VERBO | possession | gastar, dejar caer, expender | pay out |
contact | gastar, corroerse, desgastar, erosionarse, gastarse, raer | wear away | |
contact | gastar, desgastar, erosionar | diminish, as by friction | |
change | gastar, arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar | cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly | |
consumption | gastar, consumir, derrochar, ingerir, malgastar | spend extravagantly | |
possession | gastar | spend completely | |
possession | gastar, acabar, agotar, cansar, minar | deplete | |
contact | gastar, deshilacharse, deshilarse, raerse, roerse | wear away by rubbing | |
consumption | gastar, agotar | use to the limit |
Sentido | wear away. | |
Sinónimos | corroerse, desgastar, erosionarse, gastarse, raer | |
Implicado por | ponerse áspero | make rough or rougher |
Específico | irritar, rozar | tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading |
raspar | scrape with a rasp | |
General | desgastar, erosionar, gastar | diminish, as by friction |
También | acariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregar | Move over something with pressure |
Inglés | abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down, rub off | |
Adjetivo | abrasivo | Causing abrasion |
Nombres | abrasivo, material abrasivo | A substance that abrades or wears down |
abrasión | The wearing down of rock / rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice | |
abrasión, corrasion, corrosión, desgaste, rozadura | erosion by friction | |
abrasión, arañazo, rasgadura, rasguño, raspadura, roce | An abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off | |
friega | The act of rubbing down, usually for relaxation or medicinal purposes |
Sentido | diminish, as by friction. | |
Sinónimos | desgastar, erosionar | |
Específico | corroerse, desgastar, erosionarse, gastarse, gastar, raer | wear away |
General | apartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomar | Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract |
También | descomponerse, desmoronarse | go to pieces |
Inglés | wear away, wear off |
Sentido | Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly. | |
Sinónimos | arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar | |
General | arrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romper | Destroy completely |
Inglés | lay waste to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge | |
Catalán | arrasar, assolar, desgastar, destrossar, devastar, gastar | |
Nombres | adversidad, calamidad, desgracia, maldición, perdición, ruina | Something causing misery or death |
desnudez, desolación | A bleak / bleak and desolate atmosphere | |
desolación, devastación | An event that results in total destruction | |
desolación, devastación | The state of being decayed or destroyed | |
destrucción, devastación | The termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists | |
destructor, destruidor, ruiner | A person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to | |
devastación, estrago | plundering with excessive damage and destruction |
Sentido | spend extravagantly. | |
Sinónimos | consumir, derrochar, ingerir, malgastar | |
Específico | beber | drink excessive amounts of alcohol |
derrochar, dilapidar, disipar, disparar, malgastar, prodigar | spend frivolously and unwisely | |
derrochar, despilfarrar, malgastar, prodigar | expend profusely | |
despilfarrar, hacerse un cariñito, parrandear | indulge oneself | |
General | dejar caer, expender, gastar | pay out |
Inglés | consume, squander, waste, ware | |
Catalán | consumir, dilapidar, ingerir | |
Nombres | derrochador, despilfarrador, dilapidador, malgastador, pródigo | A recklessly extravagant consumer |
derrochador, despilfarrador | someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently | |
derroche, despilfarro, dilapidación, disipación | useless or profitless activity | |
dispendio, mal empleo | spending resources lavishly and wastefully |
Sentido | spend completely. | |
Específico | excederse en gastos | spend more than available of (a budget) |
gastar menos | spend less than the whole of (a budget, for example) | |
General | agotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reducir | use up (resources or materials) |
Inglés | spend | |
Catalán | consumir, esgotar, exhaurir, gastar | |
Nombres | derrochador, despilfarrador, gastador, manirroto, manisuelto, pródigo | someone who spends money prodigally |
desembolso | The act of spending or disbursing money |
Sentido | deplete. | |
Sinónimos | acabar, agotar, cansar, minar | |
General | agotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reducir | use up (resources or materials) |
Inglés | run down, exhaust, play out, sap, tire | |
Catalán | cansar, esgotar, minar | |
Nombres | agotamiento | The act of exhausting something entirely |
minador, zapador | A military engineer who lays or detects and disarms mines |
Sentido | wear away by rubbing. | |
Sinónimos | deshilacharse, deshilarse, raerse, roerse | |
General | descomponerse, desmoronarse | go to pieces |
Inglés | fray, frazzle | |
Catalán | desfer, desfilar-se, desfilar, desgastar, esfilagarsar, esfilegar-se, esfilegar, esfilegassar-se, esfilegassar |
Sentido | Use to the limit. | |
Sinónimo | agotar | |
General | gastarse | Use to the utmost |
Inglés | tax, task |
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