Sentido | A source of materials to nourish the body. |
Sinónimos | alimentación, alimento, comida, nutrición, nutriente, nutrimento, sustento |
Específico | carne picada, picadillo | Food chopped into small bits |
comida | The food served and eaten at one time |
comida rápida | inexpensive food (hamburgers or chicken or milkshakes) prepared and served quickly |
cosher | Food that fulfills the requirements of Jewish dietary law |
emplasto, mazacote | Heavy and filling (and usually starchy) food |
exquisitez, golosina | Something considered choice to eat |
germen de trigo | embryo of the wheat kernel |
ingesta | Solid and liquid nourishment taken into the body through the mouth |
leche | produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young |
plato | A particular item of prepared food |
plato, ruta | Part of a meal served at one time |
puré | Food prepared by cooking and straining or processed in a blender |
vitamina | Any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism |
General | alimento, alimentos, comida, nutriente, nutrimento, sustento | Any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue |
Inglés | nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals |
Catalán | aliment, menjar, nutrient, sustent |
Adjetivo | alimentario, alimenticio, nutritivo | Of or providing nourishment |
alimenticio, nutricional, nutritiva, nutritivo | Of or relating to or providing nutrition |
Nombres | dietista, nutricionista | A specialist in the study of nutrition |
Verbos | alimentar, nutrir, sostener, sustentar | Provide with nourishment |
alimentar, dar el sustento, nutrir | Give nourishment to |