Català > convertir-se: 4 sentits > verb 1, changeSentit | Undergo a transformation or a change of position or action. |
Sinònims | girar, rotar, transformar-se |
Específic | abillar-se, vestir-se, vestir | Provide with clothes or put clothes on |
abrandar, encendre's, encendre, inflamar-se | start to burn or burst into flames |
abrasar, consumir-se, cremar, incendiar | Undergo combustion |
acalorar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfar | gain heat or get hot |
acetificar, acidificar | Turn acidic |
acidificar, agrejar, agrir-se, amargar, asprejar, avinagrar-se, elaborar, fermentar, picar-se, repuntar-se | Go sour / sour or spoil |
acudir, asfixiar, caducar, dinyar-la, estrangular, expirar, finar, morir-se, morir, perir | Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life |
aflaquir-se, amagrir-se, aprimar-se | Take off weight |
aflaquir-se, aflaquir, amagrir-se, aprimar-se, aprimar | Lose thickness |
agreujar, empitjorar, engrevir, recaure, refermar | deteriorate in health |
alcalinitzar | Turn basic and less acidic |
avançar, guanyar, millorar, progressar | Get better |
buidar, desallotjar, descarregar-se, descarregar, desocupar | Become empty or void of its content |
bullir | Come to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor |
calcificar-se, calcificar | Turn into lime |
calcinar, carbonitzar-se, carbonitzar | Turn into carbon, as by burning |
calmar-se, calmar | Become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation |
carbonitzar-se, carbonitzar, carburar | Unite with carbon |
catalitzar | change by catalysis or cause to catalyze |
caure | Pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind |
clausurar, cloure, finir, tancar | Become closed |
coagular-se, coagular, quallar-se | change from a liquid / liquid to a thickened or solid state |
concebir | Become pregnant |
concentrar | Make denser, stronger, or purer |
congelar-se, gelar-se, glaçar-se | change to ice |
constituir, esdevenir, iniciar, posar-se, tornar-se, tornar | Enter or assume a certain state or condition |
copar, omplir | Become full |
créixer, prosperar, surar | Make steady progress |
debilitar-se | Grow weak and thin or waste away physically |
decaure, declinar, empitjorar | Grow worse |
defallir, desmaiar-se, esvair-se | Lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example |
densificar-se, densificar, espesseir-se, espesseir, espessir-se, espessir | Become thick or thicker |
descloure, desenganxar, destapar-se, obrir | Become open |
desconnectar | Become free |
desnitrificar | Remove nitrogen from |
despertar-se, despertar, excitar, llevar-se | stop sleeping |
despertar-se, reanimar-se, retornar | Return to consciousness |
dissoldre | Become weaker |
emancipar | Give equal rights to |
emulsionar | form into or become an emulsion |
engreixar-se, engrossir-se | increase (one's body weight) |
ennuvolar-se, tapar-se | Become overcast |
equilibrar | Bring to a chemical stasis or equilibrium |
esclatar, explotar | Be unleashed |
esterificar | change (a compound) into an ester |
eterificar | change into an ether |
fertilitzar | Undergo cross-fertilization |
fluctuar, oscil·lar, rondar, variar | Be unstable / unstable |
homogeneïtzar | Become homogeneous or similar, as by mixing |
homogeneïtzar | Break up the fat globules of |
integrar-se, integrar | Become one |
ionitzar | convert into ions |
muscular | Become muscular or fleshy |
néixer | Come into existence through birth |
ossificar | Become bony |
precipitar | separate as a fine suspension of solid particles |
prendre, quallar | Turn into curds |
reaccionar | Undergo a chemical reaction |
refredar, refrescar | Loose heat |
relaxar | Become less tense, rest, or take one's ease |
secularitzar | make secular and draw away from a religious orientation |
sobrecréixer | Become overgrown |
solubilitzar | Undergo solvation or convert into a solvate |
tensar-se, tesar-se, tibar-se | Become tense, nervous, or uneasy |
trombosi | Become blocked by a thrombus |
General | alterar, canviar, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
També | millorar | Improve significantly |
Similar | canviar, convertir-se, transformar-se | Pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute |
canviar, convertir, esdevenir, fer tornar, transformar | Undergo a change or development |
Anglès | change state, turn |
Espanyol | convertirse, girar, rotar, transformarse |
Noms | revolt, tomb | An unforeseen development |
Català > convertir-se: 4 sentits > verb 2, changeSentit | change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change. |
Sinònims | convertir, esdevenir, transformar |
Categoria | química | The science of matter |
Específic | caramel·litzar-se, caramel·litzar | Be converted into caramel |
immobilitzar | convert (assets) into fixed capital |
maltar | Turn into malt, become malt |
General | alterar, canviar, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Similar | convertir, transformar | change the nature, purpose, or function of something |
Anglès | convert |
Espanyol | acontecer, convertirse, convertir, transformar |
Adjectius | convertible, transformable, transmutable | capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy |
Noms | convertidor | A device for changing one substance or form or state into another |