VERBO | consumption | alimentar, alimentarse, comer, consumir | take in food |
motion | alimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manar | move along, of liquids / liquids | |
consumption | alimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar | give food to | |
social | alimentar, criar, educar, formar, ser padre | bring up | |
consumption | alimentar, nutrir, sostener, sustentar | provide with nourishment | |
consumption | alimentar, dar el sustento, nutrir | give nourishment to | |
change | alimentar, introducir | introduce continuously | |
possession | alimentar, aprovisionar de combustible, encender | provide with fuel | |
social | alimentar, atizar | stir up or tend | |
consumption | alimentar | feed into | |
consumption | alimentar, nutrir, sustentar | provide as food | |
consumption | alimentar | supply the force or power for the functioning of | |
consumption | alimentar, regalarse | gratify | |
social | alimentar | support / support or promote | |
emotion | alimentar, acalorar, avivar | stimulate | |
consumption | alimentar, nutrir, sustentar | serve as food for |
Sentido | take in food; used of animals only. | |
Sinónimos | alimentarse, comer, consumir | |
Específico | apacentar, llevar a pastar, pacer, pastar, pasturar | feed as in a meadow or pasture |
atiborrar | feed greedily | |
mamar | suck milk from the mother's breasts | |
General | comer, consumir, ingerir, tomar | Serve oneself to, or consume regularly |
Similar | comerse, comer, consumir, jamarse, jamar | take in solid food |
Inglés | feed, eat | |
Catalán | alimentar, consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjar | |
Nombres | alimentación, nutrición | The act of consuming food |
comedor | someone who consumes food for nourishment | |
comida, provisiones | Food for domestic livestock |
Sentido | Bring up. | |
Sinónimos | criar, educar, formar, ser padre | |
Causa de | crecer | Become an adult |
Específico | criar | Bring up under fosterage |
También | llevar | Bring into a different state |
Inglés | rear, raise, bring up, nurture, parent | |
Catalán | alimentar, criar, educar, formar | |
Nombres | abolengo, árbol genealógico, ascendencia, casta, descendencia, estirpe, linaje, línea de descendencia, línea de sangre, línea, origen, parentela, parentesco, pedigrí, saga, sangre | The descendants of one individual |
ascendencia, linaje, origen, saga | The kinship relation of an offspring to the parents | |
educación, formación | Helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community | |
maternidad, paternidad | The state of being a parent | |
padre, padres, progenitor | A father or mother |
Sentido | Provide with nourishment. | |
Sinónimos | nutrir, sostener, sustentar | |
Específico | abastar | Be able to feed |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Inglés | nourish, nurture, sustain | |
Catalán | alimentar, nodrir | |
Adjetivo | alimentario, alimenticio, nutritivo | Of or providing nourishment |
sostenible | capable of being sustained | |
Nombres | alimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrientes, nutrimento, sustento | A source of materials to nourish the body |
mantenimiento, sostenimiento, sustentación, sustento | The act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence |
Sentido | Give nourishment to. | |
Sinónimos | dar el sustento, nutrir | |
General | alimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar | Give food to |
Inglés | nutrify, aliment, nourish | |
Catalán | alimentar, nodrir | |
Adjetivo | alimentario, alimenticio, nutritivo | Of or providing nourishment |
alimentoso | related to the supply of aliment | |
Nombres | alimentación, nutrición | The act of supplying food and nourishment |
alimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrientes, nutrimento, sustento | A source of materials to nourish the body | |
alimento, alimentos, comida, nutriente, nutrimento, sustento | Any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue | |
nutrición | (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished |
Sentido | introduce continuously. | |
Sinónimo | introducir | |
General | incluír, insertar, introducir, meter, poner | introduce |
Inglés | feed, feed in | |
Catalán | alimentar | |
Nombres | alimentador | A machine that automatically provides a supply of some material |
Sentido | Provide with fuel. | |
Sinónimos | aprovisionar de combustible, encender | |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, dotar, entregar, facilitar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, suplir, surtir | Give something useful or necessary to |
Inglés | fuel, fire | |
Catalán | proveir de combustible | |
Nombres | carburante, combustible, leña | A substance that can be consumed to produce energy |
flama, fuego, incendio, llama, lumbre | The process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke |
Sentido | stir up or tend; of a fire. | |
Sinónimo | atizar | |
General | atizar, avivar | manage or run |
Inglés | stoke | |
Catalán | atiar | |
Nombres | fogonero | A laborer who tends fires / fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship) |
Sentido | feed into; supply. | |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, dotar, entregar, facilitar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, suplir, surtir | Give something useful or necessary to |
Inglés | feed | |
Catalán | alimentar | |
Nombres | afluente, tributaria, tributario | A branch that flows into the main stream |
Sentido | Provide as food. | |
Sinónimos | nutrir, sustentar | |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Inglés | feed | |
Catalán | alimentar, nodrir, sustentar | |
Nombres | alimentación, nutrición | The act of supplying food and nourishment |
Sentido | Supply the force or power for the functioning of. | |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Inglés | power | |
Catalán | alimentar | |
Nombres | poder, potencia | (physics) the rate of doing work |
Sentido | gratify. | |
Sinónimo | regalarse | |
General | agasajar, regalar | Provide with choice or abundant food or drink |
Inglés | feed, feast | |
Catalán | alimentar-se, banquetejar, mantenir-se, nodrir-se, sustentar-se |
Sentido | support / support or promote. | |
General | animar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, impulsar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsar | contribute to the progress or growth of |
Inglés | feed | |
Catalán | alimentar |
Sentido | stimulate. | |
Sinónimos | acalorar, avivar | |
General | agitar, conmover, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar | Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of |
Inglés | fuel | |
Catalán | acalorar |
Sentido | Serve as food for; be the food for. | |
Sinónimos | nutrir, sustentar | |
General | abastecer, aportar, aprovisionar, cateraje, dotar, facilitar, ministrar, proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, surtir | Give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance |
Inglés | feed | |
Catalán | alimentar, mantenir, nodrir, sustentar | |
Nombres | comida, provisiones | Food for domestic livestock |
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