HyperDic: cremar

Català > 12 sentits de la paraula cremar:
VERBchangecremar, abrasar, consumir-se, incendiarundergo combustion
changecremar, brusar, cremar-se, incendiardestroy by fire
weathercremar, abrasar, abrusar, cremar-se, incinerarcause to burn or combust
changecremar, incendiar, incinerar, recremarcause to undergo combustion
changecremar, abrasar, cremar-se, incendiar, rostir-se, rostirburn with heat, fire, or radiation
changecremar, abrasar, agostejar, emmusteir, ressecar, socarrimarcause to wither or parch from exposure to heat
bodycremar, bronzejar-se, colrar-se, cremar-se, embrunir-se, incendiarget a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
weathercremar, abrandar, abrusar, bleir, cremar-se, encendre's, encendrecause to start burning
emotioncremarfeel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
perceptioncremar, picarglare or strike with great intensity
consumptioncremar, incendiaruse up (energy)
changecremarclear land of its vegetation by burning it off
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 1, change
SentitUndergo combustion.
Sinònimsabrasar, consumir-se, incendiar
Causat perabrandar, encendreCause to start burning
abrasar, abrusar, cremar-se, cremar, incinerarCause to burn or combust
Específicencendre, incendiarBurn completely
Generalconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Similarbrusar, cremar-se, cremar, incendiarDestroy by fire
Anglèsburn, combust
Espanyolarder, consumirse, incendiar, quemarse
Adjectiuscomburentsupporting combustion
combustiblecapable of igniting and burning
inflamablecapable of burning
NomscombustióA process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light
cremadadamage inflicted by fire
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 2, change
SentitDestroy by fire.
Sinònimsbrusar, cremar-se, incendiar
Implicat perabrusar-se, incendiarBurn at the stake
Específiccalar foc aBurn maliciously, as by arson
incinerarReduce to ashes
Generalarrasar, arruïnar, destrossar, destruirDestroy completely
Similarabrasar, consumir-se, cremar, incendiarUndergo combustion
cremar, incendiar, incinerar, recremarCause to undergo combustion
Anglèsburn, fire, burn down
Espanyolarder, incendiar, quemarse, quemar
Adjectiusinflamablecapable of burning
NomscremadaA place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
flama, focThe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
foc, fogar, foguera, llar de foc, llarA fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
foc, incendiThe event of something burning (often destructive)
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 3, weather
SentitCause to burn or combust.
Sinònimsabrasar, abrusar, cremar-se, incinerar
Causa deabrasar, consumir-se, cremar, incendiarUndergo combustion
Específicabrandar, encendreCause to start burning
carbonitzar, recremar, socarrar-seBurn to charcoal
Similarabrandar, encendre's, encendre, inflamar-sestart to burn or burst into flames
Anglèsburn, combust
Espanyolabrasar, arder, incinerar, quemarse, quemar
Adjectiuscomburentsupporting combustion
combustiblecapable of igniting and burning
inflamablecapable of burning
Nomscombustió, cremaThe act of burning something
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 4, change
SentitCause to undergo combustion.
Sinònimsincendiar, incinerar, recremar
Generalcanviar físicamentchange in physical make-up
Similarbrusar, cremar-se, cremar, incendiarDestroy by fire
incinerarBecome reduced to ashes
Anglèsburn, incinerate
Espanyolarder, incendiar, incinerar, quemar
Adjectiusinflamablecapable of burning
Nomscremadadamage inflicted by fire
cremadaA place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
cremadorAn apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse)
incineracióThe act of burning something completely
incineradorA furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of refuse)
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 5, change
SentitBurn with heat, fire, or radiation.
Sinònimsabrasar, cremar-se, incendiar, rostir-se, rostir
Específicabrusar, bleir, carbonitzar, recremarBurn slightly and superficially so as to affect color / color
cauteritzar, incendiarBurn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
escaldar-se, escaldarBurn with a hot liquid / liquid or steam
Generalavariar, danyar, trencarinflict damage / damage upon
Espanyolabrasarse, abrasar, incendiar, quemarse, quemar
Adjectiusinflamablecapable of burning
Nomscremadadamage inflicted by fire
cremadaA place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 6, change
SentitCause to wither or parch from exposure to heat.
Sinònimsabrasar, agostejar, emmusteir, ressecar, socarrimar
Generalassecar, eixugar, secarRemove the moisture from and make dry
Anglèsparch, sear
Espanyolabrasar, agostarse, chamuscar, marchitar, quemar, resecar
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 7, body
SentitGet a sunburn by overexposure to the sun.
Sinònimsbronzejar-se, colrar-se, cremar-se, embrunir-se, incendiar
Generaldescolorar, descolorir-se, descolorirchange color, often in an undesired manner
Anglèssunburn, burn
Espanyolbroncearse, incendiar, quemarse
Nomsbronzejat, cremadaA browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
eritema solarRedness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 8, weather
SentitCause to start burning.
Sinònimsabrandar, abrusar, bleir, cremar-se, encendre's, encendre
Específicreanimar, revifarkindle anew, as of a fire / fire / fire
Generalabrandar, encendreCause to start burning
Anglèskindle, enkindle, conflagrate, inflame
Espanyolconflagrar, encender, inflamar
Nomsencesa, inflamacióThe act of setting something on fire
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 9, emotion
SentitFeel strong emotion, especially anger or passion.
Generalexperimentar, sentirUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 10, perception
SentitGlare or strike with great intensity.
Generalenlluernar, reverberarshine intensely
Espanyolpegar, picar, quemar
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 11, consumption
Sentituse up (energy).
Generalconsumir, disminuir, esgotar, exhaurir, ingerir, menjar, minvar, reduiruse up (resources or materials)
Anglèsburn off, burn, burn up
Espanyolagotar, consumir, incendiar, quemar
Català > cremar: 12 sentits > verb 12, change
SentitClear land of its vegetation by burning it off.
Generaldesembarassar, desposseir, despullar, desvestirlay bare
Anglèsburn off

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