Sentit | put an end to a state or an activity. | |
Sinònims | aturar, cessar, descatalogar, discontinuar, finalitzar, parar | |
Específic | abandonar, deixar | stop pursuing or acting |
jubilar, retirar, suprimir | Withdraw from active participation | |
Contrari | continuar, persistir, seguir | Keep or maintain in unaltered condition |
Anglès | discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off | |
Espanyol | acabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminar | |
Noms | alto, aturada, interrupció, parada | The event of something ending |
arrest, escala, parada | A brief stay in the course of a journey | |
aturada, parada | The act of stopping something | |
cesació, interrupció, suspensió | The act of discontinuing / discontinuing or breaking off | |
cessació, cessament, suspensió | A stopping | |
cessació, cessament | ('cease' is a noun only in the phrase 'without cease') end |
Sentit | Come to a halt, stop moving. | |
Sinònims | aturar-se, aturar, detenir-se, estancar, parar | |
Causat per | aturar, detenir, parar | Cause to stop |
Específic | aturar, detenir, parar | Come to rest |
Contrari | començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar | Begin or set in motion |
Anglès | stop, halt | |
Espanyol | detenerse, detener, estancar, pararse, parar | |
Noms | alto | An interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement |
alto, aturada, interrupció, parada | The event of something ending | |
aturada, detenció, parada | The state of inactivity following an interruption |
Sentit | make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen / happen. | |
Sinònim | permetre | |
Contrari | evitar, impedir, prevenir | Stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state |
Anglès | let, allow, permit | |
Espanyol | dejar, permitir |
Sentit | go away from a place. | |
Sinònims | anar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortir | |
Implicat per | deixar enrera | depart / depart and not take along |
emigrar | Leave one's country of residence for a new one | |
Específic | abandonar, desallotjar, evacuar | leave behind empty |
anar-se'n, estrenar, iniciar, marxar, originar, partir, sortir | Leave | |
demorar-se, demorar, endarrerir-se, retardar, trigar | Leave slowly and hesitantly | |
desertar | Leave behind | |
escapar, escapolir-se, evadir, fugir | flee | |
sortir | Leave the house to go somewhere | |
Contrari | arribar, venir | reach a destination |
Similar | abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir | Move out of or depart from |
abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-se | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in | |
Anglès | leave, go forth, go away | |
Espanyol | dejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salir | |
Noms | adéu, comiat | The act of departing politely |
Sentit | Move out of or depart from. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, anar-se'n, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir | |
Específic | acudir, anar | Move away from a place into another direction |
enlairar-se, marxar | Leave a vehicle, aircraft, etc. | |
expel·lir, expulsar, llançar, tirar | Leave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule | |
finalitzar una sessió, sortir | Exit a computer | |
General | moure's, moure | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion |
Contrari | entrar | To come or go into |
Similar | anar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortir | go away from a place |
Anglès | exit, go out, get out, leave | |
Espanyol | dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salir | |
Noms | adéu, comiat | The act of departing politely |
sortida | The act of going out | |
sortida | An opening that permits escape or release |
Sentit | Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, desemparar, desertar | |
Específic | deixar plantat, plantar | forsake |
General | abandonar, deixar, oblidar | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness |
Anglès | abandon, forsake, desolate, desert | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar, desamparar, desasistir, desertar | |
Noms | abandó, abandonament, deserció, elusió | Withdrawing support / support / support or help despite allegiance or responsibility |
abandó, abandonament, renúncia | The act of forsaking | |
abandó, abandonament, desemparament, desemparança | sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned | |
apòstata, oportunista, renegat | A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. | |
desertor, trànsfuga | A person who abandons their duty (as on a military post) |
Sentit | Give temporarily; let have for a limited time. | |
Sinònim | prestar | |
Específic | anticipar, avançar, bestreure | pay in advance |
arrendar, contractar, llogar | grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee | |
fiar | Extend credit / credit to | |
General | dispensar, donar, entregar, propinar, regalar | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody |
Contrari | manllevar | Get temporarily |
Anglès | lend, loan | |
Espanyol | dejar, prestar | |
Noms | prestador | someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters |
préstec | The temporary provision of money (usually at interest) |
Sentit | choose not to consume. | |
Sinònims | abstenir-se, desistir | |
Específic | dejunar | abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons |
dejunar | abstain from eating | |
eludir, evitar, no provar | Refrain from certain foods or beverages | |
Contrari | consumir, ingerir, prendre | Serve oneself to, or consume regularly |
Anglès | abstain, refrain, desist | |
Espanyol | abstenerse, dejar, desistir, inhibirse | |
Adjectius | abstinent | self-restraining |
Noms | abstenció, abstencionisme, abstinència | The trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) |
abstinent | A person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages | |
asceta | someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline / discipline |
Sentit | Let have. | |
Sinònims | adjudicar, assentir, concedir, conferir, permetre | |
General | dispensar, donar, entregar, propinar, regalar | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody |
Contrari | negar | Refuse to let have |
Similar | consentir, deixar, permetre | consent to, give permission |
Anglès | allow, grant | |
Espanyol | adjudicar, asentir, conceder, conferir, permitir |
Sentit | To surrender / surrender someone or something to another. | |
Sinònims | despatxar, entregar, lliurar, prestar, retornar, tornar | |
General | acostar, apropar, aproximar, cedir, dispensar, donar, entregar, lliurar, passar, propinar, traspassar | place into the hands or custody of |
També | acostar, apropar, aproximar, cedir, dispensar, donar, entregar, lliurar, passar, propinar, traspassar | place into the hands or custody of |
Anglès | hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, deliver, render | |
Espanyol | abandonar, devolver, entregar, librar | |
Noms | entrega | The voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party / party to another |
lliurador | A person who gives up or transfers money or goods | |
lliurament | Act of relinquishing property or authority etc |
Sentit | desert (a cause, a country or an army) , often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, desertar | |
Implica | discrepar, oposar-se, protestar, resistir-se | Express opposition through action or words / words |
General | anar-se'n, escapar, escapolir-se, evadir-se, evadir, fugir, tocar el dos, volar | run away quickly |
Anglès | defect, desert | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar, desertar | |
Noms | abandó, abandonament, deserció, elusió | Withdrawing support / support / support or help despite allegiance or responsibility |
abandó, abandonament, renúncia | The act of giving something up | |
apostasia, renúncia | The state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes) | |
apòstata, oportunista, renegat | A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. | |
desertor, trànsfuga | A person who abandons their duty (as on a military post) |
Sentit | Leave or give by will after one's death. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, entregar, llegar, lliurar | |
Específic | premiar, recordar | show appreciation to |
General | dispensar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, presentar, propinar, regalar | Give as a present |
Contrari | desheretar | prevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting |
Similar | comunicar, transmetre | Transmit (knowledge or skills) |
deixar | Be survived by after one's death | |
Anglès | bequeath, will, leave | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dar, dejar, entregar, heredar, legar | |
Noms | testament, voluntat | A legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die |
Sentit | Leave or unload. | |
Sinònim | descarregar | |
General | despatxar, entregar, lliurar | Bring to a destination, make a delivery |
També | depositar, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
Anglès | drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge | |
Espanyol | dejar, descargar |
Sentit | put into the care or protection of someone. | |
Sinònims | confiar, lliurar | |
General | acostar, apropar, aproximar, cedir, dispensar, donar, entregar, lliurar, passar, propinar, traspassar | place into the hands or custody of |
Anglès | entrust, leave | |
Espanyol | confiar, dejar, entregar |
Sentit | Do without or cease to hold or adhere to. | |
Sinònims | renunciar, sacrificar | |
Anglès | waive, relinquish, forgo, forego, foreswear, dispense with | |
Espanyol | dejar, renunciar, renunicar, sacrificar | |
Noms | exempció, renúncia | A formal written statement of relinquishment |
Sentit | make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain. | |
Sinònim | permetre | |
General | cedir, proporcionar | Be the cause or source of |
Similar | admetre, permetre | afford possibility |
Anglès | leave, allow for, allow, provide | |
Espanyol | dejar, permitir |
Sentit | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, anar-se'n, marxar, retirar-se | |
Específic | dimitir | Give up or retire from a position |
General | alterar, canviar, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Similar | anar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortir | go away from a place |
Anglès | leave, depart, pull up stakes | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir, retirarse |
Sentit | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, oblidar | |
Específic | abandonar, deixar, desemparar, desertar | Leave someone who needs or counts on you |
abandonar | cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly | |
Similar | deixar-se, deixar, descuidar-se, oblidar-se | leave behind unintentionally |
Anglès | leave | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar, olvidar | |
Noms | adéu, comiat | The act of departing politely |
Sentit | Leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking. | |
Específic | abandonar, deixar | Leave unchanged |
General | abstenir-se, refrenar-se | Resist doing something |
Anglès | leave, leave alone, leave behind, let alone | |
Espanyol | dejar |
Sentit | Be survived by after one's death. | |
Implica | acudir, asfixiar, caducar, dinyar-la, estrangular, expirar, finar, morir-se, morir, perir | Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life |
Similar | abandonar, deixar, entregar, llegar, lliurar | Leave or give by will after one's death |
deixar enrera | depart / depart and not take along | |
Anglès | leave, leave behind | |
Espanyol | dejar |
Sentit | Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat. | |
Sinònims | abandonar, desistir, llençar la tovallola, rendir-se, retirar-se | |
Contrari | intervenir, participar | Become a participant |
Anglès | drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge | |
Espanyol | abandonar, arrojar la toalla, dejar, desistir, rendirse, retirarse, tirar la toalla |
Sentit | give back. | |
Sinònims | entregar, lliurar, retornar, tornar | |
General | dispensar, donar, entregar, propinar, regalar | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody |
Anglès | render, return | |
Espanyol | devolver, entregar, regresar | |
Noms | devolució, restitució | getting something back again |
Sentit | leave behind unintentionally. | |
Sinònims | deixar-se, descuidar-se, oblidar-se | |
General | perdre | miss from one's possessions |
Similar | abandonar, deixar, oblidar | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness |
Anglès | forget, leave | |
Espanyol | dejarse, dejar, olvidarse, olvidar |
Sentit | stop pursuing or acting. | |
Sinònim | abandonar | |
General | aturar, cessar, deixar, descatalogar, discontinuar, finalitzar, parar | put an end to a state or an activity |
Anglès | drop, knock off | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar |
Sentit | Get rid of something abstract. | |
Sinònim | allunyar-se | |
Anglès | remove, take away | |
Espanyol | alejarse, alejar, dejar, quitar |
Sentit | Cause to give up a habit. | |
Anglès | break | |
Espanyol | dejar |
Sentit | Leave unchanged. | |
Sinònim | abandonar | |
General | deixar | Leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking |
Anglès | let | |
Espanyol | abandonar, dejar |
Sentit | Leave with; give temporarily. | |
Sinònims | dispensar, entregar, propinar | |
General | acostar, apropar, aproximar, cedir, dispensar, donar, entregar, lliurar, passar, propinar, traspassar | place into the hands or custody of |
Anglès | give | |
Espanyol | dar, dejar, dispensar, entregar, propinar |
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