Sentit | Become loose or looser or less tight / tight / tight / tight. |
Sinònims | afluixar, deixar anar, deslligar, laxar, relaxar-se, relaxar, soltar |
Causat per | afluixar, deixar anar, desfermar, deslligar, soltar | make loose or looser |
General | afeblir-se, debilitar, defallir, fallir, flaquejar, perdre forces, postrar-se, prostrar-se | Become weaker |
Contrari | encallir-se, encartonar-se, endurir-se, endurir, enfortir-se, engarrotar-se, enravenar, tibar | Become stiff or stiffer |
Anglès | loosen, relax, loose |
Espanyol | aflojarse, aflojar, relajarse |
Noms | distensió, relaxació, relaxament | The act of making something less tight / tight / tight / tight |