VERB | motion | drop | let fall to the ground |
motion | drop | to fall vertically | |
change | drop | go down in value | |
motion | drop, sink, drop down | fall or descend to a lower place or level | |
social | drop | terminate an association with | |
communication | drop | utter with seeming casualness | |
change | drop, knock off | stop pursuing or acting | |
contact | drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge | leave or unload | |
contact | drop, fell, strike down, cut down | cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow | |
competition | drop | lose (a game / game / game) | |
possession | drop, spend, expend | pay out | |
change | drop, flatten | lower the pitch of (musical notes) | |
stative | drop, dangle, swing | hang freely | |
social | drop, dismiss, send packing, send away | stop associating with | |
contact | drop, dribble, drip | let or cause to fall in drops | |
contact | drop, shed, cast, cast off, shake off, throw, throw off, throw away | get rid of | |
consumption | drop | take (a drug, especially LSD) , by mouth | |
cognition | drop | omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing | |
cognition | drop, neglect, pretermit, omit, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap | leave undone or leave out | |
change | drop | change from one level to another | |
change | drop | fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death | |
body | drop, devolve, deteriorate, degenerate | grow worse | |
body | drop | give birth | |
NOUN | shape | drop, bead, pearl | a shape that is spherical and small |
quantity | drop, drib, driblet | a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid / liquid) | |
attribute | drop, dip, fall, free fall | a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity | |
object | drop, cliff, drop-off | a steep high face of rock | |
location | drop | a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property) | |
event | drop, fall | a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity | |
artifact | drop, drop curtain, drop cloth | a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies | |
artifact | drop | a central depository where things can be left or picked up | |
act | drop | the act of dropping something |
Sounds | draa'p; drao'p | |
Rhymes | Aesop ... workshop: 48 rhymes with aap... | |
agitprop ... treetop: 5 rhymes with aop... |
Meaning | A shape that is spherical and small. | |
Example | "he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops" | |
Synonyms | bead, pearl | |
Narrower | dewdrop | A drop of dew |
teardrop | Anything shaped like a falling drop (as a pendant gem / gem on an earring) | |
Broader | sphere | A solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses) |
Spanish | gota, perla | |
Catalan | gota, perla | |
Nouns | droplet | a tiny drop |
Meaning | A small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid / liquid). | |
Examples |
| |
Synonyms | drib, driblet | |
Narrower | droplet | A tiny drop |
eyedrop, eye-drop | A drop from an eye dropper | |
raindrop | A drop of rain | |
tear, teardrop | A drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands | |
Broader | small indefinite quantity, small indefinite amount | An indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude |
Spanish | gota, lágrima | |
Catalan | driblet, drib, gota | |
Nouns | droplet | a tiny drop |
Verbs | drop | let or cause to fall in drops |
Meaning | A sudden sharp decrease in some quantity. | |
Examples |
| |
Synonyms | dip, fall, free fall | |
Narrower | correction | A drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases / increases |
voltage drop | A decrease in voltage along a conductor through which current is flowing | |
Broader | decrease, decrement | The amount by which something decreases |
Spanish | bajada, baja, bajón, caída, descenso | |
Catalan | baixada, baixa, caiguda, descendiment, descens | |
Verbs | drop | go down in value |
Meaning | A steep high face of rock. | |
Example | "a steep drop" | |
Synonyms | cliff, drop-off | |
Narrower | crag | A steep rugged rock or cliff |
precipice | A very steep cliff | |
Broader | geological formation, formation | (geology) the geological features of the earth |
Spanish | acantilado, cantil, despeñadero, peñasco, precipicio, risco | |
Catalan | cingle, cinglera, espadat, penya-segat, precipici |
Meaning | A predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property). | |
Category | drug | A substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic |
Narrower | dead drop | A drop used for the clandestine exchange of intelligence information |
Broader | hiding place | A place suitable for hiding / hiding something (such as yourself) |
Spanish | zulo |
Meaning | A free and rapid descent by the force of gravity. | |
Example | "it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height" | |
Synonym | fall | |
Narrower | free fall | The ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field |
plunge | A steep and rapid fall | |
precipitation | The act of casting down or falling headlong from a height | |
Broader | descent | A movement downward |
gravitation | movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction | |
Spanish | caída, despeño | |
Catalan | caiguda | |
Verbs | drop | to fall vertically |
drop | let fall to the ground |
Meaning | A curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery. | |
Synonyms | drop curtain, drop cloth | |
Broader | curtain, drape, drapery, mantle, pall | hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window) |
Spanish | bambalina | |
Verbs | drop | fall or descend to a lower place or level |
Meaning | A central depository where things can be left or picked up. | |
Narrower | maildrop | A drop where mail / mail can be deposited |
Broader | depository, deposit, depositary, repository | A facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping |
Verbs | drop | leave or unload |
Meaning | The act of dropping something. | |
Example | "they expected the drop would be successful" | |
Broader | descent | The act of changing your location in a downward direction |
Catalan | baixada, caiguda, llançament | |
Verbs | drop | let fall to the ground |
Meaning | Let fall to the ground. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody | |
Model | The girls drop the wooden sticks | |
Example | "Don't drop the dishes" | |
Narrower | dump | Drop (stuff) in a heap or mass |
hang | Let drop or droop | |
plonk down, plump down, plank down | Drop heavily | |
plop | Drop something with a plopping sound | |
Broader | move, displace | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Similar to | drop | To fall vertically |
sink, drop, drop down | fall or descend to a lower place or level | |
Spanish | largar | |
Nouns | drop | the act of dropping something |
drop | a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity |
Meaning | To fall vertically. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Somebody ----s | |
Model | The branches drop from the trees | |
Example | "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets" | |
Narrower | decline | go down |
flump, flump down | fall heavily | |
plummet, plump | Drop sharply | |
plunge, dump | fall abruptly | |
Broader | descend, fall, go down, come down | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
Similar to | drop | Let fall to the ground |
Spanish | bajar, caer | |
Catalan | baixar, caure | |
Nouns | drop | a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity |
Meaning | go down in value. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Model | The stock market is going to drop | |
Example | "Stock prices dropped" | |
Narrower | slump, fall off, sink | fall heavily or suddenly |
tumble | fall suddenly and sharply | |
Broader | decline, go down, wane | Grow smaller |
Spanish | bajar, caer, descender | |
Catalan | baixar, caure, davallar, descendir | |
Nouns | drop | a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity |
Meaning | fall or descend to a lower place or level. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Somebody ----s | |
Synonyms | sink, drop down | |
Narrower | drop open, fall open | open involuntarily |
sag, droop, swag, flag | droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness | |
sag, sag down | Cause to sag | |
Broader | change posture | Undergo a change in bodily posture |
Similar to | drop | Let fall to the ground |
slump, fall off, sink | fall heavily or suddenly | |
Spanish | caerse, caer, dejar caer, hundirse, hundir, sumirse | |
Catalan | caure's, enfonsar-se, enfonsar, ensorrar-se, esfondrar, sumir-se | |
Nouns | drop | a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies |
Meaning | terminate an association with. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody | |
Example | "drop him from the Republican ticket" | |
Broader | remove | Remove from a position or an office |
Similar to | dismiss, send packing, send away, drop | stop associating with |
Spanish | eliminar, rechazar |
Meaning | Utter with seeming casualness. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Examples |
| |
Broader | express, verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue to | articulate |
Spanish | soltar |
Meaning | stop pursuing or acting. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "drop a lawsuit" | |
Synonym | knock off | |
Narrower | nolle pros, nolle prosequi, nol.pros. | Drop prosecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records |
Broader | discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off | put an end to a state or an activity |
Spanish | abandonar, dejar | |
Catalan | abandonar, deixar |
Meaning | Leave or unload. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP | |
Example | "drop off the passengers at the hotel" | |
Synonyms | drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge | |
Narrower | air-drop | Drop (an object) from the air |
wharf | Discharge at a wharf | |
Broader | deliver | Bring to a destination, make a delivery |
Spanish | dejar, descargar | |
Catalan | deixar, descarregar | |
Nouns | drop | a central depository where things can be left or picked up |
Meaning | Cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something | |
Model | They drop the trees | |
Synonyms | fell, strike down, cut down | |
Cause to | descend, fall, go down, come down | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
Entailed by | undercut | cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fall |
Narrower | chop down | cut down |
cut | fell by sawing | |
log, lumber | cut lumber, as in woods and forests / forests | |
poleax, poleaxe | fell with or as if with a poleax / poleax | |
Broader | cut | separate with or as if with an instrument |
Spanish | derribar, talar |
Meaning | Lose (a game / game / game). | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13" | |
Category | sport, athletics | An active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition |
Broader | lose | fail to win |
Meaning | pay out. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something on somebody | |
Synonyms | spend, expend | |
Narrower | afford | Be able to spare or give up |
blow | spend lavishly or wastefully on | |
consume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe out | use up (resources or materials) | |
consume, squander, waste, ware | spend extravagantly | |
invest, put, commit, place | make an investment | |
lay out | Spend or invest | |
misspend | spend (money or other resources) unwisely | |
misspend | spend time badly or unwisely | |
penny-pinch, nickel-and-dime | spend money frugally | |
piddle, wanton, wanton away, piddle away, trifle | Waste time | |
save, economize, economise | spend sparingly, avoid the waste of | |
underspend | spend at less than the normal rate | |
wanton, wanton away, trifle away | spend wastefully | |
Broader | pay | Give money, usually in exchange for goods or services |
Spanish | dejar caer, expender, gastar | |
Catalan | gastar |
Meaning | lower the pitch of (musical notes) . | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Synonym | flatten | |
Category | music | An artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner |
Broader | change, alter, modify | Cause to change |
Opposite | sharpen | Raise the pitch of (musical notes) |
Spanish | bajar, engravecer | |
Catalan | abaixar el to, fer greu |
Meaning | hang freely. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP | |
Model | The lights drop from the ceiling | |
Example | "The light dropped from the ceiling" | |
Synonyms | dangle, swing | |
Narrower | droop, loll | hang loosely or laxly |
Broader | hang | Be suspended or hanging |
Spanish | balancearse, caer, columpearse, columpiarse, pender | |
Catalan | balancejar-se, gronxar-se, gronxolar |
Meaning | stop associating with. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s somebody | |
Example | "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock" | |
Synonyms | dismiss, send packing, send away | |
Broader | displace, fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate | Terminate the employment of |
Similar to | drop | terminate an association with |
Spanish | echar, largar | |
Catalan | fer marxar |
Meaning | Let or cause to fall in drops. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something PP | |
Synonyms | dribble, drip | |
Broader | pour | Cause to run |
Similar to | drip | fall in drops |
Spanish | gotear | |
Nouns | drop | a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid / liquid) |
dropper | pipet consisting of a small tube with a vacuum bulb at one end for drawing liquid / liquid in and releasing it a drop at a time |
Meaning | Get rid of. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something | |
Synonyms | shed, cast, cast off, shake off, throw, throw off, throw away | |
Narrower | abscise | shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue |
autotomize, autotomise | Cause a body part to undergo autotomy | |
exfoliate | cast off in scales, laminae, or splinters | |
shed, molt, exuviate, moult, slough | cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers | |
Broader | remove, take, take away, withdraw | Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract |
Spanish | arrojar, dejar caer, despojarse, librarse de, mudar, quitarse de encima, quitarse, sacudirse algo, tirar, vaciar | |
Catalan | desfer-se de, mudar de, treure's |
Meaning | Take (a drug, especially LSD) , by mouth. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "She dropped acid when she was a teenager" | |
Broader | drug, do drugs | Use recreational drugs |
Meaning | Omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's" | |
Broader | elide | leave or strike out |
Meaning | Leave undone or leave out. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE | |
Synonyms | neglect, pretermit, omit, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap | |
Narrower | forget | forget to do something |
jump, pass over, skip, skip over | Bypass | |
Opposite | attend to, take to heart | get down to |
Spanish | omitir | |
Catalan | ometre |
Meaning | change from one level to another. | |
Pattern | Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP | |
Example | "She dropped into army jargon" | |
Broader | change | Undergo a change |
Meaning | Fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s | |
Example | "shop til you drop" | |
Broader | fall | Pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind |
Meaning | Grow worse. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Somebody ----s | |
Synonyms | devolve, deteriorate, degenerate | |
Narrower | languish, fade | Become feeble |
tire, pall, weary, fatigue, jade | Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody | |
waste, rot | Become physically weaker | |
Broader | worsen, decline | Grow worse |
Opposite | recuperate, recover, convalesce | get over an illness or shock |
Spanish | degenerarse, degenerar, deteriorarse, deteriorar | |
Catalan | degenerar-se, degenerar, deteriorar-se, deteriorar, espatllar-se, espatllar |
Meaning | give birth; used for animals. | |
Pattern | Something ----s something | |
Example | "The cow dropped her calf this morning" | |
Broader | give birth, deliver, bear, birth, have | Cause to be born |
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