HyperDic: canviar

Català > 19 sentits de la paraula canviar:
VERBchangecanviar, alterar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarcause to change
changecanviar, alterar, transformar, variarundergo a change
changecanviar, abandonar, transferir, transformarlay aside, abandon, or leave for another
changecanviar, alterar-se, alterar, desfigurar-se, desfigurar, mudar, reformar, transformar-se, transformar, variarbecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence
changecanviar, baratar, bescanviar, convertir, intercanviar, permutar, transformarexchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category
bodycanviar, mudarcast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
stativecanviar, variarbe subject to change in accordance with a variable
possessioncanviar, bescanviar, intercanviargive to, and receive from, one another
stativecanviar, convertir, esdevenir, fer tornar, transformarundergo a change or development
changecanviar, convertir-se, transformar-sepass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute
motioncanviar, fer transbordchange from one vehicle or transportation line to another
changecanviar, transferirmake a shift in or exchange of
changecanviar, alternar, intercanviarreverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
socialcanviar, baratar, bescanviar, commutar, intercanviar, permutarhand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent
changecanviar, intercanviarchange over, change around, as to a new order or sequence
socialcanviar, alternarexchange on a regular basis
changecanviar, transferirchange in quality
changecanviarmove and exchange for another
changecanviarremove or replace the coverings of
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 1, change
SentitCause to change; make different; cause a transformation.
Sinònimsalterar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variar
Causa dealterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Específicabaixar el to, fer greulower the pitch of (musical notes)
abillar, adornar, decorar, embellir, ornarmake more attractive by adding ornament, colour / colour, etc.
ablanir, afluixar, debilitar, estovar, extenuar-se, flaquejar, perdre forces, reblanirlessen the strength of
ablanir, amorosir, assuavir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar, temperarmake soft or softer
abocar, buidar-se, buidar, desallotjar, descarregar, desguassar, evacuar, vessar-se, vessarmake void or empty of contents
abrillantar, avivar, clarejar, enllustrarmake lighter or brighter / brighter
acabar, finalitzar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
accelerar, afanyar-seCause to move faster
accionar, activarmake active or more active
acetificarintroduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound)
aclarir, clarificar, dilucidarmake clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating
aclarir, clarificar, descongestionar, desobstruir, eixarmar, eixermar, esbardissar, retirarmake clear, bright / bright, light, or translucent
acolorar, acolorir, colorar, colorir, pintaradd color to
acolorar, acolorir-se, acolorirtake on color or become colored
acostumar, habituar, solermake psychologically or physically used (to something)
acromatitzarRemove color from
acréixer, augmentar, elevar, incrementarmake bigger or more
activarmake more adsorptive
activarmake (substances) radioactive
adormir, endormiscarmake fall asleep
adreçar, aixecar, alçar, dreçar, redreçarmake straight
adulterar, contaminarmake radioactive by adding radioactive material
afectaract physically on
afectar, commoure, impactar, repercutirHave an effect upon
afilar, afuar, aguditzar, agusar, esmolarmake sharp / sharp / sharp / sharp or sharper / sharper / sharper / sharper
afluixar, deixar anar, desfermar, deslligar, soltarmake loose or looser
agitarBring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking
agrejar, amargarmake sour or bitter
agreujar-se, agreujar, aguditzar-se, empitjorar, endanyar, endenyar, engrevir, exacerbar, exasperarmake worse
aguditzarRaise the pitch of (musical notes)
aigualirmake vapid or deprive of spirit
airejar, ventilaraerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
ajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, associar, cohesionar, combinar, congregar, fusionar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-se, unirjoin or combine
ajustar, corregir, posar béalter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard
ajustar, estirar, fer força, tibarmake tight / tight or tighter / tighter
alcalinitzarmake (a substance) alkaline
alcoholitzarmake alcoholic, as by fermenting
alienarArouse hostility or indifference / indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness
alterar, transformarmake an alteration to
al·legoritzarmake into an allegory
amalgamar, barrejar-se, barrejar, cohesionar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mesclar, mixturar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-seTo bring or combine together or with something else
amansar, amansir, contenir, domar, dominar, sotmetreOvercome the wildness of
americanitzarmake American in character
amortirmake less lively, intense, or vigorous
ampliar-se, ampliar, eixamplar-se, eixamplarmake wider
animarGive lifelike qualities to
anivellar, compensar-se, igualarmake equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching
anivellar, igualarBecome even / even / even / even / even or more even / even / even / even / even
anul·lar, invalidartake away the legal force of or render ineffective
apoquir, humiliarCause to be unpretentious
aportar, contribuir, donarbestow a quality on
aprestar, disposar-se, preparar-se, prepararmake ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
aprimarmake slender or appear to be slender
aquietar, asserenar, assossegar, calmarCause to become sober
arcaïtzarGive an archaic appearance of character to
arrodonirExpress as a round number
arterialitzarchange venous blood into arterial blood
assecar, eixugar, secarRemove the moisture from and make dry
assimilarmake similar
automatitzarmake automatic or control or operate automatically
avariar, danyar, trencarinflict damage / damage upon
aïllar, isolarprotect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material
barbaritzar-semake crude or savage in behavior or speech
bestialitzarmake brutal and depraved
bullir, coureBring to, or maintain at, the boiling point
calcificar-se, calcificarconvert into lime
caldejar, calentar, calfar, escalfarmake hot or hotter
caldejar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfar-se, escalfar, rescalfar-se, rescalfar, temperar-se, temperarmake warm or warmer
canviar, transferirmake a shift in or exchange of
canviar el saborAlter the flavor of
canviar la intensitatincrease / increase or decrease in intensity
capacitar, habilitarRender capable or able for some task
carregarFill or load to capacity
causar, produir, provocarCause to come into a particular state or condition
cegarmake blind by putting the eyes out
centralitzar, concentrar, reunir en un centremake central
civilitzar, desenvolupar, modernitzarRaise from a barbaric to a civilized state
coagular, cossar, densificar-se, densificar, engreixar, engrossir, espesseir-se, espesseir, espessir, quallar-se, quallarmake thick or thicker
codificar, xifrarmake unintelligible
col·locar, posar, situarCause to be in a certain state
comercialitzarmake commercial
commutar, convertir, transformarExchange a penalty for a less severe one
compensar, corregir, redreçarmake reparations or amends for
complicarmake more complicated
complicar, elaborar, refinarmake more complex, intricate, or richer
concordar, congeniar, harmonitzarBring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing
confitar, edulcorar, endolcir-se, endolcir, ensucrarmake sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable / agreeable
confondre, desdibuixarmake unclear, indistinct, or blurred
conformarGive character or essence to
congelar-se, congelar, gelar-se, gelar, glaçar-se, glaçarCause to freeze / freeze
congelar-se, congelar, refredar-se, refredarmake cool or cooler
consolidar, enfortir, reforçarmake strong or stronger
constituir, donar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
contenir, refrenarSlow the growth or development of
convertir, tornarGive certain properties to something
convertir, transformarchange the nature, purpose, or function of something
convertir, transformarchange from one form into another
convertir, transformarCause to adopt a new or different faith
convertir, transformarchange from one system to another or to a new plan or policy
convertir, transformar-se, transformar, transmutarchange or alter in form, appearance, or nature
copar, emplenar, omplirmake full, also in a metaphorical sense
corrompre, pervertircorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
decentralitzar, descentralitzar-se, descentralitzarmake less central
decrepitarTo roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops
decréixer, disminuir, reduirmake smaller
deformarmake formless
democratitzarintroduce democratic reforms
derrocar, rompre, trencarmake ineffective
desaccelerar, descelerarReduce the speed of
desactivarmake inactive
desafinarCause to be out of tune
desajustar, desqualificar, incapacitar, inhabilitarmake unfit or unsuitable
descodificar, desxifrarmake intelligible
descolorar, descolorirCause to lose or change color
descongestionar, desobstruir, enretirar, netejar, recollir, retirarRid of obstructions
desdibuixar-se, desdibuixar, difuminar, entelar-se, velar-semake dim or indistinct
desdibuixar-se, desdibuixar, difuminar-se, difuminar, entelar-se, entelarTo make less distinct / distinct or clear
desentelarFree from mist
desenvolupar-se, desenvolupar, elaborarCause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development
desestabilitzar-se, desestabilitzarmake unstable / unstable
deshidrogenarRemove hydrogen from
desimantar, desmagnetitzarmake nonmagnetic
desintegrarCause to undergo fission or lose particles
deslluir, enfosquirmake dingy / dingy
deslluir, esmussarmake dull in appearance
desmitificarRemove the mythical element from (writings)
desnacionalitzar, privatitzarput under private control or ownership
desnaturalitzarmake (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
desnaturalitzarmodify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
desnaturalitzaradd nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb
desnaturalitzarstrip of the rights and duties of citizenship
desnaturalitzarmake less natural or unnatural
desodorar, desodoritzarEliminate the odor from
desordenarBring disorder to
despersonalitzarmake impersonal or present as an object
despertar-se, despertarCause to become awake or conscious
despuntar, esmussar-se, esmussar, espuntar, romejarmake less sharp / sharp / sharp
despuntar, esmussar-se, esmussar, espuntar, romejarmake dull or blunt
desvalorar, devaluarlower the value or quality of
dinamitzarmake (a drug) effective
dinamitzarmake more dynamic
dissimilarmake dissimilar / dissimilar
diversificar-se, diversificarmake (more) diverse
editar, redactar, tallarPrepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting
elaborar, revelarmake visible by means of chemical solutions
elevarRaise in rank or condition
embrunir-se, enfosquir-se, obscurir-semake dark or darker
embrutar-se, embrutar, embrutir, empastifar, emporcar-se, enllardar-se, ensutzar, pastifejar, sollar, tacarmake soiled, filthy, or dirty
emmetzinar, enverinar, intoxicaradd poison to
emulsionarCause to become an emulsion
encallir-se, encartonar-se, endurir-se, endurir, enfortir-se, engarrotar-se, enravenarmake stiff or stiffer
encebar-se, encebar, engreixar-se, engreixar, saginarmake fat or plump
endimoniarmake into a demon
endimoniarTurn into a devil or make devilish
endurirmake harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh or harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher
enfangar, enllotar, enterbolirmake turbid
enfosquir, fosquejar, obscurirmake undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing
enlletgirmake ugly
entendrirmake tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer
envellir-se, envellir, revellir-se, revellirmake older
erotitzarGive erotic character to or make more interesting
esquematitzarGive conventional form to
estabilitzar-se, estabilitzarmake stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium
esterilitzarTo give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to
estirar, tensar, tesar, tibarincrease the tension on
etiolar-sebleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight
europeïtzarmake (continental) European in customs, character, or ideas
europeïtzardenationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations
evaporarCause to change into a vapor
exterioritzarmake external or objective, or give reality to
fecundar, fertilitzarmake fertile or productive
francesitzarmake French in appearance or character
glorificarbestow glory upon
hidrogenarcombine or treat with or expose to hydrogen
humitejar, mullar, remullarCause to become wet
imantar, magnetitzarmake magnetic
immaterialitzarRender immaterial or incorporeal
immortalitzarmake famous forever
incapacitarmake unable to perform a certain action
incitar, portarBring or lead someone to a certain action / action or condition
indisposarCause to feel unwell
individualitzar, personalitzarmake personal or more personal
industrialitzar, urbanitzarmake more industrial or city-like
inseminarintroduce semen into (a female)
insensibilitzarmake insensitive
intercanviar, transposarCause to change places
internacionalitzarmake international in character
invertirTurn inside out or upside down
invertirmake an inversion (in a musical composition)
iodatCause to combine with iodine
ionitzaradd ions to
laïcitzarReduce to lay status
liberalitzarmake liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules
liquar, liquidarmake (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating
lubricar, lubrificarmake slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant
madurarCause to ripen or develop fully
marcar, senyalarmake or leave a mark on
marejarmake dizzy or giddy
matisarVary slightly
mecanitzarmake mechanical
mecanitzarmake monotonous
millorarTo make better
mitificarmake into a myth
moderar, temperarrestrain
moderarmake less strong or intense
modificar, mudarMove from one setting or context to another
nacionalitzarput under state control or ownership
naturalitzarmake into a citizen
naturalitzarmake more natural or lifelike
netejarmake clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from
neutralitzar-se, neutralitzarmake chemically neutral
normalitzarmake normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard
occidentalitzarmake western in character
orientalitzarmake oriental in character
oxidar-se, oxidaradd oxygen to or combine with oxygen
oxigenarchange (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part
polaritzarCause to vibrate in a definite pattern
polititzarGive a political character to
portarBring into a different state
pressionar, sobrecarregarincrease the pressure on a gas or liquid / liquid
professionalitzarmake professional or give a professional character to
purificar, santificarmake pure or free from sin or guilt
reconstruirCause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically
reconstruir, refer, remodelarDo over, as of (part of) a house
reemplaçar, substituir, suplirput in the place of another
reformar, regenerarBring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one
refrescarmake fresh again
rehabilitar, restablir, restaurar, restituirbring back into original existence, use, function, or position
revolucionarchange radically
saturarCause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
sensibilitzarmake sensitive or aware
simetritzarmake symmetric
simplificarmake simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent
socialitzarmake conform to socialist ideas and philosophies
solubilitzarCause a solvation in (a substance)
subtilitzarmake more subtle or refined
suspendreCause to be held in suspension in a fluid
suspendremake inoperative or stop
tacar, tenyirproduce or leave stains
traduir, transformarchange from one form or medium into another
transformarsubject to a mathematical transformation
transitivitzarmake transitive
transmutarAlter the nature of (elements)
transportarchange key
uniformarmake uniform / uniform / uniform / uniform
unirBring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation
validarmake valid or confirm the validity of
vitrificar-se, vitrificarchange into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat
volatilitzar-semake volatile
Anglèschange, alter, modify
Espanyolalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar
Adjectiusalterablecapable of being changed or altered in some characteristic
modificablecapable of being modified in form or character or strength (especially by making less extreme / extreme)
Nomsalteració, modificacióThe act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
alteració, canvi, modificació, variacióAn event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
alteració, canvi, modificació, variacióA relational difference between states
canviThe action of changing something
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 2, change
SentitUndergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature.
Sinònimsalterar, transformar, variar
Causat peralterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Específicabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-seRemove oneself from an association with or participation in
ablanir, amorosir, assuaujar, assuavir, endolcir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzarBecome soft or softer
acetificarReceive substitution of an acetyl group
adoptar, adquirir, assumirtake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
adquirir, cultivar, desenvolupar, elaborar, produirCome to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)
agafarBe struck or affected by
ajustar, estirar, serrar, tibarBecome tight / tight / tight / tight / tight or tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter
alleujar, apaivagar, suavitzarBecome lifeless, less lively / lively, intense, or active
allisar, suavitzarBecome smooth
alterar, aprofundir, transformar, variarBecome deeper in tone
alterar una superfícieUndergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface
americanitzarBecome American in character
animarBecome more friendly or open
apagar, desllustrarBecome dull or lusterless in appearance
arruïnar, decaure, deteriorar-se, enfonsar-se, ensorrar-se, ensulsiar-se, ensulsir-se, esfondrar-se, esllavissar-sefall into decay or ruin
assecar-se, assecar, eixugar-seBecome dry or drier
assimilarBecome similar in sound
atenuar, enfosquir, obscurir, ofuscarBecome dim or lusterless
aterrossar-se, endurir-se, endurir, forjar, gelar-se, gelar, glaçar-se, glaçarBecome hard or harder
avariar-se, espatllar-se, fallar, parar-sestop operating or functioning
banyar, difondreTo become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light
bronzejar-se, enfosquir-se, enfosquir, obscurir-se, obscurirBecome dark or darker
bullirImmerse or be immersed in a boiling liquid / liquid, often for cooking purposes
caldejar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfar-se, escalfar, rescalfar-se, rescalfar, temperar-se, temperarGet warm or warmer
callarBecome quiet or still
canviar, convertir-se, transformar-sePass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute
canviar, transferirchange in quality
canviar de magnitudchange in size or magnitude
canviar físicamentchange in physical make-up
capgirar, invertirchange to the contrary
caseïficarTurn into cheese
cedir, sucumbirend resistance, as under pressure or force
clarejarBecome light
commutar, transposarExchange positions without a change in value
concretar-se, concretarBecome specific
confeccionar, crear, fer, formarUndergo fabrication or creation
consolidar, enfortir, fortificar, reforçargain strength
convertir, transformar-se, transformar, transmutarchange in outward structure or looks
convertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
convertir-se, convertir, esdevenir, transformarchange in nature, purpose, or function
convertir-se, convertir, transformarchange religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief
créixer, cultivar, desenvolupar-se, elaborarGrow emotionally or mature
decrepitarUndergo decrepitation and crackle
deformarassume a different shape or form
democratitzarBecome (more) democratic
descolorar, descolorir-se, descolorirchange color, often in an undesired manner
desenvolupar-se, desenvolupar, desplegar-se, elaborar, evolucionargain through experience
desestabilitzar-se, desestabilitzarBecome unstable / unstable
desoxidar, desoxigenarTo remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase / increase / increase in the number of electrons
desplomarbreak down, literally or metaphorically
dessalar, dessalinitzarRemove salt from
destil·larUndergo the process of distillation
deteriorar-seUndergo decay or decomposition
dissimilarBecome dissimilar / dissimilar by changing the sound qualities
dissimilarBecome dissimilar / dissimilar or less similar
dividir-se, dividir, escindir, partir, separar-se, separarcome apart
divulgar-se, filtrar-se, saber-secome to light
embrutarBecome soiled and dirty
empolainar-se, vestirse, vestir-se, vestirPut on clothes
encallir-se, encartonar-se, endurir-se, endurir, enfortir-se, engarrotar-se, enravenar, tibarBecome stiff or stiffer
endurir-se, endurirmake hard or harder
envidriar-seBecome glassy or take on a glass-like appearance
esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fracturar-se, rompre's, rompre, trencar-se, trencarBecome fractured
escalar, pujarRise in rank or status
escorificarTurn to clinker or form clinker under excessive heat in burning
estabilitzar-se, estabilitzarBecome stable or more stable
estancarCause to stagnate
estrènyer, estretirmake or become more narrow or restricted
evaporarchange into a vapor
experimentar, tenirUndergo
experimentar, patir, sofrirPass through
florir-se, rovellar-seBecome moldy
il·luminar-seBecome lighter
industrialitzarDevelop industry
jubilarBecome obsolete
macular, tacarBecome spotted
madurarBecome due for repayment
matisarPass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree
modificarmake less severe or harsh or extreme / extreme
mutarUndergo mutation
obtenirReceive a specified treatment (abstract)
orientar, reorientarset or arrange in a new or different determinate position
oxidar-se, oxidaradd oxygen to or combine with oxygen
plegarBecome folded or folded up
popularitzarBecome popular
refrescarBecome or make oneself fresh again
regenerarUndergo regeneration
reiniciar, reprendreReturn to a previous location or condition
salaradd salt to
sentirChange texture so as to become matted and felt-like
sublimarvaporize and then condense right back again
trencarBe broken in
ulcerar-seUndergo ulceration
vitrificar-se, vitrificarUndergo vitrification
vulcanitzarUndergo vulcanization
Contraridescansar, mantenir-se, perdurar, quedar-se, quedar, reposar, restar, romandre, seguirStay the same
Espanyolalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variar
Nomsalteració, canvi, modificació, variacióAn event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 3, change
Sentitlay aside, abandon, or leave for another.
Sinònimsabandonar, transferir, transformar
Similarbaratar, bescanviar, canviar, convertir, intercanviar, permutar, transformarExchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category
canviar-sechange clothes
Anglèsswitch, shift, change
Espanyolabandonar, cambiar, transferir
Nomscanvi, commutacióThe act of changing one thing or position for another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 4, change
SentitBecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence.
Sinònimsalterar-se, alterar, desfigurar-se, desfigurar, mudar, reformar, transformar-se, transformar, variar
Específicacomodar, adaptarmake fit for, or change to suit a new purpose
alternar, saltargo back and forth
ampliar, eixamplar-se, eixamplarmake (clothes) larger / larger
crivellarmake full of cavities, like a honeycomb
diversificar, ramificar-seVary in order to spread risk or to expand
diversificarSpread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate
empetitir, enxiquirmake (clothes) smaller
especialitzar-seBecome more focus on an area of activity or field of study
moure'sGo or proceed from one point to another
Anglèschange, alter, vary
Espanyolalterar, cambiar, mudar, transformar, variar
Adjectiusvariableliable to or capable of change
variablemarked by diversity or difference
Nomsalteració, canvi, modificació, variacióAn event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
alteració, canvi, modificació, variacióA relational difference between states
canviThe action of changing something
variant, versióSomething a little different from others of the same type
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 5, change
SentitExchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category.
Sinònimsbaratar, bescanviar, convertir, intercanviar, permutar, transformar
Específicblanquejarconvert illegally obtained funds into legal ones
capitalitzarconvert (a company's reserve funds) into capital
Generalreemplaçar, substituirSubstitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient / inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected)
Similarabandonar, canviar, transferir, transformarlay aside, abandon, or leave for another
Anglèschange, exchange, commute, convert
Espanyolcambiar, canjear, convertir, intercambiar, permutar, reemplazar, transformar, trocar
Adjectiuscanviable, convertiblecapable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value
Nomsbescanviador, canvistaOne whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country
canvireciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries)
conversió, convertimentAct of exchanging one type of money or security for another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 6, body
Sentitcast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers.
Específicdescamar-sepeel off in scales
Generaldesfer-se de, mudar de, treure'sGet rid of
Anglèsshed, molt, exuviate, moult, slough
Espanyolcambiar, mudar, pelechar
NomsmudaAny outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
mudaThe process whereby something is shed
ècdisi, mudaPeriodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 7, stative
SentitBe subject to change in accordance with a variable.
Generaldiferenciar-se, diferir, discrepar, distingir-seBe different
Espanyolcambiar, variar
Adjectiusvariableliable to or capable of change
variablemarked by diversity or difference
Nomsdeclinació magnèticaThe angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north
fluctuació, variacióAn instance of change
variable aleatòria, variantA variable quantity that is random
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 8, possession
SentitGive to, and receive from, one another.
Sinònimsbescanviar, intercanviar
Específicbaratar, comerciar, permutar, traficarExchange or give (something) in exchange for
baratarExchange goods without involving money
comerciar, traficarturn in as payment or part payment for a purchase
redimir, rescatarExchange or buy back for money
suplirBe a substitute
vendreExchange or deliver for money or its equivalent
GeneraltransferirCause to change ownership
Anglèsexchange, change, interchange
Espanyolcambiar, intercambiar
Nomscanvi, intercanviThe act of giving something in return for something received
estira-i-arronsa, intercanvi, reciprocaciómutual interaction
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 9, stative
SentitUndergo a change or development.
Sinònimsconvertir, esdevenir, fer tornar, transformar
Específicreduir-seBe the essential element
Generalconvertir, transformar-se, transformar, transmutarchange in outward structure or looks
Similarconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Anglèsbecome, turn
Espanyolconvertir, hacerse, hacer, tornar, volverse
Nomsrevolt, tombAn unforeseen development
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 10, change
SentitPass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become.
Sinònimsconvertir-se, transformar-se
EspecíficcalbejarGrow bald
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Similarconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Anglèsturn, grow
Espanyoltornar, volverse
Nomscreixement, emergènciaThe gradual beginning or coming forth
revolt, tombAn unforeseen development
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 11, motion
Sentitchange from one vehicle or transportation line to another.
Sinònimfer transbord
Generalacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
Anglèstransfer, change
Espanyolcambiar, hacer transbordo
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 12, change
Sentitmake a shift in or exchange of.
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Anglèsswitch, change over, shift
Espanyolcambiar, intercambiar, relevar, transferir
Nomscanvi, commutacióThe act of changing one thing or position for another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 13, change
Sentitreverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) .
Sinònimsalternar, intercanviar
Generalcapgirar, invertirchange to the contrary
Anglèsinterchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip, flip-flop
Nomscanvi, commutacióThe act of changing one thing or position for another
virada(nautical) the act of changing tack
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 14, social
Sentithand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent.
Sinònimsbaratar, bescanviar, commutar, intercanviar, permutar
EspecíficalternarExchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
Espanyolcambiar, canjear, conmutar, intercambiar, permutar, trocar
Nomscommutació, substitucióThe act of putting one thing or person in the place of another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 15, change
Sentitchange over, change around, as to a new order or sequence.
Generalcapgirar, invertirchange to the contrary
Anglèsswitch over, switch, exchange
Espanyolcambiar a, cambiar de sitio
Nomscanvi, commutacióThe act of changing one thing or position for another
commutació, substitucióThe act of putting one thing or person in the place of another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 16, social
SentitExchange on a regular basis.
GeneralalternarExchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
Espanyolalternarse, alternar, rotar
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 17, change
Sentitchange in quality.
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
NomstransformacióA qualitative change
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 18, change
SentitMove and exchange for another.
Generalreemplaçar, substituir, suplirput in the place of another
Català > canviar: 19 sentits > verb 19, change
SentitRemove or replace the coverings of.
Generalreemplaçar, substituirSubstitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient / inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected)

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