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Català 28 sentits de la paraula girar:
VERBchangegirar, convertir-se, rotar, transformar-seundergo a transformation or a change of position or action
contactgirar, circumdar, embolicar, encerclar, enrotllar, envoltar, voltararrange or or coil around
motiongirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
motiongirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
contactgirar, corbar, doblar, doblegar, encorbar, enroscar, rotar, tòrçar, torçar, tòrcer, trenarcause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked / crooked or angular form
motiongirar, caminar, deambular, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagarmove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
motiongirar, arremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, narrar, rotarrevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
motiongirar, agitar-se, agitar, ondejar, ondular, onejar, oscil·lar, volarmove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
motiongirar, enrotllar, rodar, voltar, voltejarmove by turning over or rotating
motiongirar, arremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, rotarcause to spin
motiongirar, orbitar, rotarmove in an orbit
motiongirar, donar la volta, fer girar, rotarcause to move around or rotate
motiongirar, rotarcause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
motiongirar, donar voltes, girar-se, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltarcause to turn on an axis or center
motiongirar, arremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, fer girarturn in a twisting or spinning motion
motiongirar, rotar, tombarcause to move around a center so as to show another side of
motiongirarto wind or move in a spiral course
bodygirar, desconjuntar-se, dislocar-se, rotar, torçar-se, torçar, tòrcertwist suddenly so as to sprain
motiongirar, arremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollarflow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
motiongirar, rotarcause to move along an axis or into a new direction
perceptiongiraremit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
motiongirar, moure'smove very slightly
changegirarshape by rolling
motiongirar, arremolinar-se, fer girar, fer voltarfly around
motiongirar, fer giravolts, girar-se, rotar, tombar-se, tombar, virar, voltejarmove around an axis or a center
bodygirarexecute a roll, in tumbling
motiongirarpass to the other side of
changegirar, bullirboil vigorously
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 1, change
SentitUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action.
Sinònimsconvertir-se, rotar, transformar-se
Específicabillar-se, vestir-se, vestirProvide with clothes or put clothes on
abrandar, encendre's, encendre, inflamar-sestart to burn or burst into flames
abrasar, consumir-se, cremar, incendiarUndergo combustion
acalorar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfargain heat or get hot
acetificar, acidificarTurn acidic
acidificar, agrejar, agrir-se, amargar, asprejar, avinagrar-se, elaborar, fermentar, picar-se, repuntar-seGo sour / sour or spoil
acudir, asfixiar, caducar, dinyar-la, estrangular, expirar, finar, morir-se, morir, perirPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
aflaquir-se, amagrir-se, aprimar-seTake off weight
aflaquir-se, aflaquir, amagrir-se, aprimar-se, aprimarLose thickness
agreujar, empitjorar, engrevir, recaure, refermardeteriorate in health
alcalinitzarTurn basic and less acidic
avançar, guanyar, millorar, progressarGet better
buidar, desallotjar, descarregar-se, descarregar, desocuparBecome empty or void of its content
bullirCome to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor
calcificar-se, calcificarTurn into lime
calcinar, carbonitzar-se, carbonitzarTurn into carbon, as by burning
calmar-se, calmarBecome quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation
carbonitzar-se, carbonitzar, carburarUnite with carbon
catalitzarchange by catalysis or cause to catalyze
caurePass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
clausurar, cloure, finir, tancarBecome closed
coagular-se, coagular, quallar-sechange from a liquid / liquid to a thickened or solid state
concebirBecome pregnant
concentrarMake denser, stronger, or purer
congelar-se, gelar-se, glaçar-sechange to ice
constituir, esdevenir, iniciar, posar-se, tornar-se, tornarEnter or assume a certain state or condition
copar, omplirBecome full
créixer, prosperar, surarMake steady progress
debilitar-seGrow weak and thin or waste away physically
decaure, declinar, empitjorarGrow worse
defallir, desmaiar-se, esvair-seLose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example
densificar-se, densificar, espesseir-se, espesseir, espessir-se, espessirBecome thick or thicker
descloure, desenganxar, destapar-se, obrirBecome open
desconnectarBecome free
desnitrificarRemove nitrogen from
despertar-se, despertar, excitar, llevar-sestop sleeping
despertar-se, reanimar-se, retornarReturn to consciousness
dissoldreBecome weaker
emanciparGive equal rights to
emulsionarform into or become an emulsion
engreixar-se, engrossir-seincrease (one's body weight)
ennuvolar-se, tapar-seBecome overcast
equilibrarBring to a chemical stasis or equilibrium
esclatar, explotarBe unleashed
esterificarchange (a compound) into an ester
eterificarchange into an ether
fertilitzarUndergo cross-fertilization
fluctuar, oscil·lar, rondar, variarBe unstable / unstable
homogeneïtzarBecome homogeneous or similar, as by mixing
homogeneïtzarBreak up the fat globules of
integrar-se, integrarBecome one
ionitzarconvert into ions
muscularBecome muscular or fleshy
néixerCome into existence through birth
ossificarBecome bony
precipitarseparate as a fine suspension of solid particles
prendre, quallarTurn into curds
reaccionarUndergo a chemical reaction
refredar, refrescarLoose heat
relaxarBecome less tense, rest, or take one's ease
secularitzarmake secular and draw away from a religious orientation
sobrecréixerBecome overgrown
solubilitzarUndergo solvation or convert into a solvate
tensar-se, tesar-se, tibar-seBecome tense, nervous, or uneasy
trombosiBecome blocked by a thrombus
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
TambémillorarImprove significantly
Similarcanviar, convertir-se, transformar-sePass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute
canviar, convertir, esdevenir, fer tornar, transformarUndergo a change or development
Anglèschange state, turn
Espanyolconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarse
Nomsrevolt, tombAn unforeseen development
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 2, contact
SentitArrange or or coil around.
Sinònimscircumdar, embolicar, encerclar, enrotllar, envoltar, voltar
Específiccabdellarform into a ball by winding or rolling
cabdellar, debanarwind onto a spool or a reel
cargolar-se, cargolar, enroscar, enrotllar-se, enrotllarwind around something in coils or loops
desenrotllar, enrotllarwind onto or off a reel
Generaldesplaçar, moureCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambéembolicar, enrotllarform a cylinder by rolling
Anglèswind, wrap, roll, twine
Espanyolarrollar, enrollar, envolver, girar, la guita
Nomsbigudí, rul·loA mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it
bobinadoramechanical device around which something can be wound
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 3, motion
Sentitturn on or around an axis or a center.
Sinònimsregirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejar
Causat perdonar voltes, girar-se, girar, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltarCause to turn on an axis or center
Específicarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, girar, narrar, rotarrevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
arremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, fer girar, girarTurn in a twisting or spinning motion
Generalfer giravolts, girar-se, girar, rotar, tombar-se, tombar, virar, voltejarMove around an axis or a center
Tambécentrar, concentrar, enfocarCenter upon
Similardonar voltes, girar-se, girar, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltarCause to turn on an axis or center
Anglèsrevolve, go around, rotate
Espanyolgirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltear
Nomsgir, revolució, rotacióA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
rotacióThe act of rotating as if on an axis
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 4, motion
Sentitchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.
Implicat peraixecar, pujarcoil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem
zigzaguejartravel along a zigzag path
Específicaixamfranar-se, aixamfranarTurn outward
bolcar, intervertir, invertir, regirar, remenar, remoure, tombarTurn from an upright or normal position
desviarTurn aside
donar voltes, girar-se, girar, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltarCause to turn on an axis or center
enrotllar, girar, rodar, voltar, voltejarMove by turning over or rotating
fer volar, llançar, llençar, tirarlightly throw to see which side comes up
girarTo wind or move in a spiral course
pivotarturn on a pivot
retorçar, retòrcer, tòrcerTurn in the opposite direction
voltarmake a rolling motion or turn
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Tambéanomenar, dirspeak to
Similardonar la volta, fer girar, girar, rotarCause to move around or rotate
Espanyolgirar, rotar, virar, voltear
NomsgirThe act of changing or reversing the direction of the course
gir, voltaThe act of turning away or in the opposite direction
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 5, contact
SentitCause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked / crooked or angular form.
Sinònimscorbar, doblar, doblegar, encorbar, enroscar, rotar, tòrçar, torçar, tòrcer, trenar
Implicat perarrissar-se, arrissar, cargolar-se, cargolar, enroscarform a curl, curve, or kink
Específicabonyegar, descantellar, escantellar, nyaufar, oscarmake a depression into
Generaldeformarassume a different shape or form
Anglèsflex, bend, deform, twist, turn
Espanyolcurvar, doblar, girar, rotar, torcer
Adjectiusflexibleable to flex
Nomscontorsió, deformacióThe act of twisting or deforming the shape / shape of something (e.g., yourself)
deformacióalteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
doblec, replec, sécAn angular or rounded shape made by folding
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 6, motion
SentitMove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment.
Sinònimscaminar, deambular, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagar
Generalacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
SimilardeambularGo via an indirect route or at no set pace
Anglèsroll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
Espanyolcaminar, deambular, errar, girar, rondar, vagabundear, vagar
Nomsandarec, rodamónsomeone who leads a wandering unsettled life
caminadaAn aimless amble on a winding course
divagacióaimless wandering from place to place
excursionistaA foot traveler
strayersomeone who strays or falls behind
vagabundA wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support
vagareigtravelling about without any clear destination
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 7, motion
Sentitrevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis.
Sinònimsarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, narrar, rotar
Generalgirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
Anglèsspin, spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate
Espanyolgirar, narrar, rotar
NomsgirThe act of rotating rapidly
gir, rotacióThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
gir, revolució, rotacióA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
remolíThe shape of something rotating rapidly
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 8, motion
SentitMove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion.
Sinònimsagitar-se, agitar, ondejar, ondular, onejar, oscil·lar, volar
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Anglèsroll, undulate, flap, wave
Espanyolagitar, girar, ondear, ondular
Nomsona(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
onadaA movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 9, motion
SentitMove by turning over or rotating.
Sinònimsenrotllar, rodar, voltar, voltejar
Generalgirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Tambévoltarmake a rolling motion or turn
Similargirar, rotarCause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
Anglèsroll, turn over
Espanyolenrollar, girar, revolver, rodar, voltear
Nomscorró, rodetA cylinder that revolves
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 10, motion
SentitCause to spin.
Sinònimsarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, rotar
Generaldonar voltes, girar-se, girar, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltarCause to turn on an axis or center
Anglèswhirl, birl, spin, twirl
Espanyolgirar, hacer girar, rotar
NomsgirThe act of rotating rapidly
remolíThe shape of something rotating rapidly
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 11, motion
SentitMove in an orbit.
Sinònimsorbitar, rotar
GeneralcircularMove in circles
Anglèsorb, orbit, revolve
Espanyoldar vueltas, girar, orbitar, rotar
Nomsgir, revolució, rotacióA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
orbitador, satèl·lit artificial, satèl·litman-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
òrbitaThe (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 12, motion
SentitCause to move around or rotate.
Sinònimsdonar la volta, fer girar, rotar
EspecíficreorientarCause to turn
Generaldesplaçar, moureCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similargirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
girar, rotarCause to move along an axis or into a new direction
Espanyolgirar, rotar
Nomsgir, tomb, voltaturning or twisting around (in place)
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 13, motion
SentitCause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis.
Generaldesplaçar, moureCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similarenrotllar, girar, rodar, voltar, voltejarMove by turning over or rotating
Anglèsroll, revolve
Espanyolgirar, rodar, rotar
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 14, motion
SentitCause to turn on an axis or center.
Sinònimsdonar voltes, girar-se, rodar, rotar, tombar-se, voltar
Causa degirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
Implicat perdescargolar, descollarloosen something by unscrewing it
Específicarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, girar, rotarCause to spin
Generalgirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Similargirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
Anglèsrotate, circumvolve
Espanyolhacer rotar, rodar, rotar
AdjectiusrotatoriOf or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn
NomscircumvolucióThe act of turning or winding or folding around a central axis
rotacióThe act of rotating as if on an axis
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 15, motion
SentitTurn in a twisting or spinning motion.
Sinònimsarremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, fer girar
Generalgirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
Anglèstwirl, swirl, twiddle, whirl
Espanyolarremolinarse, arremolinar, girar, remolinear
NomsgirThe act of rotating rapidly
gir, rotacióThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
llançador, pitcher(baseball) the person who does the pitching
remolíThe shape of something rotating rapidly
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 16, motion
SentitCause to move around a center so as to show another side of.
Sinònimsrotar, tombar
Específicfullejarturn over pages
Generaldesplaçar, moureCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Anglèsturn, turn over
Espanyolgirar, rotar, virar, volver
Nomsespàtulacooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 17, motion
SentitTo wind or move in a spiral course.
Generalgirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Anglèsgyrate, spiral, coil
Espanyolenrollarse, enrollar, girar
NomsespiralA structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
espiralA plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at increasing distances from the center
forma espiralA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
gir, rotacióThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 18, body
SentitTwist suddenly so as to sprain.
Sinònimsdesconjuntar-se, dislocar-se, rotar, torçar-se, torçar, tòrcer
Generalferir-se, ferir, fer-se mal, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Anglèstwist, sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, rick
Espanyoldescoyuntarse, dislocarse, girar, rotar, torcerse
Nomsesqueix, esquinç, torçadaA painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments
estrebada, torçada, torcementA sharp strain on muscles or ligaments
torticoliA painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back ('rick' and 'wrick' are British)
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 19, motion
SentitFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids.
Sinònimsarremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar
Generalalimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajarMove along, of liquids / liquids
Anglèseddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirl
Espanyolarremolinarse, girar, remolinear
Nomsmaelstrom, re- molí, remolí, vòrtex, xucladorA powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)
remolíThe shape of something rotating rapidly
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 20, motion
SentitCause to move along an axis or into a new direction.
Generaldesplaçar, moureCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similardonar la volta, fer girar, girar, rotarCause to move around or rotate
Espanyolgirar, rotar, virar
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 21, perception
Sentitemit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound.
Generalfer sorolls, sonarmake a certain noise or sound
Espanyolgirar, rodar
Nomsesclat, repic, retrò, retrunyiment, retruny, tocA deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 22, motion
SentitMove very slightly.
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Anglèsstir, shift, budge, agitate
Espanyolagitarse, agitar, moverse
Nomscanvi, desplaçament, movimentThe act of moving from one place to another
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 23, change
Sentitshape by rolling.
Generalconstituir, donar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
Nomsforma espiralA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 24, motion
Sentitfly around.
Sinònimsarremolinar-se, fer girar, fer voltar
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Anglèswhirl, tumble, whirl around
Espanyolarremolinarse, dar vueltas, girar
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 25, motion
SentitMove around an axis or a center.
Sinònimsfer giravolts, girar-se, rotar, tombar-se, tombar, virar, voltejar
Específicgirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejarturn on or around an axis or a center
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Espanyolgirar, revolverse, rotar, virar, voltear, volverse, volver
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 26, body
Sentitexecute a roll, in tumbling.
GeneralvoltejarDo gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully
Espanyolgirar, rodar
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 27, motion
SentitPass to the other side of.
Generalacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
Anglèsturn, move around
Espanyoldoblar, girar
Catalàgirar: 28 sentits verb 28, change
SentitBoil vigorously.
Generalagitar, batreBe agitated
Anglèsseethe, roll
Espanyolborbotear, bullir, girar, hervir

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