Español > gastar: 9 sentidos > verbo 1, possessionSentido | pay out. |
Sinónimos | dejar caer, expender |
Específico | agotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reducir | use up (resources or materials) |
ahorrar, economizar | spend sparingly, avoid the waste of |
colocar, invertir, investir | make an investment |
consumir, derrochar, gastar, ingerir, malgastar | spend extravagantly |
despilfarrar, disipar, gastar en baratijas | spend wastefully |
escatimar, permitirse, regatear | Be able to spare or give up |
malgastar | spend (money or other resources) unwisely |
tacañear | spend money frugally |
tirar el dinero | spend lavishly or wastefully on |
General | abonar, cancelar, pagar, retribuir | Give money, usually in exchange for goods or services |
Inglés | spend, expend, drop |
Catalán | gastar |
Adjetivo | caro, costoso | High in price or charging high prices |
Nombres | derrochador, expender, gastador | someone who spends money to purchase goods or services |
desembolso | The act of spending or disbursing money |
desembolso, gasto, gastos | money paid out |
gasto | The act of spending money for goods or services |
Español > gastar: 9 sentidos > verbo 2, contactSentido | wear away. |
Sinónimos | corroerse, desgastar, erosionarse, gastarse, raer |
Implicado por | ponerse áspero | make rough or rougher |
Específico | irritar, rozar | tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading |
raspar | scrape with a rasp |
General | desgastar, erosionar, gastar | diminish, as by friction |
También | acariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregar | Move over something with pressure |
Inglés | abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down, rub off |
Adjetivo | abrasivo | Causing abrasion |
Nombres | abrasivo, material abrasivo | A substance that abrades or wears down |
abrasión | The wearing down of rock / rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice |
abrasión, corrasion, corrosión, desgaste, rozadura | erosion by friction |
abrasión, arañazo, rasgadura, rasguño, raspadura, roce | An abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off |
friega | The act of rubbing down, usually for relaxation or medicinal purposes |
Español > gastar: 9 sentidos > verbo 4, changeSentido | Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly. |
Sinónimos | arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar |
General | arrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romper | Destroy completely |
Inglés | lay waste to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge |
Catalán | arrasar, assolar, desgastar, destrossar, devastar, gastar |
Nombres | adversidad, calamidad, desgracia, maldición, perdición, ruina | Something causing misery or death |
desnudez, desolación | A bleak / bleak and desolate atmosphere |
desolación, devastación | An event that results in total destruction |
desolación, devastación | The state of being decayed or destroyed |
destrucción, devastación | The termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists |
destructor, destruidor, ruiner | A person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to |
devastación, estrago | plundering with excessive damage and destruction |