Español > alimentar: 16 sentidos > verbo 2, motionSentido | Move along, of liquids / liquids. |
Sinónimos | correr, crecer, fluir, manar |
Causado por | derramar, echar, verter | Cause to run |
hacer fluir | Cause to flow or flood with or as if with water |
Implicado por | desbordarse | Flow or run over (a limit or brim) |
Específico | arremolinarse, girar, remolinear | Flow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids |
chorrear, derramar a borbotones, derramar, echar en chorro, gotear, lanzar a chorro, salir en chorro, salir | issue in a jet |
circular | Move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point |
correr, fluir | Flow in a spurt |
correr hacia abajo, detenerse, pararse | Move downward |
correr libre, derrochar, rebalsarse | run off as waste |
derramarse, derramar, verterse, verter | Flow, run or fall out and become lost |
desprender, exudar, filtrar, rezumar, segregar | Pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings |
drenar, escurrirse, irse, vaciar | flow off gradually |
driblar, gotear | Run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream |
encresparse | Rise or move forward |
verter | Flow freely and abundantly |
General | moverse, mover, trasladar | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion |
También | derivar, resultar | Be the result of |
desbordarse | Flow or run over (a limit or brim) |
Inglés | run, flow, feed, course |
Catalán | alimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar |
Nombres | arroyuelo, riachuelo | A small stream |
caudal, descarga, efusión, vertido | The pouring forth of a fluid |
caudal, flujo | The amount of fluid that flows in a given time |
corriente, flujo | The act of flowing or streaming |
curso, tendencia, trazado | general line of orientation |
flujo | The motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases) |
Español > alimentar: 16 sentidos > verbo 3, consumptionSentido | Give food to. |
Sinónimos | dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar |
Causa de | comerse, comer, consumir, jamarse, jamar | take in solid food |
Implicado por | alojar, entablar | Provide food and lodging (for) |
cebar, engordar, sainar | make fat or plump |
Específico | alimentar, dar el sustento, nutrir | Give nourishment to |
alimentar con biberón, criar con biberón | feed (infants) with a bottle |
amamantar, dar de mamar, lactar | give suck to |
apacentar, pacer, pastar | Let feed in a field or pasture or meadow |
comer carroña | feed on carrion or refuse |
dar cenas, dar de cenar, invitar a cenar | Give dinner to |
dar de comer | Provide a midday meal for |
dar de desayunar, dar el desayuno | Provide breakfast for |
dar pienso | Give fodder (to domesticated animals) |
inyectar suero, inyectar | feed intravenously |
regurgitar, regurguitar | feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food |
sobrealimentar | feed excessively |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Contrario | hacer pasar hambre, privar de comida | deprive of food |
Inglés | feed, give |
Catalán | alimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar |
Nombres | alimentación, nutrición | The act of supplying food and nourishment |
alimentador | A machine that automatically provides a supply of some material |
obsequio, presente, regalo | The act of giving |
Español > alimentar: 16 sentidos > verbo 4, socialSentido | Bring up. |
Sinónimos | criar, educar, formar, ser padre |
Causa de | crecer | Become an adult |
Específico | criar | Bring up under fosterage |
También | llevar | Bring into a different state |
Inglés | rear, raise, bring up, nurture, parent |
Catalán | alimentar, criar, educar, formar |
Nombres | abolengo, árbol genealógico, ascendencia, casta, descendencia, estirpe, linaje, línea de descendencia, línea de sangre, línea, origen, parentela, parentesco, pedigrí, saga, sangre | The descendants of one individual |
ascendencia, linaje, origen, saga | The kinship relation of an offspring to the parents |
educación, formación | Helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community |
maternidad, paternidad | The state of being a parent |
padre, padres, progenitor | A father or mother |
Español > alimentar: 16 sentidos > verbo 5, consumptionSentido | Provide with nourishment. |
Sinónimos | nutrir, sostener, sustentar |
Específico | abastar | Be able to feed |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Inglés | nourish, nurture, sustain |
Catalán | alimentar, nodrir |
Adjetivo | alimentario, alimenticio, nutritivo | Of or providing nourishment |
sostenible | capable of being sustained |
Nombres | alimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrientes, nutrimento, sustento | A source of materials to nourish the body |
mantenimiento, sostenimiento, sustentación, sustento | The act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence |