuel.
Sinónimosaprovisionar de combustible, encender
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, dotar, entregar, facilitar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, suplir, surtirGive something useful or necessary to
Inglésfuel, fire
Catalánproveir de combustible
Nombrescarburante, combustible, leñaA substance that can be consumed to produce energy
flama, fuego, incendio, llama, lumbreThe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 9, social
Sentidostir up or tend; of a fire.
Generalatizar, avivarmanage or run
NombresfogoneroA laborer who tends fires / fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 10, consumption
Sentidofeed into; supply.
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, dotar, entregar, facilitar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, suplir, surtirGive something useful or necessary to
Nombresafluente, tributaria, tributarioA branch that flows into the main stream
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 11, consumption
SentidoProvide as food.
Sinónimosnutrir, sustentar
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtirGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Catalánalimentar, nodrir, sustentar
Nombresalimentación, nutriciónThe act of supplying food and nourishment
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 12, consumption
SentidoSupply the force or power for the functioning of.
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtirGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Nombrespoder, potencia(physics) the rate of doing work
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 13, consumption
Generalagasajar, regalarProvide with choice or abundant food or drink
Inglésfeed, feast
Catalánalimentar-se, banquetejar, mantenir-se, nodrir-se, sustentar-se
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 14, social
Sentidosupport / support or promote.
Generalanimar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, impulsar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsarcontribute to the progress or growth of
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 15, emotion
Sinónimosacalorar, avivar
Generalagitar, conmover, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivarStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
Españolalimentar: 16 sentidos verbo 16, consumption
SentidoServe as food for; be the food for.
Sinónimosnutrir, sustentar
Generalabastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtirGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Catalánalimentar, mantenir, nodrir, sustentar
Nombrescomida, provisionesFood for domestic livestock

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