HyperDic: alimentar

Català > 13 sentits de la paraula alimentar:
VERBconsumptionalimentar, consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjartake in food
motionalimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajarmove along, of liquids / liquids
consumptionalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentargive food to
socialalimentar, criar, educar, formarbring up
consumptionalimentar, nodrirprovide with nourishment
consumptionalimentar, nodrirgive nourishment to
changealimentarintroduce continuously
consumptionalimentarfeed into
consumptionalimentar, nodrir, sustentarprovide as food
consumptionalimentarprovide a midday meal for
socialalimentarsupport / support or promote
consumptionalimentarsupply the force or power for the functioning of
consumptionalimentar, mantenir, nodrir, sustentarserve as food for
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 1, consumption
Sentittake in food; used of animals only.
Sinònimsconsumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjar
Específicmamarsuck milk from the mother's breasts
pasturarfeed as in a meadow or pasture
Generalconsumir, ingerir, prendreServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Similarconsumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjartake in solid food
Anglèsfeed, eat
Espanyolalimentarse, alimentar, comer, consumir
Nomsalimentació, nodriment, nutricióThe act of consuming food
menjadorsomeone who consumes food for nourishment
menjar, provisionsFood for domestic livestock
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 2, motion
SentitMove along, of liquids / liquids.
Sinònimsbrollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar
Causat perabocar, emetre, fluir, llançar, tirar, vessarCause to run
Implicat perdesbordar-seFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
Específicabocar, vessarFlow freely and abundantly
abocar, escampar-se, vessar-se, vessarFlow, run or fall out and become lost
adollar, degotar, gotejar, rajarissue in a jet
arremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, girarFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
brollar, desprendre, rajar, regalar, remintolar, traspuarPass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
circularMove through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point
córrer, fluirFlow in a spurt
degotar, driblar, gotejar, regalimarRun or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Tambédesbordar-seFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
resultarBe the result of
Anglèsrun, flow, feed, course
Espanyolalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manar
Nomscorrent, fluixThe act of flowing or streaming
curs, traçatgeneral line of orientation
fluxThe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
fluxThe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 3, consumption
SentitGive food to.
Sinònimsdispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar
Causa deconsumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjartake in solid food
Implicat perencebar-se, encebar, engreixar-se, engreixar, saginarmake fat or plump
Específicalimentar, nodrirGive nourishment to
alimentarProvide a midday meal for
alletargive suck to
convidar a sopar, donar de soparGive dinner to
regurgitarfeed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food
sobrealimentarfeed excessively
Generalaportar, dotar, facilitar, proporcionar, subministrarGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Contrarifer passar fam, privar de menjardeprive of food
Anglèsfeed, give
Espanyolalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentar
Nomsalimentació, nodriment, nutricióThe act of supplying food and nourishment
alimentadorA machine that automatically provides a supply of some material
obsequi, regalThe act of giving
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 4, social
SentitBring up.
Sinònimscriar, educar, formar
EspecíficcriarBring up under fosterage
TambéportarBring into a different state
Anglèsrear, raise, bring up, nurture, parent
Espanyolalimentar, criar, educar, formar, ser padre
Nomsascendència, llinatge, nissaga, origenThe kinship relation of an offspring to the parents
descendència, estirp, llinatge, nissaga, origen, pedigríThe descendants of one individual
educacióHelping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community
maternitat, paternitatThe state of being a parent
pare, parent, paresA father or mother
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 5, consumption
SentitProvide with nourishment.
EspecíficabastarBe able to feed
Generalaportar, dotar, facilitar, proporcionar, subministrarGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Anglèsnourish, nurture, sustain
Espanyolalimentar, nutrir, sostener, sustentar
Adjectiusalimentari, alimentós, nodridor, nutritiuOf or providing nourishment
sosteniblecapable of being sustained
Nomsaliment, menjar, nutrient, sustentA source of materials to nourish the body
manteniment, sosteniment, sustentacióThe act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 6, consumption
SentitGive nourishment to.
Generalalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentarGive food to
Anglèsnutrify, aliment, nourish
Espanyolalimentar, dar el sustento, nutrir
Adjectiusalimentari, alimentós, nodridor, nutritiuOf or providing nourishment
Nomsaliment, menjar, nutrient, sustentAny substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
aliment, menjar, nutrient, sustentA source of materials to nourish the body
alimentació, nodriment, nutricióThe act of supplying food and nourishment
nutrició(physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 7, change
Sentitintroduce continuously.
Generalinserir, introduirintroduce
Anglèsfeed, feed in
Espanyolalimentar, introducir
NomsalimentadorA machine that automatically provides a supply of some material
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 8, consumption
Sentitfeed into; supply.
Generalabastir, aportar, dotar, facilitar, prestar, proporcionar, proveir, subministrarGive something useful or necessary to
Nomsafluent, confluentA branch that flows into the main stream
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 9, consumption
SentitProvide as food.
Sinònimsnodrir, sustentar
Generalaportar, dotar, facilitar, proporcionar, subministrarGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Espanyolalimentar, nutrir, sustentar
Nomsalimentació, nodriment, nutricióThe act of supplying food and nourishment
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 10, consumption
SentitProvide a midday meal for.
Generalalimentar, dispensar, entregar, propinar, sustentarGive food to
Espanyoldar de comer
Nomsdinada, dinar, tiffinA midday meal
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 11, social
Sentitsupport / support or promote.
Generalanimar, anticipar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsarcontribute to the progress or growth of
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 12, consumption
SentitSupply the force or power for the functioning of.
Generalaportar, dotar, facilitar, proporcionar, subministrarGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Nomspotència(physics) the rate of doing work
Català > alimentar: 13 sentits > verb 13, consumption
SentitServe as food for; be the food for.
Sinònimsmantenir, nodrir, sustentar
Generalaportar, dotar, facilitar, proporcionar, subministrarGive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Espanyolalimentar, nutrir, sustentar
Nomsmenjar, provisionsFood for domestic livestock

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